In October 1949, the Fourth Field Army deployed hundreds of thousands of troops in South China. Why didn't they cross the Luofu Bridge and capture Hong Kong directly? In fact, the British army only had about 30,000 troops.

In October 1949, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Fourth Field Army were stationed in South China. . Why didn't they cross Luofu Bridge and take Hong Kong directly? In fact, the British army only had about 30,000 people. With the strength of the Fourth Field Army, it was easy to defeat the British army. However, Chairman Mao Zedong ordered the troops to stand still and continue to retain British control of Hong Kong. This was a clever move. In fact, the British army on the opposite side was already in panic and could not sleep at night. Unexpectedly, the Chinese People's Liberation Army did not launch an attack!

Now let me explain the reason why Chairman Mao Zedong did not attack Hong Kong. That is because New China had just been established, and Western countries were very hostile and even adopted blockades and containment, which caused great trouble to our country. If Hong Kong is captured at this time, it will be equivalent to blocking the only bridge that can communicate with the West, while leaving room for negotiations with Britain. As expected, the United Kingdom is the first major Western country to recognize and of the People's Republic of China. Only in this way can more Western countries establish diplomatic relations with our country. This is really far-sighted.

​In 1974, Chairman Mao Zedong met with former British Prime Minister Heath at Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai. Deng Xiaoping, then Vice Premier of the State Council, was present. When he talked about the return of Hong Kong to , he pointed at Deng Xiaoping and said that this was a matter for their young people.

​In 1982, Comrade Deng Xiaoping and British Prime Minister Mrs. Thatcher met in Zhongnanhai to discuss the issue of Hong Kong's return. At that time, Britain was able to show a tough attitude on the Hong Kong issue because of its victory over the Falklands . Although Mrs. Thatcher was known as the "Iron Lady", she was no match for Deng Xiaoping, who was compared to a "steel company" by Comrade Mao Zedong, whether in terms of momentum or strategy. Comrade Deng Xiaoping had experienced several A big shot who has been nurtured by ten years of war, Mrs. Thatcher only had a tough tone and was not on the same level at all!

​When Deng Xiaoping said, "Although China is poorer, it is still not afraid of death in a war." This sentence greatly shocked Mrs. Thatcher. The Chinese People's Liberation Army successively defeated the armies of the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and now The UK is very different from its two superpowers. Mrs. Thatcher could only obediently agree to the plan to return to China on July 1, 1997. This was also the time point for the signing of the Hong Kong Treaty, which is undisputed.

Unknowingly, it has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to China. On the basis of one country, two systems , Hong Kong, the Pearl of the Orient, has continued to maintain its basic policy of prosperity and strength. Thanks to the huge market in mainland China, Hong Kong has In the past 25 years, whether it is economic strength or other aspects, it has developed by leaps and bounds. This is a fact that is obvious to all. Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of the return to the motherland. I pray that Hong Kong will get better and better! [Celebrate][Celebrate][Celebrate]