On December 19, 1984, after more than two years of arduous negotiations, China and Britain formally signed the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" on the issue of Hong Kong in Beijing, marking the successful resolution of the issue of Hong Kong's return.

Britain is a country in decline.

On December 19, 1984, after more than two years of arduous negotiations, China and the United Kingdom officially signed the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" on the Hong Kong issue in Beijing, marking the successful resolution of the issue of Hong Kong's return to .

However, although the time for Hong Kong's return has been set, the overt and covert fighting between China and Britain has never stopped before Hong Kong's return. Especially when the national anthems of the two countries were played on the night of Hong Kong's return, both countries engaged in "every second counts" negotiations.

Britain believes that its colonial rule in Hong Kong should be retained until the last moment, which is 24:00 in the morning on June 30, 1997. However, it takes 2 to 3 seconds for the Chinese band conductor to start, so China requires the British flag-lowering ceremony to end 2 to 3 seconds earlier to ensure that the national anthem of the People's Republic of China is played on time at 0:00 on July 1.

Because it was about the complete end of more than 150 years of humiliation, China refused to give in on the 2 to 3 seconds issue. China and the UK even conducted 16 negotiations until the UK compromised.

However, on the night of the handover ceremony of Hong Kong’s power. The speech of Prince Charles of the United Kingdom exceeded 23 seconds. China had to activate an emergency plan and speed up other aspects, and finally succeeded in regaining time.

However, the United Kingdom, which was still worried about the handover time, played the British national anthem 12 seconds early, causing a 12-second silence at the venue, which almost interfered with the New China session.

Afterwards, China waited quietly for 12 seconds to ensure that the procedure for New China to exercise sovereignty over Hong Kong was completed every second.

It can be said that as a veritable troublemaker, the United Kingdom adheres to the principle of "if you are fine, it will be fine", never stops stirring up trouble, and is the best at stirring up trouble.

Judging from the historical development of the 28th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, although the British body has left here, its ghost has always been there and is the biggest stumbling block to Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.

Britain’s undying hatred of Hong Kong is also the epitome of China and Britain being at odds with each other.

This is a seemingly unbelievable question. After all, China and Britain are thousands of miles apart. Even if they are accidentally injured, they are inseparable. It stands to reason that this could have been a typical case of "so close friends are as close as we are to each other across the world", but the reality is that Sino-British relations have always been at odds with each other.

The reason why such a situation occurs, Jing Yeshi believes that the fundamental reason is that after the decline of the British economy, they still have to kick their feet until they die. And after boarding the American pirate ship, he had to rush forward without hesitation.

To this day, in many people's perception, it has been more than 180 years since the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840. Japan and Tsarist Russia can be said to be the imperialism that hurt me the most. After all, Japan has been working hard to invade the Central Plains and turn against foreigners since the Tang Dynasty. It is the most ambitious force in the Chinese cultural circle. As an Eastern European country, the Tsarist Empire inherited Mongolia's "soil-devouring" expansion instinct. While striving to penetrate into Europe, it also followed the strategic goal of Peter the Great's so-called "going to the four oceans", and has long-term forcibly taken over neighboring countries. As the largest neighboring country, the Qing Dynasty suffered particularly from plunder.

However, compared to Japan and Russia, Britain has done more harm to the Chinese nation.

First of all, the recognized beginning of China's modern history is the Opium War that broke out in June 1840, and the instigator of the Opium War was the countless British colonists.

Because of the decadence of the Qing Dynasty, it eventually lost the Opium War and had to pay compensation to the British for ceding territory. This began the process of Hong Kong Island being torn apart from the motherland.

Although compared with the series of aggressive wars that followed, the Opium War was not ranked first in terms of scale or impact. But the Opium War triggered an out-of-control "broken window effect." After all, other great powers saw the vulnerability of the Qing Dynasty from the Opium War, so after the British went rampant and unbridled, other great powers followed suit, and the Qing Dynasty semi-colonial semi-feudal degree rapidly deepened.

After the first shot of "initiating the invasion", Britain successively participated in the Second Opium War and The Eight-Power Allied Forces' War of Invasion of China . It can be said that they committed many crimes, which were the continued decline and fall of the Qing Dynasty. Eventually it became one of the biggest promoters of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

Although compared to backward powers such as Tsarist Russia, which had no territory and no one left, Britain was more inclined to use naval guns to bombard the Qing Dynasty, dump industrial revolution products to the Qing Dynasty, and use the Qing Dynasty as the source of raw materials for the empire on which the sun never sets. . However, when the second industrial revolution was about to be completed at the end of the 19th century, although Britain gradually fell behind emerging industrial powers such as Germany and Germany, Britain, which entered the stage of imperialism, also developed the characteristics of imperialism and made higher plunder of the colonies. demands.

Under such circumstances, the crumbling Qing Dynasty once again became the prey of the great powers. Coupled with the disastrous defeat of the Qing Dynasty in the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, it further stimulated the imperialist ambitions to carve up the Qing Dynasty. As a result, the imperialists, including the British, took action one after another, and the huge Qing Dynasty instantly fell into pieces, laying the foundation for the warlords' melee in the Republic of China.

Under the imperialist frenzy to carve up the Qing Dynasty, the British occupied the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. If the Russian Empire, which attempted to engulf the north of the Great Wall, wanted to cut off the Qing Dynasty's head, then Britain, which occupied the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, was trying to hollow out the Qing Dynasty's heart.

