An article was published on the website of the Professional Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy, recalling the efforts made by the founders of the Democratic Progressive Party to sow the desire for the reunification of the motherland in the land of H

Zhu Yongxin’s press: On July 1, we ushered in the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. An article was published on the website of the Professional Committee of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy, recalling the great efforts that the sages of the Democratic Progressive Party of China sowed their desire for the reunification of the motherland in the land of Hong Kong and for the founding of New China and the return of Hong Kong to Hong Kong.

1948, Democracy in Hong Kong

In the second half of 1947, the Kuomintang's white terror of persecuting democrats became increasingly serious. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China instructed CCP organizations in Shanghai, Hong Kong and other places to try to protect a large number of famous democrats who secretly moved to Hong Kong. Democratic Progressive leaders Ma Xulun, Wang Shaochao, Xu Guangping, Xu Boxin, etc. also arrived in Hong Kong from the end of 1947 to 1948, and continued to carry out patriotic anti-Chiang activities in cooperation with various democratic and progressive forces in Hong Kong.

On New Year's Day 1948, Ma Xulun arrived in Hong Kong. The next day, the democratic parties in Hong Kong and people from all walks of life in culture, industry and commerce held a group worship ceremony at Jinling Restaurant and welcomed Ma Xulun to Hong Kong from Shanghai. More than 100 people attended the ceremony, including Liu Yazi, Shen Junru, Peng Zemin, Tan Pingshan, Chen Shaoxian, Zhu Yunshan, Wang Shaochao, Chen Qiyou, Fangfang.

Since there were not many democratic progressive members in Hong Kong at that time, Ma Xulun, Wang Shaochao, and Xu Boxin contacted democrats such as Li Jishen, Shen Junru, Zhang Bojun, Guo Moruo, Ma Yinchu, and held weekly dinner parties to discuss the domestic situation. Discuss fighting strategies. At the same time, Ma Xulun, with his sharp pen, continued to write articles that exposed and criticized the crimes of the Kuomintang, publicized and praised the political ideas of the Communist Party, and inspired and inspired the masses to fight. Later, the number of members of the Democratic Progressive Party who went to Hong Kong gradually increased, and at the same time, some local democrats in the cultural circles were recruited to join the organization, and the activities of the Democratic Progressive Party in Hong Kong gradually became active.

In early 1948, U.S. President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall proposed an aid bill to Congress to further support Chiang Kai-shek in expanding the civil war. The Kuomintang continued to sell out its national sovereignty and signed unequal treaties such as the " Sino-U.S. Naval Agreement " with the United States. In return. This once again aroused the anti-American wave of people across the country, and the Democratic Progressive Party also actively participated in the struggle in Hong Kong.

htmlOn December 3, the Democratic Progressive Party, together with the Kuomintang , Democratic League, Peasants and Workers, Zhi Gong and other political parties, jointly issued a statement on "Non-Recognition of Treasonous Treaties" in Hong Kong, expressing their "firm opposition to such loans to China that deepen the suffering of the Chinese people." , and at the same time will never recognize any treasonous treaty signed by the Nanjing dictatorship government that harms China's sovereignty." On the 24th, Ma Xulun published an article titled "The Chinese People Will Not Be Deceived Again" in the "Chinese Business Daily", profoundly revealing that the US policy of aggression against China "is to protect his capitalist America" ​​and "is to protect the few major politicians in the United States. Capitalist" "want to use China as his anti-Soviet base." Now, the Nanjing government is about to collapse. This is "what the United States is most worried about, because after the Nanjing government collapses, the United States will have no tools to serve him." . However, the Chinese people will no longer be deceived and will never be fooled by rhetoric. He warned the US government not to use this method to deceive the awakened Chinese people.

In order to hinder the smooth progress of the Chinese revolution, the reactionaries of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek created another conspiracy. They planned to establish the "Social Economic Research Association" in Peking to foster the so-called "new third force" in an attempt to divide the democratic parties ,destroy. In fact, the so-called "new third force" is actually the " middle line " that has been recognized by all democratic parties. On February 26, Ma Xulun published an article "Exposing the Peace Talks Conspiracy" in the "Huashang Daily"; on March 3, Shen Junru, Tan Pingshan, Ma Xulun, Guo Moruo, Deng Chumin, Hou Wailu, Shao Quanlin, etc., wrote " "Peace Talks Conspiracy and "Liberalism"", held a symposium in the "Huashang Daily", focusing on criticizing the "liberal" movement and the "middle line", and exposing the "peace talks conspiracy" attacking the US-Chiang reactionaries. Ma Xulun made a speech at the meeting entitled "Winning the middle-level business community to jointly combat this conspiracy.""Chinese Business Daily" also opened a column "Criticism of the "Socio-Economic Research Association"" to expose the reactionary essence of the "new third aspect". Ma Xulun published in his column "Professors in Pinghu, don't be fooled!" 》《Did this save the life of the Nanjing dictatorship? " and other articles pointed out that the so-called "Social Economic Research Association" and the "new third aspect" and the "middle line" are all on the same line. He advised the deceived intellectuals to step back from the brink and withdraw as soon as possible.

