November 4, 1999 was a big day for the Guangdong police. That day, Guangdong anti-narcotics police officers followed members of Tan Xiaolin's drug trafficking gang to a warehouse somewhere in Guangdong.

November 4, 1999, was a big day for the Guangdong police.

On this day, Guangdong anti-drug police officers followed members of Tan Xiaolin’s drug trafficking gang to a warehouse somewhere in Guangdong.

The anti-narcotics police officers determined that this warehouse must contain a major case.

Tan Xiaolin is not an ordinary drug dealer. He was originally from Lezhi, Sichuan. In 1992, he moved to Myanmar and married the daughter of a Myanmar drug lord. private armed forces.

After strict control and ensuring everything was safe, the police rushed directly into the warehouse to arrest the drug dealers.

Chen Bingxi

The arrest process went smoothly. Before several drug dealers could resist, they were firmly controlled by a large number of police officers.

After inspection, the police found 238 kilograms of heroin in the warehouse. Such a large amount of drugs, this was beyond the scope of a major case.

Just as several commanders in this case were happy that they had seized a large amount of drugs, another news came - There was still a "mountain" of drugs hidden deep in the warehouse.

This "mountain" is not an exaggeration. When the anti-drug police officers brought these drugs out of the dark place, everyone was shocked and speechless.

Preliminary measurements show that there are more than ten tons of methamphetamine stacked in the warehouse.


Even if the methamphetamine seized every year around the world at that time were piled together, compared with the methamphetamine here, would be like a three-year-old child standing in front of a strong man.

This is not a big case, this is a shocking case!

That day tested the endurance of the Guangdong anti-drug police officers. There will be even more shocking things next.

The case was serious, and anti-narcotics police officers interrogated the arrested persons immediately at the scene. In order to save his life, a criminal suspect named Luo Jianguang took the initiative to confess that all the methamphetamine belonged to a drug lord named Chen Bingxi, and that the methamphetamine was all produced by Chen Bingxi's partner Liu Zhaohua .

arbitrarily selected samples from the massive amounts of methamphetamine in the warehouse. 's appearance was all "icy and jade-free", with top-level purity.

Regardless of quality or quantity, the genius poison maker in the American TV series " Breaking Bad " is as weak as a fire in front of this poison maker named Liu Zhaohua.

Liu Zhaohua

Luo Jianguang confessed that Chen Bingxi and Liu Zhaohua were still living in different hotels in Guangzhou. He also gave a clean account of the hotel address and room number.

Luo Jianguang is the leader of Chen Bingxi's drug trafficking gang who is responsible for shipping. He can be regarded as the third person in the gang. If he does not help the police catch the first and second figures, he will definitely die. How can he be less enthusiastic about confessing.

Without further ado, the police wanted to catch these two " whales " before Chen Bingxi and Liu Zhaohua could react. The plainclothes police quickly rushed to the hotel where the suspect lived to arrest them.

Liu Zhaohua lived in a room on the eighth floor of a hotel in Guangzhou. When plainclothes police arrived, he was not in the room. The plainclothes police could only keep watch, but Liu Zhaohua never showed up.

At this time, the Guangzhou police cooperated with the arrest and set up checkpoints at intersections out of the city and many road sections in the city, but no trace of Liu Zhaohua and Chen Bingxi was found.

Liu Zhaohua

The police were confused. Logically speaking, the swift arrest should not be the result. Could it be that the news of the arrest was leaked?

The plainclothes policeman who arrested Liu Zhaohua called out the hotel's surveillance system to find out Liu Zhaohua's whereabouts in and out of the hotel. As a result, this surveillance made the plainclothes policemen very annoyed.

It turned out that in the surveillance footage, a man and a plainclothes policeman were waiting for the elevator together. When the elevator arrived, they both entered the elevator at the same time.

The plainclothes policeman first pressed the button for the eighth floor, and then the man pressed the button for the seventh floor. After reaching the seventh floor, the man walked out of the elevator under the eyes of the plainclothes policeman. And this person is Liu Zhaohua.

