"I have been away from Shaoshan for many years, and this time I come back just to invite the villagers to a meal. Let's all come tomorrow night!" Chairman Mao said excitedly in the crowd. As soon as he finished speaking, applause rang out like thunder.

"I left Shaoshan to work in for many years. This time I came back just to invite the villagers to a meal. Let's all come tomorrow night!" Chairman Mao said excitedly in the crowd. As soon as he finished speaking, the applause sounded like thunder.

"Chairman, you have been away from Shaoshan for so many years. The folks in your hometown miss you very much. Let us treat you to this meal tomorrow night!" As a relative of Chairman Mao's hometown, Mao Jisheng rubbed his hands and kept saying He persuaded me.

"This is not possible. I have to pay for this meal myself. This has been my long-cherished wish for many years." Chairman Mao shook his hand and said to the villagers.

Now that the chairman had made up his mind, Mao Jisheng said nothing more. Next, Chairman Mao stood up, pointed at everyone and said: "You are all my guests, and you will all come tomorrow!"

In 1959, Chairman Mao returned to his hometown of Shaoshan Chong after 32 years. As for why, Suddenly he thought of going back to his hometown. Chairman Mao had just finished inspecting work in Wuhan before. On his way south, he suddenly had a sudden impulse and told everyone that he wanted to go back to his hometown.

After simple preparations, Chairman Mao appeared in Shaoshan Chong. Faced with Chairman Mao who had been away for a long time, the folks in his hometown were extremely excited. Those in the house put down their needlework, and those in the fields threw away Taking out the hoe in their hands, the villagers rushed out to see Chairman Mao's face.

Chairman Mao was very excited about the reaction of his fellow villagers. He kept saying to the villagers who came out to welcome him: "The revolution has won! I am back to visit everyone!"

Earlier that day, Chairman Mao visited Shaoshan reservoir and couldn’t resist swimming in it for a while. In the afternoon, Chairman Mao and the villagers started talking in the village. When they were in the mood, Chairman Mao suddenly made a request to invite everyone to his home for dinner.

The flattered people thought that the chairman was just joking. It was not until the chairman repeatedly emphasized that everyone realized that the chairman was not just a whim, but really wanted to invite everyone to have a feast!

So, why did Chairman Mao do such a thing? In 1927, for the sake of the revolutionary plan and the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle of the entire nation, Chairman Mao had to leave his hometown where he had lived for many years and the villagers who loved him deeply. From this moment on, the chairman's footprints have spread all over the country, but his belief in his heart remains firm - until China is liberated, how can he have the face to go back to see his father and fellow villagers?

After the founding of New China in 1949, Chairman Mao once thought of taking the time to go back to Shaoshan, take a look, and experience the living conditions of the elders in his hometown. However, even such a simple and honest wish seemed impossible at the time. of. The country had just experienced decades of war, with lax discipline and a lot of waste waiting to be done. Chairman Mao was so busy that even eating and sleeping had become a luxury. How could he have the extra time and energy to go south to his hometown?

A year later, Chairman Mao entrusted his son Mao Anying to return to his hometown in Hunan on his behalf. Obviously, the folks in his hometown were very curious and enthusiastic about this descendant of Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao hopes to tell everyone in this way that he has not forgotten the kindness of his fellow villagers back then, and he will always care about his hometown.

html After 2007, Chairman Mao finally planned to put the matter of "going home" on the agenda. Luo Ruiqing, who was in charge of security work, learned about the matter and immediately started to deal with it. In April of that year, he went to Chairman Mao's hometown and confirmed After receiving the basic situation and safety information, Luo Ruiqing informed Chairman Mao that he was ready and was only waiting for the Chairman's order.

Perhaps because he was worried that emergencies would inevitably occur along the way, Luo Ruiqing was still worried. A few days later, he found Mao Huasong, a local staff member in Shaoshan Chong. Luo Ruiqing mysteriously told him that all unexpected factors must be eliminated no matter what, so that Mao The chairman will not be troubled by security issues along the way.

Luo Ruiqing also told Mao Huasong that before the Chairman returned home, he should immediately report to him the situation of the Chairman's relatives, classmates, friends and the families of the martyrs. After confirming that all work had been implemented, Luo Ruiqing quietly waited for Chairman Mao's instructions. .

In June 1959, Chairman Mao, who was in Changsha, made several demands to Luo Ruiqing:

First, he was not allowed to lead troops to follow him. This trip was just to return to his hometown to visit relatives, not to fight to kill the enemy.

Second, after arriving at Shaoshan, all actions must be subject to Chairman Mao's command, and he must not interfere casually, including Chairman Mao's personal activities.

Third, we must be close to the masses and our relatives. Only in this way can we carry out our work better and truly understand the difficulties of the people.

Faced with Chairman Mao's "Three Chapters of the Agreement", Luo Ruiqing could only accept it in full. During this period, an interesting story happened. When Chairman Mao arrived at Shaoshan Chong, he jokingly said to the people around him: "Go and take the 'mountain gods' here with them." Please come out."