In April 1948, Guo Moruo, Tan Pingshan, Cai Tingkai, Shen Junru, He Xiangning, and Ma Xulun (first from the right) were in Hong Kong.

html In April, teachers and students from colleges and universities in Peiping, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places launched large-scale struggles against hunger, persecution and survival, but were brutally suppressed by the authorities. On the 20th, Ma Xulun published the article "We Should Make Great Strides Forward", angrily denounced the Kuomintang's new crimes and loudly called on the people across the country to stand up bravely and fight the final struggle against the dictatorship. On April 25, the Democratic Progressive Party called the students in Pingjin and Tianjin from Hong Kong to express condolences. The next day, Ma Xulun, Wang Shaochao and more than 100 pro-democracy figures in Hong Kong jointly sent a phone call to express condolences to teachers and students in Pingjin.

htmlOn April 26, the Democratic Progressive Party issued a "Declaration" in Hong Kong, expressing its complete denial of all resolutions of the so-called president, vice president and puppet National Congress manipulated by the Kuomintang in the election, as well as all future puppet governments and all actions of the puppet government. The "Declaration" solemnly declares: "Now the power of the Chinese people has grown. Their only determination is to return the Republic of China to the people, and to truly own the Republic of China for the Chinese nation. Not only do they want to eliminate the Nanjing dictatorship, they also Drive out the evil forces of U.S. imperialism that use the Nanjing dictatorship as a tool, plot to seize China as its anti-Soviet base, and help it pretend to be a democratic China and deceive the world. "

On April 21, 1948, the Chinese People's Liberation Army recovered! In Yan'an, the holy land of revolution, the news came, and everyone in the Democratic Progressive Party rejoiced. On the 23rd, Ma Xulun, chief director of the Democratic Progressive Party and external representative of the Shanghai Federation of People's Organizations, congratulated Mao Zedong for Yan'an's great honor. The full text is as follows:

Mr. Mao Runzhi:

In the past, we worked together at Peking University . We missed each other and missed each other's grace, doubling our love. enterprise. Mr. Xiang led the people, struggled for thirty years, saved lives, and was welcomed wherever he went. I am so relieved to hear that Yan'an has been recovered. The people's fortune is cold, and the inner world is full of color. From then on, the trend of righteousness and love is like running water; against the trend, it disappears, and the embers are swept away by Gu Gu. World peace requires our country to lay its foundation; human liberation requires us to shoulder its mission. It is a tribute to express his gratitude and work hard to serve the country.

Ma Xulun

This congratulatory letter fully expresses the DPP’s admiration for the Communist Party of China and its leader Mao Zedong. It also fully reflects the DPP’s strong determination to follow the Communist Party of China.

On April 21, 1948, the People's Liberation Army regained Yan'an. On the 23rd, Ma Xulun called Mao Zedong to express his congratulations.

On April 30, 1948, the Communist Party of China issued the "May Day Slogan" of great historical significance, calling on "all democratic parties, people's organizations and social sages to quickly convene a political consultative meeting to discuss and implement the convening of the People's Congress , established a democratic coalition government. "The Democratic Progressive Party immediately expressed its firm support and enthusiastic support, and issued a separate "Declaration" in Hong Kong in response to the "May Day Slogan", publicly and solemnly announcing for the first time that the Democratic Progressive Party would unite around the Communist Party of China and participate in the democratic movement led by the Communist Party of China. Patriotic and democratic united front.

The first local organization of the Democratic Progressive Party - Hong Kong and Kowloon Branch

After the second half of 1947, as the Democratic Progressive Party members gradually moved to Hong Kong, the leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party, Ma Xulun, Wang Shaochao, Xu Guangping, Xu Boxin, etc., cooperated with all aspects of democracy in Hong Kong Progressive forces continued to carry out patriotic anti-Chiang activities. At that time, the responsible comrade of the CCP who directly led the Democratic Progressive Party to participate in important revolutionary struggles was Pan Hannian. The CCP members who were specifically connected with the work of the Democratic Progressive Party included comrades Meng Qiujiang, Sima Wensen, Wen Chongshi and other comrades.

The development of the Democratic Progressive Party's activities in Hong Kong and Kowloon attracted a group of intellectuals and progressive business people living in Hong Kong and Kowloon who were engaged in culture, education, and publishing. In order to meet the needs of the struggle situation, preparations were made for the establishment of the Democratic Progressive Party on June 26, 1948. Hong Kong and Kowloon Branch. Meng Qiujiang, Sima Wensen, Chen Qiu'an and other seven people are preparatory committee members, and Chen Qiu'an is the convener. In August of the same year, the Hong Kong and Kowloon Branch of the Democratic Progressive Party held its official founding meeting on the 3rd floor of 8 O'Brien Road, Hong Kong. It was the first local organization established by the Democratic Progressive Party in the country.