After Liu Zhaohua was brought to justice, the whole process of his escape and his experiences while on the run subverted many people's understanding of the word "fugitive".

Liu Zhaohua

The day before the drug warehouse was seized in 1999, Chen Bingxi, Liu Zhaohua, and Luo Jianguang held a "board meeting" in the hotel room to discuss profit distribution.

The conversation was not finished that day, and the three decided to continue the conversation in Chen Bingxi's room the next day.

According to the agreement, Luo Jianguang drove to pick up Liu Zhaohua at 10:30 the next morning. Liu Zhaohua waited until 11:30, but instead of waiting for Luo Jianguang, he waited for a call from Chen Bingxi, saying that there was an emergency and he came out to see him quickly. As soon as

met Liu Zhaohua, Chen Bingxi told him that Luo Jianguang had been arrested by , and then gave him two new phone cards and 10,000 yuan in cash as travel expenses. also gave him an account in a bank in Hong Kong to facilitate future transfers. give him.

Chen Bingxi suggested that Liu Zhaohua flee abroad, saying that Liu Zhaohua's technology could be used all over Southeast Asia.

He took out a piece of cardboard with thirteen mobile phone numbers written on it and handed it to Liu Zhaohua, telling Liu Zhaohua that these were his numbers and that he could use these numbers to contact him after going abroad.

Liu Zhaohua

Liu Zhaohua didn't say much about his thoughts. When the disaster came, they all flew away. He had his own plan in mind. After the two broke up, Chen Bingxi fled immediately. Liu Zhaohua decided to go back to the hotel first to pick up the box containing 200,000 yuan in cash and a list of drug materials.

Based on the time when Luo Jianguang was arrested, he felt that the police did not find his hotel so quickly, and he was "a very brave man" and wanted to kill him.

However, as soon as he arrived at the hotel elevator, Liu Zhaohua recognized that several people waiting for the elevator were plainclothes policemen. When he saw the plainclothes policemen pressing the eighth floor button, he was sure that the plainclothes policemen were here to arrest him.

After quietly escaping from the hotel, Liu Zhaohua knew that it was very risky to leave Guangzhou by car at this time, but he did not have a "safe house" in Guangzhou, so staying in Guangzhou was even more risky, and he had to leave Guangzhou as soon as possible.

So Liu Zhaohua bought a bicycle and rode slowly out of the police circle at the speed of an outing.

Judging from the above incidents, Liu Zhaohua's anti-reconnaissance ability and personal psychological quality are definitely much better than ordinary people. And these are things he learned when he was a policeman.

Liu Zhaohua

Liu Zhaohua's childhood dream was not to be a policeman. He did very well in mathematics, physics and chemistry when he was studying. Chemistry was his favorite. He once won the second prize in the Fujian Provincial Middle School Chemistry Competition.

However, the chemical talent did not make Liu Zhaohua's academic career smooth, but secretly built a path of no return for him.

When he was twelve years old, his father, who was in the tofu business, passed away, and the family's finances were in trouble. When he reached the second year of high school, he could no longer stand his mother's hardships. He chose to give up his studies despite his mother's objections and went to study auto repair with his brother to supplement the family income.

The relationship with his brother was not good, so Liu Zhaohua joined the army and later became a policeman.

In 1983, Liu Zhaohua was drafted into the army and served as a soldier in the Fuzhou Border Defense Detachment of the Armed Police. If Liu Zhaohua takes the right path, he can definitely become a talent.

After serving as a soldier for less than two years, he was selected to study logistics at the Armed Police Fuzhou Command School.

Liu Zhaohua’s certificate

After graduating from the Armed Police Command School, you can become an officer. It is much more difficult for ordinary soldiers to become an officer than the college entrance examination. Unless you have excellent overall quality, you should not even think about it. Liu Zhaohua had just turned twenty when he entered the Armed Police Command School, and he could be said to have achieved success as a young man.

