On July 21, 1977, at a meeting held by the Central Committee on Deng Xiaoping’s comeback, the 73-year-old Deng Xiaoping said this: “When I go to work, I can have two attitudes, one is to be an official, and the other is to I think, who asked you to become a communist? You can’t b

"It is better to see today's road than to study for ten years." This is what Deng Xiaoping said during his southern tour in 1992. Thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye, but he has not been able to witness the vicissitudes of the past thirty years with his own eyes. Although Deng Xiaoping has left us forever, his historical legend is passed down from generation to generation and will never end.

He is the chief architect of China's socialist reform, opening up and modernization, the pioneer of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the main founder of Deng Xiaoping Theory. The policy concepts of "reform and opening up" and " one country, two systems " he advocated not only changed China in the late 20th century, but also affected the world. He is a great "historical legend". China's history chose Deng Xiaoping. Why did Deng Xiaoping choose reform and opening up? Following this line of thought, we cherish the memory of the great man and appreciate Deng Xiaoping's great development vision!

Since modern China entered the dark age, countless martyrs have rushed to save the country. During the democratic revolution, the Chinese people chose Mao Zedong. Practice has proved that this choice is correct. Chairman Mao led the Chinese people to finally win China's democratic revolution and established the People's Republic of China . In the late 1970s, China entered another turning point. In this complicated historical turning point, the Chinese people chose Deng Xiaoping. Practice has once again proved that this choice of the Chinese people is correct.

During this period, China's development has reached a critical point. An unprecedented "Cultural Revolution" has caused turmoil and great damage to China, but it is only superficial. The deeper problem is that China's socialist development path is facing the danger of the restoration of capitalism (bureaucracy The dangers of monopoly capitalism ), if this problem is not effectively solved, China's development will be difficult.

On July 21, 1977, at a meeting held by the Central Committee on Deng Xiaoping’s comeback, the 73-year-old Deng Xiaoping said this: “When I go to work, I can have two attitudes, one is to be an official, and the other is to I think, who asked you to become a communist? You can’t be an official, you can’t have selfish thoughts, and you can’t have other choices.” These words are so meaningful for a 73-year-old. The old man is already at the age of taking care of himself. According to ordinary people's thinking, it's time to retire and enjoy your old age. But Deng Xiaoping didn't think so. He chose to do things without hesitation, and the biggest thing he wanted to do was to lead China on the road of reform and opening up.

is already 73 years old, so why is he so persistent in pursuing this path of development? Looking back at Deng Xiaoping's glorious life, it is not difficult to see what his original intention was for having this great idea! In 1920, Deng Xiaoping, who was only 16 years old, set out on his own to study in France, and stayed in Europe for six years. From Paris, France to Moscow, the Soviet Union, he witnessed the rapid rise of Europe in these years. After returning to China, he resolutely devoted himself to the revolution, which he did for decades.

On October 22, 1978, not long after he resumed work, he embarked on a visit to Japan, becoming the first leader of New China to visit Japan. During his visit, he specially took Japan's Shinkansen train, expressing his willingness to learn with an open mind, understand and learn advanced technology and management experience, and learn everything useful from developed countries. After returning, Deng Xiaoping had already formulated a plan for China's development. At the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in December 1978, Deng Xiaoping proposed to shift the focus of the party's work to economic construction, which kicked off the reform and opening up.

On January 29, 1979, Deng Xiaoping took a historic step when he visited the United States. During his nine-day visit, Deng Xiaoping's footprints were all over American cities such as Washington, Atlanta, Houston, and Seattle. Deng Xiaoping once again deeply realized the development gap between China and the United States, so he became more determined to follow the path of reform and opening up.

In fact, Deng Xiaoping also visited Myanmar , North Korea, Malaysia , Singapore and other countries from 1978 to 1979. He saw the rapid rise of some developing countries, especially Singapore, which became the " Asia Four". Xiaolong ".

Deng Xiaoping has worked in various parts of the country for decades. He is well aware that China's economic and political systems are hindering the development of China's productive forces. Because at that time, the machines in the factory were old, the work efficiency was low, the production products were backward, and the thoughts and behaviors of labor and managers were shrouded in the old system. Looking around the world, many countries have made great progress due to scientific and technological progress. If many advanced foreign equipment, technologies, funds, and advanced management methods cannot be introduced into China, China will inevitably fall behind and be beaten.

Therefore, Deng Xiaoping explained to the whole party and the whole people the truth that China must reform and open up. Reform is the direct driving force for social development, an irresistible trend in the development of the Chinese era, and the only way for China to realize modernization. Deng Xiaoping proposed that "development is the last word." To develop, we must reform and open up, and reform internally: "If we do not implement reforms now, our modernization and socialist causes will be ruined." Opening up to the outside world: "Close the door Construction will not succeed. China cannot develop without the world. "

In the long history, there are too many great people who have struggled for today's happy life, but they have not had time to see the results. The time left by history for Deng Xiaoping was indeed too short. On February 19, 1997, Deng Xiaoping left forever, but the path of characteristic socialism he pioneered is still developing rapidly, and his theories are still guiding modern people. March forward...