Chairman Mao's meaning was obvious. He asked to meet with the person in charge of the Shaoshan Chong area. Several comrades immediately took action and soon found Mao Huasong and Mao Jisheng. The two people looked at Chairman Mao and couldn't believe their eyes. They froze in place and could not recover until Chairman Mao approached them with a smile and shook hands with them one by one.

Chairman Mao asked about the specific positions and work of the two of them. After getting a clear answer, Chairman Mao said with great satisfaction: "Your work is good. You are all free people. Unlike me, you can only return home." Now you are truly free." As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people laughed, and everyone was impressed by Chairman Mao's humor.

"Chairman, do you still remember me? I went to your house in 1954!" Mao Jisheng asked unhurriedly.

"Who are you?" Chairman Mao had a hint of doubt on his face.

"I am a step-sheng! Has the chairman forgotten me?" Mao Jisheng raised his voice, trying to awaken the chairman's long-lost memories.

"I remember, oops, I can't even recognize my uncle with my eyes." Chairman Mao patted his head and said with some regret.

It turns out that 5 years ago, Mao Jisheng went to Beijing to attend an important work meeting as a representative of Shaoshan Chong District. During this period, he happened to meet Chairman Mao in Beidaihe. The latter immediately invited him to Beidaihe after learning about Mao Jisheng's identity. We stayed for three days. These three days were the happiest memories of Mao Jisheng's life.

After three days of face-to-face conversations with Chairman Mao, Mao Jisheng embarked on a journey back to his hometown. Chairman Mao bid farewell to him very warmly in Beijing. During the conversation with Mao Jisheng, Chairman Mao learned about the living conditions of the elders in his hometown and became more aware of it. He strengthened his determination to go home and visit in person one day.

Chairman Mao was very excited to see Mao Jisheng again. The two of them walked and chatted. In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the Shaoshan Guest House. Seeing the enthusiastic fellow villagers, Chairman Mao suddenly thought of something and said to everyone: "Tomorrow Everyone, come to my house for dinner!" After that, Chairman Mao counted the folks in his hometown in detail. During

, a barefoot man jumped out of the crowd excitedly. Chairman Mao was startled by this sudden appearance at first, but when he looked carefully, he saw that it was Maohua Village!

After the greetings, Chairman Mao learned that Maohua Village had eaten early that morning and went to the fields to do farm work. Later, someone from the passing villagers told him that Chairman Mao had gone home. Mao was overwhelmed with joy. Huacun immediately put down his hoe and ran out of the field quickly.

When he arrived at the guest house, he realized that he was so excited that he forgot his shoes at the edge of the field. Looking at his dirty legs covered with mud, Mao Huacun also laughed awkwardly. However, Chairman Mao didn't mind Mao Huacun's appearance at all. Instead, he praised him for his easy-going speech and cordially invited him to sit next to him.

After that, Chairman Mao asked his entourage to bring a pair of big leather shoes to Maohua Village. Chairman Mao gave this thing to Maohua Village who came to see him barefoot, which made people laugh. The people laughing were not Maohua Village. It's a rude thing, but I admire Chairman Mao for being close to the people, loving the people, and holding a high position without forgetting to understand the lives of the people at the lowest level.

After settling in Maohua Village, Chairman Mao began to count the people around him, and formed a preliminary list in his mind, and then listed them in order.

First, cousins, then the families of local martyrs, third, the revolutionary old people in Shaoshan Chong, and finally the local folks. Mao Jisheng, who stood aside, recorded meticulously. In the end, he was sure that Chairman Mao had mentioned the names of more than 40 people in total.

The next night, Mao Jisheng summoned everyone to have dinner at the Chairman's house as the Chairman wished. A reunion dinner of this scale was something Chairman Mao had never imagined before. Chairman Mao has been dreaming of such a scene for more than 60 years, and now it has accomplish.

After having a full meal, Chairman Mao asked to take a group photo with everyone. With two "clicks", this unique meal was preserved forever. In the picture, the villagers crowded around Chairman Mao, every day. Everyone looked happy and smiled so naturally and sincerely.

After the meeting, Chairman Mao deliberately asked the older people to stay and chat with him. Chairman Mao sincerely hoped that the elderly people would put forward their own opinions and experiences to help the Party Central Committee better carry out mass work in the future. At the same time, we can also learn from their mouths the most real changes in Shaoshan Chong over the years.

After bidding farewell to the elderly one by one, Chairman Mao sat in his chair thoughtfully, looking at the white moon in the sky. Chairman Mao recalled his life experiences after leaving his hometown for 32 years, and he felt deeply and wrote immediately The widely circulated "Seven Rules of ·Going to Shaoshan " shows the feelings of the great man of his generation about his family and country.

Before leaving in 1927, the high-spirited Chairman Mao once made a bold statement: "If today's China does not change and the revolution does not succeed, he will not go home for a day!" Now, he has done it, and he has fulfilled his mission to the people of the country. We have fulfilled our original promise with our actual actions.