After a hundred years of humiliation and vicissitudes in modern times, it was you who, with your strong arms, held up the backbone of the Chinese nation! It was you who, together with the people, blood is thicker than water, and in twenty-eight years of blood and fire, you overth

After a hundred years of humiliation and vicissitudes in modern times, it is you who, with your strong arms, has stood up the backbone of the Chinese nation! It is you and the people whose blood is thicker than water. Twenty-eight years of blood and fire overthrew three mountains, and the great nation stood proudly in the east of the world!

This year marks the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. From 1921 to 2022, the Communist Party of China has gone through a century-old journey. During this period, they braved the wind and rain, fought against obstacles, and overcame thorns and thorns. A hundred years of ups and downs and a century of great changes. The Communist Party of China has gone through a great journey of being born amidst internal and external troubles, growing amidst hardships and setbacks, getting stronger in overcoming difficulties, and moving from victory to victory.

The mountains have ridges, and the houses have beams. From 1921 to 2022, from Shikumen to Tiananmen , from the small red boat to the majestic giant ship, the red fire a hundred years ago has already become a prairie fire. Amidst the bursts of gunpowder smoke blowing in our face, we seem to be able to clearly hear the historical footsteps of revolution and construction, and see the majesty of this century, the thrillingness of this century, the earth-shaking changes of this century, and the new look of this century.

The first century has been full of ups and downs, and it has achieved great success in ninety thousand miles. In that turbulent era, the country was in danger. The Chinese entered the 20th century with the humiliation of being captured by the Eight-Power Allied Forces. The fruits of victory of the Revolution of 1911 were stolen by Yuan Shikai. The melee between the Beiyang warlords left the Chinese in the dark unable to see a way out... …But there are always some people who can regard the rise and fall of the country as their own responsibilities and obligations, shine a glimmer of light in the darkness, wake up people in the gloom, and lead them forward.

In 1925 AD, when the revolutionary movement was in full swing, the young Mao Zedong returned to Hunan from Shanghai to prepare for the development of the peasant movement. In August, he arrived in Changsha from Shaoshan. During his stay in Changsha, he revisited Orange Island. Facing the moving autumn scenery on the Xiangjiang River, he wrote a magnificent poem - "Qinyuanchun·Changsha". : In the cold autumn of independence, the Xiangjiang River goes north, the head of Orange Island . See the mountains all red, the forests all dyed; the rivers full of green, with hundreds of boats vying for the current. Eagles strike in the sky, fish fly in the shallows, and all kinds of frost compete for freedom in the sky. With a melancholy outline, I asked the boundless earth, who is responsible for the ups and downs? I brought a hundred couples with me to travel. Reminiscing about the glorious past. Qia's classmate is a young boy who is in his prime; he is a scholarly student and scolds Fang Qiu. Pointing out the country and inspiring words, the excrement of thousands of households. Have you ever remembered that when you hit the water in the middle of the current, the waves stopped the flying boat?

In Mao Zedong's writings, everything in the universe is so vigorous, stretched, free and abundant. At this moment, he uttered a question that shook the heaven and the earth like a yellow bell: "Ask the vast earth, who is responsible for the ups and downs?" Who can be the master of the vast earth?

Those who control the destiny of the earth are neither the illusory God nor the arrogant and cruel warlord rulers, but those of us who take the world as our own responsibility, dare to despise the reactionary rulers, dare to transform the old world, and are bound to create a new world. revolutionary youth!

At that time, Mr. Lu Xun, who was in a foreign land and traveled across the ocean, would sigh like this: There is no way to escape the divine arrow on the spiritual platform, and the storm is like a rock and the hometown is dark. The message is sent to Han Xingquan without notice, I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood (" Self-titled Portrait " by Lu Xun). As I care about the motherland and the people, I understand more and more that China is in darkness and is in danger at this time. He longed for his motherland, which was ravaged by imperialist powers and under the reactionary rule of the Qing Dynasty. There are many disasters and crises everywhere, and the inner worry and anger overflows literally.

The same patriotic sentiment spread among the young people at that time. At that time, Premier Zhou also issued the ambitious goal of "study for the rise of China." A sophisticated group of sciences can help the poor in the world. After facing the wall for ten years and trying to break through it, it is difficult to be rewarded as a hero even if he crosses the sea. It is they who weather the wind and rain, they are the ones who navigate the blue road, and they overcome the thorns and thorns. Without their blood, without their sweat, without their wisdom and courage, dedication and responsibility, our country and people would not be safe and our mountains and rivers would not be in harm's way.

It was the Mao Zedongs who "dare to be the first in the world" who deeply connected the fate of the country with themselves. They were not afraid of hardships and sacrifices, and took on the responsibility of saving the nation and achieving today's magnificent and beautiful scenery. Mountains and rivers.

In the exhibition hall of the National Museum of China, there is a national first-class cultural relic, which is the gallows on which Li Dazhao, the pioneer of the Chinese communist movement, died. On April 28, 1927, Li Dazhao and nineteen other revolutionaries were secretly strangled by Zhang Zuolin. Li Dazhao was the first to go to the gallows. Without hesitation or fear, he made the last speech in his life: "The great communism cannot be hanged just because the reactionaries hang me today. Communism will definitely win a glorious victory in China." "When he went to justice generously, he was only 38 years old, and the young Communist Party was just 6 years old at that time. 94 years later, the Chinese Communist Party for which he sacrificed his life is already the world's largest political party and is in its prime.

