After 101 years of development, the Communist Party of China has grown from more than 50 members at the beginning of its establishment to 96.712 million party members and 4.936 million grassroots party organizations today, fully demonstrating the youthful vitality of the century-

On June 29, the Central Organization Department released the latest intra-party statistics. After 101 years of development, the Communist Party of China has grown from more than 50 members at the beginning of its establishment to 96.712 million party members and 4.936 million grassroots party organizations today, fully demonstrating the youthful vitality of the century-old party.

Over the past 100 years, this red boat sailing out from Jiaxing's Nanhu Lake has braved the waves and marched forward bravely in the course of the revolution, leading the Chinese people to achieve brilliant achievements in the great cause of revolution, construction, and reform. A century-old party, in its prime. The secret of its success is to always regard the building of grassroots party organizations and party members as the basic work of party building, constantly absorb fresh blood, and strive to forge a vanguard team so that the party can always maintain strong vitality and strong combat effectiveness, unite and lead all ethnic groups in the country. The people jointly draw "concentric circles" for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To draw the largest "concentric circles", we must always take the leadership of the Communist Party of China as the "center of the circle" unswervingly. The Communist Party of China is the center of the "concentric circles" of the Chinese nation and is the choice of history and the people. After the Opium War, China was poor, weak, and at the mercy of others. Countless people with lofty ideals struggled in the dark to find a way to save the nation. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, 1898 Reform, and 1911 Revolution all ended in failure. The October Revolution brought Marxism to China. In July 1921, the Communist Party of China was proclaimed. Since then, the Chinese revolution has taken on a new look. The Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to withstand various risks and tests, make huge sacrifices, fight bloody battles, and persevere, creating the great achievements of the new democratic revolution and leading China From standing up to becoming rich and then becoming strong, the people have achieved world-renowned achievements. Both history and reality have proven that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no New China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To draw the largest "concentric circles", we must always use the best interests of the Chinese nation as the "radius" to gather strength. What is the highest interest of the Chinese nation? History in modern times tells us that it is to safeguard national unity, to unite people of all ethnic groups, and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Once the Communist Party of China was founded, it regarded the realization of communism as the party's highest ideal and ultimate goal. It never looked back, shouldered the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and wrote a magnificent epic that swallowed up mountains and rivers. In the revolutionary years, they were Zhao Yiman who "willed to fertilize China with his passion", Guan Xiangying who "tried his best to save the people from misfortunes", Liu Shaonan who "didn't be afraid to put a knife on his head", and used Liu Renkan wrote "Long Live the Success of the Revolution" written in blood on his toes... Countless outstanding Chinese sons and daughters, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, drove away the Japanese invaders and achieved victory against imperialism and feudalism. From then on, the Chinese people stood up. During the socialist construction period, "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi shouted "I would rather live 20 years shorter than win the big oil field with all my life" in order to get rid of the label of "oil-poor country". Jiao Yulu "lived and died" in order to complete the tasks assigned by the party. "Sand dunes, death is also a sand dune", Kong Fansen used his life to fulfill the promise of "burying loyal bones everywhere in the green mountains, and spreading blood on the plateau"... and finally realized the century-old dream of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Today, this giant ship is carrying the dreams of 1.4 billion Chinese people, sailing forward courageously on the road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To draw the largest "concentric circles", we must always take the responsibility of building a community with a shared future for mankind as the "thickness". "Responsibility for a great country" is the true nature of the Communist Party of China. Since entering the new era, the Communist Party of China has further demonstrated its people's sentiments, national sentiments and world sentiments, seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, and harmony for the world. Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has become increasingly confident, and China has increasingly entered the center of the world stage. The Communist Party of China maintains regular contact with 544 political parties in 164 countries and 16 international and regional political party organizations in the world. The Communist Party of China’s world “circle of friends” is growing.Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia, the Communist Party of China has provided varying amounts of anti-epidemic materials to more than 200 political parties in more than 70 countries, introduced China's plan , and called for solidarity and cooperation in the fight against the epidemic. "When big rivers have water, small rivers are full; when small rivers have water, big rivers are full." Today, China has become the world's second largest economy, and its contribution to global economic growth has exceeded 30% for many years. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Communist Party of China has always stood on the right side of history and on the side of human progress. Make new and greater contributions to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and building a better world.

(Xu Liqing/Lanzhou New District Organization Department)