In 1987, Liu Zhaohua graduated and successfully became a platoon assistant of the Pingtan County Brigade of the Fuzhou Border Defense Detachment. Less than half a year later, he was transferred to the Fuzhou Border Defense Detachment of the Armed Police Force and was appointed as a regular officer at the Yutou Police Station of the Pingtan County Brigade. He also became the Acting Chief of Staff. His prospects for promotion were bright.

But during this period, a Taiwanese named Chen Daozhong aroused Liu Zhaohua's yearning for another life.

Chen Daozhong is not simple. He once served as the deputy director of the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office. The District Prosecutor's Office is the mainland's procuratorate, and it is also the business counterpart to the border police station where Liu Zhaohua works.

However, Chen Daozhong has long been "not doing his job". He admires Liu Zhaohua very much, and Liu Zhaohua also admires him a little. The two of them often talk happily. Liu Zhaohua likes to listen to what Chen Daozhong talks about most, which is methamphetamine.

The chemical production method of methamphetamine awakened Liu Zhaohua's chemical genes. The "money scene" of the methamphetamine market in Taiwan also aroused Liu Zhaohua's greed.

A veteran like Chen Daozhong wanted Liu Zhaohua's reaction. As soon as the heat was up, he bought a hundred grams of raw materials and asked Liu Zhaohua to try making methamphetamine in his hotel room.

In his first attempt, Liu Zhaohua used 100 grams of raw materials to make 50 grams of methamphetamine in two or three hours. Even though the purity and quality were not very good, the effect of methamphetamine was still fake.

Liu Zhaohua gave all fifty grams of methamphetamine to Chen Daozhong, and he expected Chen Daozhong to lead him to make money from methamphetamine.

But for some reason, Chen Daozhong did not take Liu Zhaohua under his command. However, the dream of getting rich inspired by Chen Daozhong has made Liu Zhaohua unable to stay in the army. At this time, he came up with an idea: "I must retire and find a way to make a lot of money."

Officers must serve for fifteen years before they can retire. , the temptation of money made Liu Zhaohua not want to wait a day. He is a man of action and will implement his decision immediately.

So he deliberately embezzled and let others find out, and was discharged from the army smoothly because of this matter.

Liu Zhaohua

After retiring from the army, Liu Zhaohua was assigned to the Fu'an Municipal People's Court as a bailiff. He works actively in the court and is very good at getting things done. He has achieved third-class merit once and was rated as an "outstanding worker".

With these capital, Liu Zhaohua was transferred by the court to attract investment. Now Liu Zhaohua found an opportunity to get rich. In 1991, he cooperated with a Taiwanese businessman, rented fifteen acres of land by the Sai River, and opened an plastic processing factory .

Liu Zhaohua did not want to go into industry. The plastic processing factory processed imported plastic waste. By importing waste plastic, used his connections to smuggle cars and keel wine, which brought him huge profits.

In less than two years, Liu Zhaohua has become a big boss in the local area. The president of the court rides Santana . He is an ordinary court employee, but he owns three Toyota Crown luxury cars.

In order to avoid suspicion, he simply quit his job in the court and became a rich man without reproach.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. As soon as he resigned from the court, the country introduced a policy to strictly control the import of waste plastics. The channel for importing waste plastic is blocked, and the smuggled goods that bring huge profits to Liu Zhaohua can't come in either.

Liu Zhaohua seemed to have a bad relationship with methamphetamine. Just when he was hesitating in life, a socialite named Chen Wenyin appeared in front of him, and kept instigating him to fund the sale of methamphetamine.

Chen Wenyin said that the market situation of methamphetamine in Taiwan and Japan is even more popular than what Chen Daozhong said a few years ago.

Liu Zhaohua was unwilling to enter into a methamphetamine business with Chen Daozhong, but now that he heard Chen Wenyin talk about it, he immediately ignited his "ambition" to become a drug lord.

