National flags and regional flags are flying in the streets and alleys, fishing boats are cruising in Victoria Harbor with slogans celebrating the handover, pedestrian bridges are hung with red lanterns, and buildings in many places are lit up. As the 25th anniversary of Hong Kon

1997-2022, we have walked together.

National flags and regional flags are fluttering in the streets and alleys. Fishing boats are parading in Victoria Harbor with slogans celebrating the return of Hong Kong. Pedestrian bridges are covered with red lanterns. Buildings in many places are lit up. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the streets of Hong Kong are approaching. Eyes full of Chinese red. Pass it on together and wish Hong Kong a better tomorrow!

After 25 years of extraordinary history, this thriving city is continuing to write new stories of development and prosperity under the Lion Rock in the new era. It has been 425 years since Hong Kong returned to China. The biggest feeling is that Hong Kong compatriots have a stronger sense of national belonging. Hong Kong people can proudly say that I am Chinese!

The redbud flowers are in full bloom, and the Hong Kong River is surging with new sails. With the care and love of the central government, the strong support of compatriots from all over the country, and the joint efforts of all Hong Kong people, "Pearl of the Orient", which relies on the motherland and faces the world, will surely be able to better seize the country's development opportunities and deeply integrate into the country. Develop the overall situation and write a magnificent movement of "riding the dream, breaking the waves, and taking a long road to prosperity"!

Wherever you look, you see China, and the five stars shining are for faith. Reminiscing about the past, the bulls dominated the Bauhinia, and it was a turbulent one hundred years; celebrating the present, the pearl has returned to China, and 1.5 billion compatriots cheered. The original intention is as strong as rock, and we will move forward with determination.