It's your 101st birthday. It is you who stained the dawn of New China with your blood. It is you who illuminate our journey with your flame. In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held.

party! We will always follow you

author; Zhang Daming

party! Wise Party

July 1, 2022

is your 101st birthday

For more than a hundred years

It is you who stained the dawn of New China with your blood

It is you who illuminates our journey with flames

You smashed the decayed iron gate with a hammer

You cut off the dark history with a sickle

Under your wise leadership

The martyrs took up the sword and gun to resist the great powers

Destroyed an old world

Our motherland is no longer torn apart

Our nation is no longer allowed to be bullied

We ride the wind and waves to create a prosperous and powerful civilization

We cannot forget

Today a hundred years ago

More than a dozen small fires

Burned all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland

From The long tassel of the Autumn Harvest Uprising

to August 1 The gunshots of the uprising

From the horn at the top of Jinggang Mountain

to The tenacity on the Long March

You are like a beacon guiding us forward

Overcoming all difficulties and dangers to create earth-shattering deeds

Winning the victory of the Long March

Fighting out of the land of China The beautiful scenery

In 1949, the founding of the People's Republic of China

started a new journey of socialist revolution and construction

In 1978, the Party's Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held

to emancipate the mind, and reform and opening up were fully launched.

It was you who led us

to Declaration of war on poverty

The hard-working hands of hundreds of millions of people

Breaking out of the danger of poverty

Creating a comprehensively well-off society today

Flowers blooming for prosperity

Spring thunder singing for the motherland

A hundred years of tireless pursuit

Carrying the expectations of the nation’s future

The great motherland being harmonious and prosperous

The majestic mountains are strong in your arms

We are the descendants of the Chinese nation

We cry out with blazing faith

Firmly support your leadership

Firm Four confidence , do two maintenance

Never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind

Always forge ahead with you

Create the future and fight to the end for the second century

June 28, 2022

About the author

Zhang Daming, (pen name Guangwen, Guangnong, Wu Ming, screen name Maple Leaf Autumn Color) male, member of the Communist Party of China , civil servant, with the title of agronomist, retired in 2012, currently the vice president and secretary-general of the Ningqiang County Gerontology Society, a member of the County Old Science Association, the County Photography Art Association, a member of the Hanzhong Writers Association, and a specially invited writer of literature and history of the County CPPCC . Newsletter reports, research reports, papers, literary poems, and photographic works are scattered in provincial and municipal newspapers, magazines, and websites.