The former address of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Branch of the Democratic Progressive Party

In April 1949, the People's Liberation War entered a decisive stage. In order to cooperate with the liberation of South China, the Democratic Progressive Headquarters decided to change the Hong Kong and Kowloon Branch of the Democratic Progressive Party to the South China Branch. Guangzhou was liberated on October 14. Comrades such as Chen Ludi, Liang Chunfu, Hu Mingshu and other members of the Democratic Progressive Party entered Guangzhou with the army to participate in the work of the Military Control Commission. Comrades Chen Qiu'an, Fan Xingdeng and other comrades also returned to Guangzhou one after another. The South China Branch of the Democratic Progressive Party also moved from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.

In April 1950, after the First National Congress of the Democratic Progressive Party was held, the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party decided to move South China to South China because it was a liberated area, close to Hong Kong and Macao, there were not many cadres in the South China branch, and the organizational line had decided to develop in large and medium-sized cities first. The branch was changed to the Guangzhou Branch, and the Preparatory Committee of the Guangzhou Branch for the Advancement of Democracy was established in August of the same year. In 1952, in order to rectify the organization and change the membership structure, the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party requested the assistance of the United Front Work Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China to reorganize the preparatory committee of the Guangzhou branch of the Democratic Progressive Party, with the highly respected Sun Yat-sen University President Xu Chongqing as the chairman. Chen Qiu'an, Lu Xiangcang, and Li Xiehua are deputy chairmen.

On February 22, 1953, the first membership meeting of the Democratic Progressive Party in Guangzhou was held, and the first council was elected.

Lei Jieqiong participated in the drafting work of Hong Kong Basic Law

On April 10, 1985, the third session of the Sixth National People's Congress decided to establish the Basic Law Drafting Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, responsible for drafting the Hong Kong Basic Law. The drafting committee is composed of famous figures and experts in various fields, with a total of 59 people, including 34 mainland members and 25 Hong Kong members. Lei Jieqiong was elected as a member.

In July of the same year, the drafting committee began work and completed the drafting task in February 1990, which lasted four years and eight months. During this period, the Drafting Committee held a total of nine plenary meetings. Lei Jieqiong attended each meeting and fully expressed her personal opinions and suggestions.

Although Lei Jieqiong was already in her 80s at the time, she was in good health and had very good energy and memory. The Drafting Committee of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has five special groups. Lei Jieqiong is a member of the political system special group and participated in the specific drafting work. In September 1986, Lei Jieqiong visited Hong Kong with the special group to conduct on-site investigations, communicate with members and consultants of the Hong Kong Basic Law Advisory Committee, and listen to opinions and suggestions from people from all walks of life on the drafting of the Basic Law. During the three weeks of her visit to Hong Kong, 81-year-old Lei Jieqiong participated in more than 110 symposiums and listened extensively to the opinions and reactions of people from all walks of life in Hong Kong on the draft Basic Law.

In the past few years, Lei Jieqiong participated in 19 meetings held by the political system special group in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Kunming and other places to study and discuss the drafts of relevant provisions drafted by the special group.

On July 15, 1987, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Selection Committee was established. Lei Jieqiong, as a member of the jury, participated in all selection activities.

On August 21, 1987, the first meeting of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Flag and Regional Emblem Selection Committee was held in Beijing.

After the draft of the Hong Kong Basic Law was released, opinion solicitation activities were launched in Hong Kong and the mainland. Lei Jieqiong participated in the activities to solicit opinions in the mainland. She personally gave a report at a report meeting held by the Central Committee for the Advancement of Democracy to promote the Basic Law, explaining the content and drafting work of the Basic Law, and soliciting everyone's opinions.

In December 1987, Mr. Fok Ying-tung and his wife hosted a banquet for members attending the sixth meeting of the Basic Law Drafting Committee, with Lei Jieqiong in the middle.

In February 1990, the Drafting Committee successfully completed the task of drafting the Hong Kong Basic Law. On April 4 of the same year, the third session of the Seventh National People's Congress passed the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and made a decision to establish the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. When Deng Xiaoping met with members of the Drafting Committee, he spoke highly of the Hong Kong Basic Law, calling it a "law of historic and international significance" and a "creative masterpiece."

In February 1990, Deng Xiaoping shook hands with Lei Jieqiong when he met with all members of the Hong Kong Basic Law Drafting Committee.

In 1997, on that day that will forever be remembered in the history of the Chinese nation, 92-year-old Lei Jieqiong flew to Hong Kong as a member of the Chinese delegation to attend the handover ceremony of power, and witnessed this national event and century celebration in person. At the handover ceremony of Hong Kong's power between China and Britain, this century-old man couldn't help but feel his heart surge with emotion and his eyes filled with tears.

On June 30, 1997, seven female members of the central delegation who participated in the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the swearing-in ceremony of the SAR government took a group photo at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center . In the front row, on the left is Deng Xiaoping’s wife, Zhuo Lin, and on the right is Lei Jieqiong.

Hong Kong has gone through 25 extraordinary years with the motherland

Hong Kong has gone through 25 extraordinary years

After the baptism of years

Through the changing times

The Pearl of the Orient is more glorious than ever In the past

Bless Hong Kong

Bless the motherland

Tomorrow will definitely be better

Source: According to "Democracy" Organizing magazine related articles