Liu Zhaohua has the funds, Chen Wenyin has the purchase channels and sales channels, and the methamphetamine business can be done as promised. However, Liu Zhaohua did not want to be a resale drug dealer. He believed that with his chemical talent, he would be able to make first-class methamphetamine.

Self-produced and sold, firstly, the profit is much greater, secondly, it is safer to reduce the number of links, and the supply of goods is not controlled by others. Liu Zhaohua is clear about these accounts.

He did not immediately enter the methamphetamine market, but invested 400,000 and concentrated on "scientific research" . One of the raw materials of methamphetamine has been strictly controlled by the state. He needs to update the formula of methamphetamine so that the production of methamphetamine can be scaled up and the risk of exposure can be reduced.

Chen Wenyin (left)

The new formula was developed by Liu Zhaohua based on his talent in chemistry. However, the finished product particles turned yellow, like ice formed by muddy water, and it did not look good at first glance.

This chemical achievement made Liu Zhaohua, who was obsessed with chemistry, very dissatisfied. His high school chemistry level could not solve this problem, so he thought of asking a real master to help solve it.

likes chemistry, and Liu Zhaohua naturally knows who are the experts in the chemistry world.In 1996, in the name of producing weight-loss drugs, he asked a chemistry professor from Xi'an Jiaotong University to help him solve the color problem of methamphetamine.

His knowledge of chemistry still allowed him to fool the professor into thinking that he was really developing a weight-loss drug.

With the professor's advice, Liu Zhaohua can make the best methamphetamine. In May of that year, he produced 20 kilograms of methamphetamine in one go in his original factory.

He first gave Chen Wenyin a kilogram to test market in Taiwan. Liu Zhaohua’s experience in the military, police and judicial circles made it clearer that is much safer to sell in Taiwan than in mainland China.

Liu Zhaohua

Chen Wenyin said that he had sales channels to Taiwan, but he was actually deceiving Liu Zhaohua. After he sold a kilogram of methamphetamine to a local drug dealer in Fujian, lied to Liu Zhaohua that the methamphetamine would be sold as soon as it arrived in Taiwan.

So Liu Zhaohua gave him another 11 kilograms and told him again that he must not sell it in mainland China.

Chen Wenyin pretended to be a coward to Liu Zhaohua, but still sold the products in Fujian, and ended up in the French Open.

Knowing that Chen Wenyin was arrested, Liu Zhaohua was very calm at first. He understood the human nature of interests. As long as Chen Wenyin was alive, he would not recruit someone who could help him a lot.

On the day the Chen Wenyin case was pronounced, Liu Zhaohua was sitting in the gallery. How Chen Wenyin was sentenced would determine whether Liu Zhaohua would be exposed. When Liu Zhaohua heard that Chen Wenyin had been sentenced to death, he knew he had to become a fugitive.

When the arrest warrant for Liu Zhaohua was issued, he had already arrived in Hainan. At that time, technology was far less developed than it is now, and a fake ID card could help Liu Zhaohua hide.

And he ate so hard that he suddenly gained dozens of pounds . At this time, he could basically ignore the photos on the wanted poster and walk around boldly.

Liu Zhaohua

A year later, Liu Zhaohua, who had completed his body sculpting, came to Puning , met with the drug lord Chen Bingxi, and volunteered to help Chen Bingxi make methamphetamine.

As soon as he demonstrated his drug-making skills, Chen Bingxi was ecstatic, regarded him as a treasure, and even became a brother with him.

The two agreed that Chen Bingxi would take care of all the financing and sales, while Liu Zhaohua would only be responsible for the procurement and production of methamphetamine raw materials, and the profits would be shared equally between them.

Chen Bingxi first set up a methamphetamine production base in the countryside of Puning. Because the toxic wastewater from the production of methamphetamine poisoned the fish in the nearby fish pond, which attracted interference from the villagers, Chen Bingxi moved the production base to a distant place Yinchuan.

