In ancient my country, there has long been a patriarchal society centered on patriarchy, and the social status of women was relatively low. Men were not only allowed to have three wives and four concubines, but they were also allowed to divorce their wives. Women can only marry a

In ancient my country, it has long been a patriarchal society centered on patriarchy, and women's social status was relatively low. Men were not only allowed to have three wives and four concubines, but they were also allowed to divorce their wives. Women can only marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog, and be submissive.

However, in the Song Dynasty there was a woman who remarried after her first husband died of illness. A few years later, she sued her second husband and was granted divorce.

She is Li Qingzhao , a famous poet in the Song Dynasty who is known as "the most talented woman throughout the ages".

Li Qingzhao was born in a scholarly family. His father was a student of Su Dongpo. He was a Jinshi and served as a member of the Ministry of Rites. His mother was the daughter of the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty and had a prominent family background.

Li Qingzhao is intelligent and talented. The famous writer Wang Zhuo of the Song Dynasty commented on her: "She has been famous for poetry since she was young, and her talent is so great that she is close to her predecessors."

When I was eleven years old, I wrote " Pointed Red Lips":

I stopped playing on the swing and got up to straighten my slender hands. The dew is thick and the flowers are thin, and the sweat is thin and the clothes are light.

When guests come in, gold hairpins slip out of socks. He walked away shyly, leaned against the door and looked back, sniffing the green plums.

This poem describes the naughty and cuteness of the little girl vividly and vividly, with a full sense of picture.

When he was fourteen years old, he wrote " Like a Dream Order ":

It rained and the wind blew violently last night, and the wine was not consumed by the heavy sleep. When I asked the person behind the curtain, I found that Begonia was still the same. Do you know? It should be green, red and thin.

As soon as this word came out, it caused a sensation in the entire capital. When they learned that it was written by a little girl, the scribes at that time all praised it.

The words are good words. The sentence "A deep sleep will not eliminate the residual wine", but it revealed that Li Qingzhao learned to drink at a very young age, and drank a lot, and the drunkenness was not gone by the next day. This also shows that Li Qingzhao has been bold, free and easy since he was a child.

18 years old, Li Qingzhao married 21-year-old Tai student Zhao Mingcheng. The husband and wife are both educated people, living a harmonious, elegant and interesting life, playing the piano and the harp in harmony, and are happy and sweet. During this period, Li Qingzhao's poetry formed its own style, which was aloof, fresh and graceful, and became a school of its own. During the

period, experienced the demise of in the Northern Song Dynasty and the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty. Li Qingzhao's husband, Zhao Mingcheng, was hit by the party strife within the government at that time. His official career was not smooth and he was depressed throughout his life.

1129, Zhao Mingcheng died of illness, when Li Qingzhao was 45 years old. Three years later, she married Zhang Ruzhou, a minor official.

Who knew that Ruzhou was just coveting Li Qingzhao's property, thinking that she had inherited a large inheritance after her divorce. When he discovered that Li Qingzhao did not have much property, he was greatly disappointed and began to abuse and humiliate Li Qingzhao, which later escalated to "domestic violence."

Li Qingzhao couldn't bear it. At the same time, she found out that Zhang Ruzhou had committed corruption, bribery, and cheating to buy an official position, so she reported Zhang Ruzhou to the official and asked for a divorce.

After investigation by the government, it was found to be true. Zhang Ruzhou was demoted and sent to the wilderness, and Li Qingzhao was approved for divorce.

However, there is a strange provision in Song Dynasty law, that is, a wife who sues her husband will be sentenced to 2 years in prison, so Li Qingzhao was also taken into custody. However, Li Qingzhao's mother-in-law's family still had some power and financial resources, and they freed Li Qingzhao after she was imprisoned for nine days.

Li Qingzhao, who experienced the death of her ex-husband due to illness, remarried and met an unkind person, was ill-fated. At this time, she was nearly fifty, and she had already looked down upon life. Her poems no longer describe the love between men and women and the sadness of life, but more about the feelings of family and country.

" He was born as a hero, and died as a ghost. I still think about Xiang Yu, and refuses to cross Jiangdong."

wrote " Title on the Eight Yongs of the Tower ", with the sentence " Jiangshan remains for future generations to worry about ", It is that can be called the masterpiece of the ages.

In 1155, Li Qingzhao passed away at the age of 71.

It is worth comparing that in the year when Li Qingzhao died, Lu You, who was "an iron horse glaciers in his dreams", was on the battlefield, and Xin Qiji, who was "drunk and burning the light to watch swords", was still a 15-year-old boy.In that era that belonged to men, Li Qingzhao not only surpassed men in his attainments and achievements in poetry, but also had the courage and courage to report his husband for divorce. He was the first person in history to "divorce his husband"!

There are also two divorce dramas in the TV series " Qing Ping Le ". One is that Cao's first husband, Li Zhi, because he saw through the world of mortals, jumped over the wall and escaped from the marriage after visiting the church. Ms. Cao returned to her parents' home that day and took the initiative to request an annulment of the marriage. After the divorce, Cao married Song Renzong again, and later became the queen.

Another scene is Princess Fukang Zhao Huirou marries Li Wei . Due to the large identity difference and different views, the two people broke up in their relationship. Coupled with the conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, they even fought. Zhao Huirou returned to the palace to cry to her father and ask for a divorce from the consort. However, the marriage was not divorced in the end, and he became mentally ill and lonely for the rest of his life.

Although these two divorce scenes may have been fabricated for plot purposes, in the Song Dynasty, women who wanted to divorce were allowed. The husband commits a crime, is subjected to domestic violence, the couple is not in harmony, or the husband has not returned home for three years, etc., can all be grounds for divorce, and basically all of them can be supported by the government.

Therefore, Li Qingzhao's successful "divorce" was also based on the relatively tolerant society at that time and the high social status of women.

Li Qingzhao’s life was full and poignant. In addition to those poems that have been passed down for thousands of years, her strong and bold character, her courage to love and hate, and her courage to fight against the world and protect her rights are also worthy of praise.