In order to strengthen national unity, foster patriotism, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, on the occasion of the July 1st Party’s birthday, the Huimin District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau teamed up with cadres and

In order to strengthen national unity, foster patriotism, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, on the occasion of the July 1st Party’s birthday, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huimin District has joined forces with the cadres and employees of our community organization units and community workers Watch the red revolution-themed film "Shuimen Bridge on Changjin Lake".

"Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake" is the sequel to the movie "Changjin Lake". It is based on the Changjin Lake Battle in the second battle of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. It tells the story of the ending of Xinxingli and Hagareyuli. After the battle, the soldiers of the Seventh Company blocked the enemy at Watergate Bridge, the throat of the 1st Marine Division's retreat route. In the biting cold wind and snow, it still cannot stop the brave and fearless soldiers from advancing. In the film, the back figures of each and every one of them are fighting for their lives, a set of military uniforms soaked in blood, and a handful of blood-stained steel guns are finally replaced. What comes is the victory of the battle, and the homeland of peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

During this movie viewing event, everyone's admiration for the heroes arose spontaneously, and they all sighed that we must cherish the hard-won happy life. We will remember history and inherit the patriotic spirit of our revolutionary ancestors who were not afraid of powerful enemies and had the courage to sacrifice. Strengthen national unity, base yourself on your own work, hone your own skills, take on responsibilities, fulfill your duties, be dedicated to your job, work hard and forge ahead with high morale and heroic spirit, and make due contributions to the strength and rejuvenation of the motherland in your own jobs. contribution.

Contributor: Liu Lihong

Editor: Zhou Jianbing

Review: Yue Qing