Liu Zhaohua's production progress is very fast. The cost of the methamphetamine he produces is not only lower than the previous methamphetamine , but the purity and appearance can also crush the previous methamphetamine . The entire methamphetamine market in Southeast Asia is soon monopolized by the methamphetamine he produces. .

By October 1999, Liu Zhaohua had produced a total of 31 tons of methamphetamine. If Chen Bingxi had not kept up with market development and asked him to stop production, his production could have been greatly increased.

Chen Bingxi

On November 4, 1999, Guangdong police raided the drug warehouse, and the 12.36 tons of methamphetamine that were subsequently seized were only part of the methamphetamine that Chen Bingxi transported from Yinchuan to Guangdong for sale.

Liu Zhaohua made a profit of 16 million yuan from this drug production, and he still had more than 200 million yuan in income on his books. It only took him more than a year to obtain these incomes. His lawless greed also exposed him to the police's sight again. middle.

After escaping from the hotel, Liu Zhaohua rode for three hours to Tianhe, and then took a car to the home of one of his wives in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province.

After Liu Zhaohua escaped from Fu'an , his original wife was disheartened and became a nun. He fled to Hainan and found a woman named Chen. When he and Chen Bingxi were making drugs, a woman named Li Xiaojing often accompanied him.

Liu Zhaohua and his "Lao San" came to Shanghai and withdrew the deposits in the account. then ran to Qingdao which he had never been to. He had long thought about using this strategy to escape the police pursuit.

Li Xiaojing

This time he committed a huge crime. Liu Zhaohua got a fake ID card of "Li Senqing" in Qingdao and opened a Welfare Lottery store with ten betting machines.

In Qingdao, Liu Zhaohua also donated 400,000 yuan to the Department of Biology of Ocean University of China for scientific research funding . Perhaps the topic of extracting medicinal substances from marine organisms triggered his interest in chemistry.

After a period of time, Liu Zhaohua felt that the limelight had passed, so he went to Guilin to operate a huge profit project. This time Liu Zhaohua wants to make a long-term investment and plant yew trees that can extract the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel .

The profit of paclitaxel far exceeds that of drugs, and it is a legal business. The extraction also suits Liu Zhaohua's interest in chemistry, so he is very involved in the work, traveling around the country to collect plant specimens and learn techniques.

Liu Zhaohua was extremely conceited at this time. He also caught three thieves in Guilin, accepted interviews with reporters , appeared on TV and newspapers, and was not afraid of being discovered by the police. Who would have thought that a domestic fugitive with serious crimes would actually live such a life in China.

Liu Zhaohua’s unwillingness to remain invisible is related to his past experiences. His colleagues in the court commented that he was eloquent, well-mannered, and particularly good at fighting. He feels that people like him should live a "shining" life even if they become a fugitive.

In terms of IQ and EQ, Liu Zhaohua is proud of himself. However, he is a typical example of a person who is too clever but is misled by his cleverness. Even if his chemical talent is developed, his overly self-righteous nature will most likely lead him into a pit.

The opportunities for becoming a soldier and serving in the court are no worse than graduating from college. However, he still chose the path of crime. This shows that his poor family background and giving up his studies were not the reason for his crime.

In November 2004, a Class A warrant with a reward of 200,000 yuan for Liu Zhaohua and five other suspects appeared on CCTV.

This time the police have clear photos of him after he gained weight. When the wanted notice was played on TV, he was talking with his partner while watching the wanted notice. His partner looked at him in surprise. If he hadn't looked very calm, his partner would have The police were immediately called.

Liu Zhaohua’s wanted order

This time Liu Zhaohua did not dare to show off and began his real escape. He fled with one of his men to an abandoned radar station in Lingui County. When the police rounded up, he had already left.

fled back to his hometown in Fu'an. Liu Zhaohua hid in a remote old house and was soon discovered by the police. Dozens of special police officers surrounded him, and Liu Zhaohua never had a chance to escape.

On March 5, 2005, Liu Zhaohua fell into the French Open and was executed in Guangzhou 34 years later, ending his magical and sinful life.