It can be said that Britain gained too many benefits from the Qing Dynasty and committed too many crimes.

Many people today are often saddened by Emperor Qianlong's rejection of Macartney's trade request, and denounce Fukang'an for his arrogance in refusing to watch the British troops' drills and weapon displays. As everyone knows, Britain's ambition to open the door to the Qing Dynasty has never changed, but gradually became a reality after the Opium War. As a general who successfully countered the invasion of Gorkha, how could Fukang'an know nothing about the British invaders behind Gurkha?

Therefore, the harm done by Britain to the Qing Dynasty and even the Chinese nation is countless.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the power of the Empire reached its peak before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. At that time, Britain penetrated into China and Malaya to the east in Asia, consolidated its colonization of British India to the west, and extended its claws to Iran and Afghanistan .

Because of the obedient spirit of the British Indian people who "don't like armed forces and prefer red makeup", the British quickly fell in love with this land and subsequently started larger-scale operations, such as conquering Burma to the east and dismembering Myanmar to the west. into Afghanistan and greatly expanded the scope of British India.

After completing its crazy expansion to the east and west, the UK extended its claws to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the north.

According to the files declassified in 1936, the so-called "McMahon Line" concocted by McMahon at the British Sealam Conference in 1914 is true and false, but Britain's barbaric invasion of China's Tibet is a definite fact. .

Moreover, India, as the so-called successor to British India, involuntarily pushed the border to the so-called "McMahon Line" after independence in 1947, and has repeatedly stated that this is an inheritance from the British. The British ambitions for the Tibetan Plateau can be Just imagine.

Therefore, it is impossible for a country that has committed heinous crimes against China to be truly forgiven by China. Moreover, this typical Western country follows the law of the jungle where the weak can eat the strong. What they fear most is that China will retaliate in kind after its rejuvenation. Therefore, the fearful Britain cannot shake hands with China in its heart.

Of course, history through the ages has repeatedly told us:

Fear is not the root cause of Britain's anti-China, interests are.

The two world wars completely changed the world structure, especially the United Kingdom, which was completely broken. Coupled with the efforts of the United States and the Soviet Union to promote national independence in the third world, Britain, which had lost its vast colonies, also completely lost the possibility of a comeback.

Faced with the United States and the United States becoming a neck-and-neck superpower, Western Europe was the embarrassing situation of being marginalized geopolitically as the center of the traditional political stage in the past. As one of the three giants in the late period of World War II , the United Kingdom did a lot of things to make a comeback. effort. In addition to Churchill delivering the " Iron Curtain Speech ", announcing the beginning of the Cold War , Britain also joined hands with France to bully Egypt exactly 100 years after the Second Opium War, and was humiliated by the United States and the Soviet Union. No power to fight back.

After the Suez Canal Crisis, France stepped up its integration process with the Federal Republic of Germany, while the United Kingdom was determined to collude with the United States and scorned the idea of ​​a "United Kingdom and France" proposed by France.

However, what Britain was waiting for was more humiliation from the United States, so it decided to become one with Western European countries. However, the "record" of collusion between the United States and Britain is still fresh in our minds. The European Community felt that the United Kingdom was a Trojan horse used by the United States to break into the European Community, so it obstructed the United Kingdom over and over again. It was not until 1973 that the United Kingdom finally joined as it wished. EC.

But the problem is that although the UK has joined the European Community, although it is very large, it basically does not enjoy the benefits of the founding fathers, but has to allocate more poverty alleviation targets. As a result, the UK’s dissatisfaction is growing day by day, and eventually the UK and the United Kingdom in 2016 An important trigger for the separation of and EU .

The reason why Britain left the European Union is essentially because after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, international conflicts changed dramatically again. The EU, as a former ally of the United States, became increasingly irritating in the eyes of the United States. As the contradiction between the United States and the European Union became increasingly acute, the United Kingdom saw the possibility of another rebound, so it made another round of big gambles.

Facts have proved that this mixed Brexit has been full of ups and downs from the beginning. Sure enough, after a nasty and long breakup, the UK ended up becoming strangers to the EU.

After Brexit, the UK not only faces the complicated issues of Northern Ireland and Scotland , but also loses the possibility of fighting side by side with the EU in order to make a comeback.

As a result, Britain can only follow the United States into darkness. After all, the United States keeps provoking Russia in order to attack the EU. The intensified confrontation between the United States and Russia has forced the United Kingdom to rely more on the United States, and on the other hand has made the relationship between China and Russia closer.

And this will inevitably lead to heightened tensions in Sino-British relations.

Back then, Britain used the slogan of recognizing New China in 1950 to force Stalin, who was under great pressure, to make concessions to New China. In addition, Britain established agency level diplomatic relations with New China in 1954 despite pressure from the United States. He is at the forefront of the development of relations with New China.

However, Sino-British relations are still inevitably affected by the United States. For example, after the normalization of Sino-US relations in 1972, China and the United Kingdom formally established diplomatic relations in 1973.

After that, Britain completely lost its efforts to make a comeback, chose to kneel under the jeans of the United States, and completely became a vassal of the United States.

Under such circumstances, the historical grievances of the past are gradually blurred, and the intensification of Sino-US relations is the core factor in Sino-British relations.

The continuous deterioration of Sino-British relations will inevitably accelerate the decline of Britain.

has many omissions, please correct me.

I am Jing Ye Shi, looking forward to your attention.