That is to say, every historical event does not exist in isolation and must have its causes and consequences. History should be constantly moving forward. Even if there is an occasional regression, it is only a temporary phenomenon and sooner or later it will return to normal.

Before talking about ancient Egypt , we need to remember the characteristics of history. What is the biggest feature of

history? I think it's continuity. That is to say, every historical event does not exist in isolation and must have its causes and consequences. Just like every decline in Chinese history, there are actually various reasons. It cannot rise or fall without reason. The second characteristic of

history is progress. History should be constantly moving forward. Even if there is an occasional regression, it is only a temporary phenomenon and sooner or later it will return to normal. So we call progress historical trends or historical trends.

Let’s take China as an example. China has been invaded countless times by surrounding nomadic peoples in its history. But even these invading nomads all recognized that the smelting technology and writing of the Central Plains were much more advanced than theirs. The result is that the nomads either integrate into the Central Plains or eventually retreat, without exception. In other words, if the nomads who successfully invaded recognized the advanced nature of the Central Plains, they would slowly become Central Plains people. If we do not recognize the advanced nature of the Central Plains, failure will be inevitable sooner or later.

When we understand the continuity and progress of history, and then look back at the Egyptian civilization, these two points do not exist!

People who study ancient Egypt now only use the so-called ancient Egyptian cultural relics, the pyramids, the Sphinx, mummies , as research materials. Do these materials completely record the history of ancient Egypt? Absolutely not!

Of course, some people will use Egypt's so-called imperial chronology as an example.

I once asked a doctoral student studying world history, which country and civilization would use charts to arrange the emperors of the past dynasties? As a result, the doctor's answer was "Don't use China's standards to measure other countries. China is a special case, and other countries are universal." But in the end, he did not provide evidence from other civilizations to prove this "universality".

Moreover, the earliest writing in ancient Egypt was hieroglyphics. No matter how you develop it, it will never turn into alphabetical writing. This is common sense!

Let’s look at the territory of ancient Egypt

Pay attention to the red text, do you see it? Even in the face of savages on the African savannah, ancient Egypt continued to lose territory. Where does the advancement of such a civilization show itself?

Moreover, I suddenly discovered something when I was reading the history of ancient Egypt. In fact, the Persian Empire conquered Egypt

The strange thing is that most of the history is either not mentioned or passed over, as if it was a trivial matter not worth mentioning. .

Just imagine, if you conquered a powerful country, would it be highlighted in history? Since ancient Egypt was so powerful, why do history books rarely mention the Persian Empire’s conquest of Egypt? Clearly contrary to common sense!

Let’s talk about the calendar. In fact, all primary school students know that “the Egyptians were the first to use the solar calendar.” The problem is that I checked the information and found that ancient Greece used a lunar calendar, ancient Rome didn’t even have a formal calendar!

Julian calendar is a later thing. Even the Julian calendar from the ancient Egyptian solar calendar is not credible, because before the Roman adopted the Julian calendar, no one used the ancient Egyptian calendar for at least hundreds of years.

If we summarize it, the ancient Egyptian calendar is very advanced, neither ancient Greece nor ancient Rome used it.

Ancient Egyptian writing was very advanced and was not used in ancient Greece or Rome.

Ancient Egypt...

In short, ancient Egypt was advanced in everything, but , Greece, and Rome were determined not to use it.

So, where is your advanced nature reflected? An advanced cannon?