The marriage between Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng can be said to be a perfect match made in heaven. Lin Huiyin was a famous beauty and talented woman during the Republic of China. Her romantic talents moved the hearts of countless people. Liang Sicheng is also one of the most fam

The marriage between Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng can really be said to be a match made in heaven, an incomparable match. Lin Huiyin was a famous beauty and talented woman during the Republic of China. Her romantic talents moved the hearts of countless people. And Liang Sicheng is also one of the most famous children of Liang Qichao . Liang Sicheng's talent cannot be explained clearly in just a few words. What is even more coincidental is that both Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin were very passionate about architecture, and their marriage also contributed to the peak of each other's careers.

It's a pity that Lin Huiyin's health has been in poor health, and in the end he passed away prematurely. After that, Liang Sicheng started a controversial marriage. His second wife's name is Lin Zhu. Seriously, she is still a fellow villager of Lin Huiyin. However, Lin Zhu is far from as talented as Lin Huiyin, and she can only become an ordinary housewife.

After Lin Zhu married Liang Sicheng, he had to endure hardships for ten years. After Liang Sicheng passed away, Lin Zhu did something that was criticized by the world. He sold all Lin Huiyin's dowry for 2.18 million. How should we evaluate the marriage between Liang Sicheng and Lin Zhu?

The two got married despite objections

Mr. Liang Sicheng, a famous Chinese architect, has experienced two marriages in his life. His first wife, whose fame was not inferior to him at all, was Bai Yueguang during the Republic of China, Ms. Lin Huiyin. Lin Huiyin is so highly regarded, in fact, not only because of her beauty or superb social skills, but also not only because of the love and hatred between her and the intellectuals of the Republic of China.

The most important thing is that, without these external auras, Lin Huiyin himself is also a very respectable architect. First of all, her knowledge is very rich. Lin Huiyin had been following Liang Sicheng around in his early years. The couple witnessed the style of Chinese ancient buildings together and studied the changes of ancient buildings together.

Lin Huiyin can often detect what Liang Sicheng is thinking immediately. The ideological realm of the two of them is highly consistent, so when it comes to the protection of Beijing's ancient city walls, this couple of architects also work hard to protect the ancient buildings like their own children.

Therefore, Lin Huiyin’s charm is not only reflected in her external conditions, but also in her grand structure and noble feelings for her family and country.

But in comparison, Liang Sicheng's second wife Lin Zhu is not enough. Lin Zhu was originally a fellow villager of Lin Huiyin, and Lin Huiyin always took good care of her. Even Lin Zhu's first husband was a student of Liang Sicheng. But after Lin Huiyin passed away, Lin Zhu transformed into a white-eyed wolf-like existence and entered the homes of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin.

At that time, Lin Zhu resolutely chose to divorce because her husband's career was in trouble. What she did felt to others to be a breach of trust. And her marriage to Liang Sicheng made Liang Sicheng experience the feeling of betrayal and separation from relatives. When Liang Sichen decided to marry Lin Zhu, many of his friends proposed to break off their relationship with him. Moreover, he and Lin Huiyin's daughter also publicly said that as long as Lin Zhu comes in, she will never return to this home in her life.

Despite everyone's objections, the two men married each other despite objections. But for Liang Sicheng at this time, perhaps he has lost the ability to love, and just wants to find someone to take care of him for the rest of his life.

Suffering from humiliation, for a full ten years

After marrying Liang Sicheng, Lin Zhu thought that he would live a life more like Lin Huiyin. But she still thought too much. What she didn't know was that the reason why Lin Huiyin was able to make so many good friends and have such a wide network of contacts was not only because she was Liang Sicheng's wife, but also because Lin Huiyin's own abilities made it worthy for so many people to be friends with her.

But it is obvious that Lin Zhu does not have such ability at all. Therefore, the friends around Liang Sicheng who are still willing to associate with him have never wanted to see Lin Zhu.Every time their friends got together with each other about high-end topics, Lin Su would definitely be unable to get involved. The Lin Huiyin of the past was definitely not like this.

Not only did his friends dislike him, but his family also disliked Lin Zhu. Out of some jealousy, Lin Zhu secretly took down the portrait of Lin Huiyin hanging at home and replaced it with a photo of himself. When the daughter of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin learned about this incident, her first reaction was to rush into the house and give Lin Zhu a hard slap in the face.

Lin Zhu felt that he had been greatly wronged, so he ran to Liang Sicheng to complain. But who knew that Liang Sicheng didn't turn to her, but instead advised her not to go too far. Lin Zhu may have finally realized at this time that no matter how unwilling he was, he would never be able to replace Lin Huiyin's position.

Not only that, she must fully accept all the problems left by Lin Huiyin, such as Lin Huiyin's old mother. The old man has a bad temper, and it is even more unpleasant to look at Lin Zhu. But Liang Sicheng decided to take care of the elderly for the rest of his life, so Lin Zhu had to follow her husband's decision.

Sold the dowry and nailed the pillar of shame

This submissive marriage lasted for ten years. It wasn't until Liang Sicheng's death that Lin Zhu finally got rid of the shadow brought by Lin Huiyin on him. But this was just what she thought. In fact, the shadow brought by Lin Huiyin followed Lin Zhu throughout her life and could not be eliminated until her death.

If we say that all the things she did before were just out of woman's jealousy. So what she did after Liang Sicheng's death made herself firmly nailed to the pillar of shame. Lin Zhu actually wanted to erase all traces left by Lin Huiyin and sell off his dowry. Those are very valuable cultural relics. Perhaps to be precise, they should be described as precious. world classic architectural books, embroidery books left over from the Qing Dynasty, and Lin Huiyin’s painstaking collection were sold by Lin Zhu for 2.18 million.

This disgusting behavior declares that Lin Zhu will never be on the stage in his life.


In fact, seriously speaking, Lin Soo is a pitiful and hateful woman. The most hateful thing about her was that when she compiled and published works related to Liang Sicheng in her later years, she erased all Lin Huiyin's contributions out of selfish motives and misled many audiences.

If you think about it carefully, Lin Zhu is really pathetic. Her second marriage and the rest of her life were shrouded in the shadow of the goddess Lin Huiyin, and she could never get out. The

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