Similarly, a year later, Xia Minghan, a member of the Communist Party, was unfortunately arrested. In the early morning of March 20, Hankou Yu Ji was to be escorted to execution. Before the execution, the enemy asked him if he had anything else to say. Xia Minghan said generously: "Yes, bring me some paper!" The reactionaries thought that he was greedy for life and wanted to reveal some more secrets, but they did not expect that he wrote a righteous and awe-inspiring poem. A martyrdom poem that swallows mountains and rivers: It doesn't matter if you behead, as long as the principle is true. Kill Xia Minghan and the people who came after him. 

I wish I could die resisting Japan, I will leave it to shame today. The country has been destroyed like this, why should I regret it (Ji Hongchang, "Poetry on Death"). This poem was written by the anti-Japanese hero Ji Hongchang at the execution ground in 1934. After writing this impassioned martyrdom poem, he told the spy: "I died for the anti-Japanese war. I cannot kneel down and be shot. Even if I die, I cannot fall." "Get off!" After the

chair was moved, Ji Hongchang faced the cold muzzle and said: "I died for the Anti-Japanese War, and I died in an honorable manner. I cannot be shot in the back." The execution agent had no choice but to walk forward angrily. Face to face with him, gun raised.

Facing the ravages of the enemy, facing physical pain, and facing imminent death, many revolutionary martyrs expressed their attitude of seeing death as home in poetry.

The sky is full of wind and snow, and the sky is full of sorrow. Why should the revolution be afraid of beheading (Yang Chao)? When I sing, my voice rises, and the leaves are fragrant ( Wang Daqiang ). Drink bullets and smile calmly to the sky, leaving your majestic spirit in the world forever (Deng Yasheng). The heavy snow pressed down on the green pine trees, which stood tall and straight. You must know that the pine is noble and pure until the snow melts ("Green Pine" Chen Yi ).

Snow is cruel, but pine trees are persevering, willing to bend rather than bend, and brave and fearless. The poet believes that after experiencing the cleansing and baptism of wind and snow, the green pine will show its noble nature. Our party and people will become more heroic and courageous after experiencing wind, frost, rain and snow.

The east is about to dawn, so don’t leave early. People are still young when they travel through the Qingshan Mountains, and the scenery here is uniquely beautiful. The peak outside Huichang City is directly connected to the east. The soldier points to southern Guangdong, which is even more lush and green. When Chairman Mao wrote this poem, he was in the midst of the defeat of the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign. The Red Army suffered heavy losses. At the same time, they were also marginalized and depressed.

But it was at this time that he wrote a poem full of revolutionary optimism spirit, which indicated that the darkness was about to pass and the light was ahead.

No matter what kind of adversity we are in, as a Communist, we always maintain an optimistic attitude and open-minded mind, and we are always full of hope for the future of the revolution!

"For those who have great ambitions to sacrifice, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky. The country is riddled with holes. It is you who have cared for you and healed it with all your heart. In three years, the national economy has been restored. In four years, three major reforms have made China The people are marching on the golden road of socialism with their heads held high!

One hundred years have passed, China has stood up, the Chinese people have stood up, and the Chinese nation has stood up. They have walked a long way in this century. , it’s up to us to continue on.

“Five mountains are rolling with thin waves, and Wumeng is majestic with mud balls.” 80 years ago, the Red Army marched tens of thousands of miles like a rolling iron stream, fighting powerful enemies, crossing rapids, and climbing over snow-capped mountains. , crossed the grass , and completed the Long March that shocked the world.

In October 1934, the fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" failed, and more than 486,000 members of the Central Red Army were forced to make strategic shifts. By October 1936, the First, Second, and Fourth Front Armies of the Red Army met in Huining, Gansu Province, and the Red Army had traveled 25,000 miles.

The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulties of the expedition, and it can only take its time. The five ridges are meandering and the waves are flowing, and the fog is majestic and the mud balls are walking. The golden sand and water are warm against the clouds and the cliffs are warm, while the iron cables across the Dadu Bridge are cold. I am even more happy that there is thousands of miles of snow in Minshan Mountain, and the three armies are all happy after the victory ("Qilu·Long March" by Mao Zedong).

Communists explore amidst twists and turns, advance in triumph, take roads that have not been traveled by their predecessors, and do things that have never been done by their predecessors. Scientific and technological achievements are made frequently, national defense projects are implemented and blossomed, and various undertakings are flourishing. Different achievements, different leaps, shocking miracles, the Chinese are proud and proud, and the Westerners are stunned. The advantages of the system make China perfect, and the wisdom of the Communists shines on China!

In the face of a major disaster and epidemic, the Communist Party has once again been pushed to the forefront. Major disasters and epidemics are big tests. The flood control in 1998, the SARS virus in 2003, and the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 all fully demonstrated the governance ability of the Communists and the advantages of the system.

The rivers are thousands of miles away, the monument of July stands immortal, the land of China, the century-old party history is glorious and splendid. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Comrade Mao Zedong advocated retaining "The Chinese nation is at its most dangerous time" in the lyrics of the national anthem, in order to keep everyone alert, never forget the danger, and forge ahead into the new era.

In the course of a hundred years, the party has witnessed the founding of the motherland step by step, and has also witnessed the development of the motherland step by step. We wish our motherland prosperity and strength, and may the great party lead us to create new glory.

The Communist Party of China, which never forgets its original intention, keeps its mission in mind, and always strives to move forward in the long river of time, will surely remain young forever! The great cause we have created and are determined to promote will coexist with the heaven and the earth, and shine with the sun and the moon.

Looking back on the glorious history of the party, there are so many twists and turns, so many vicissitudes of life, and so many ups and downs. After a hundred years of vicissitudes, the efforts of countless people have brought about peace and prosperity, and the hard work of countless people has written a chapter that strengthens the country and enriches the people. Thank you, the great Communist Party of China!