Lu You, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once wrote a famous saying: "If you are a master, you can show your true name in the world, but who can be the best in a thousand years?" In ancient times, Shu Prime Minister Zhuge Liang has always been synonymous with "loyalty". Many literati

Song Dynasty poet Lu You once wrote a famous saying: "If you become a master and show your true fame, who will be the best in a thousand years?" In ancient times, Shu Prime Minister Zhuge Liang has always been synonymous with "loyalty". Many literati followed his example and were eager to assist the king and serve the country. The most appropriate sentence to evaluate Zhuge Liang is "dedicate yourself to death." He is the representative of loyal ministers and wise men in traditional culture. An article " is an example of a teacher" fully demonstrates Zhuge Liang's virtuous ability and loyalty in governing the world.

After the formation of the three kingdoms, Cao Wei in the Central Plains was the strongest, and Shu Han was the weakest. Although Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei and established a solid Shu Han regime, settling in a corner is never a long-term strategy. In order to conquer the Central Plains, revive the Han Dynasty, and return the old capital to the old capital, Zhuge Liang led his troops to the Northern Expedition on the one hand; on the other hand, he made positive suggestions on internal affairs, advocating the opening up of holy courts, strict rewards and punishments, and good use of talents. The propositions in "Chu Shi Biao" are made in response to current shortcomings, are specific, detailed, and well-founded. As a politician and military strategist, he can clearly understand the social reality and propose targeted treatment methods, which reflects his ability to govern the country.

At that time, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and asked Zhuge Liang to come out to assist the government. With the support of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei can be said to be like a fish in water. His courtesy corporal also gained Zhuge Liang's loyalty. "The late emperor did not think that his ministers were despicable, and he was in vain. He paid three visits to his ministers in the thatched cottage. The ministers were grateful for the affairs of the world, so they allowed the late emperor to drive away." It can be seen that Liu Bei's sincerity moved Zhuge Liang. In addition to repaying the kindness of acquaintance, after Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang also inherited Liu Bei's legacy of reviving the Han Dynasty. He worried about state affairs and worked hard to fulfill his political ambition of reviving the Han Dynasty throughout his life until he died on the way to the Northern Expedition.

In the first part of "Execution", he first analyzed the situation of "the world is divided into three parts, and Yizhou is exhausted", and based on this, he put forward suggestions for reforming the current shortcomings and making every effort to cure them. Analysis of the situation is the basis for his recommendations. Although there is not much ink here, it is indispensable. Then, he put forward suggestions for internal affairs: the first suggestion was to "open a holy hearing". The author pointed out that although the situation of the Shu Han was "critical," among the old officials left by the late emperor, "the ministers of the bodyguard were unremitting and loyal to the internal affairs." "The scholars forget themselves outside", as long as they can "open up the Holy Land", they can play an active role in consolidating, developing and strengthening the Shu Han regime. The second suggestion is to make clear rewards and punishments. Zhi punishes Zang or not, and it is not appropriate to have similarities or differences. "The monarch should reward and punish fairly and justly. He should not be partial to those he is close to. This will chill the hearts of his loyal ministers. The third suggestion is to "be close to virtuous ministers and stay away from villains." Stay close to virtuous ministers and stay away from treacherous ministers. Villains, "this is why the Han Dynasty prospered"; and "loving villains and distant virtuous ministers is why the Han Dynasty declined". This suggestion is a summary of the historical experience of the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty, and has a historical perspective.

In the second and third parts, Zhuge Liang narrated his experience of dedicating himself to the country for more than 20 years, showing his sincerity of worrying about state affairs and being loyal to the Shu Han, so that the later master Liu Chan could understand the difficulties of starting a business, and thus After describing the experiences of the past twenty years and more, the author went on to talk about the late emperor's entrustment to him and his own feelings about the entrustment, expressed his determination to launch the Northern Expedition, and finally told the emperor again to "take it upon himself to do so." "Conspiracy", to "look into Yayan's words" and "to pursue deeply the late emperor's edict", which shows the author's infinite care and expectation for his successor when he was about to go to war. He wrote "I should stay away now, I shed tears before I see it, I don't know what to say" Zhuge Liang must have burst into tears.

When Liu Bei died of illness in Baidi City, he left Zhuge Liang with a situation of internal and external difficulties and a young, ignorant and unable to support his successor. At this critical moment, Zhuge Liang acted as prime minister. In name, he basically assumed all the actual responsibilities of the Shu Han Dynasty. He strictly enforced laws and regulations internally, rewarded farming wars; Strengthened, but based on the analysis of the situation at the time, not to mention the disparity in strength between Shu and Wei, the strategy of "strengthening troops to attack far away" is also a taboo for military strategists.But Zhuge Liang had no way to retreat. Without the Northern Expedition, the Shu Han would be unable to hold on sooner or later. He took desperate risks and set off again and again with an unyielding will. Although the later master Liu Chan was mediocre and unambitious, Zhuge Liang still assisted him loyally and wisely. Although Liu Bei had an edict that "if he is not talented, you can take it yourself", Zhuge Liang did not harbor any arrogance. Reviving the Han Dynasty was Liu Bei's last wish and Zhuge Liang's ambition. It was Zhuge Liang's lifelong ambition to be loyal to the Han Dynasty and repay the kindness he had given him. "This minister repays the kindness of the late Emperor and is loyal to His Majesty's duties." This was Zhuge Liang's spiritual power when he set off for the Northern Expedition, and it was also the spiritual power behind all his activities in the second half of his life. "Chu Shi Biao" vividly dissects the essence of this spirit, expresses the loyal and wise character of this official of the country, and shows its unique and huge appeal.

In terms of style, "Chu Shi Biao" is a memorial, a prose that combines discussion, narrative and lyricism. The article contains a large proportion of suggestions to the queen, but it also narrates the story of how he pledged himself to the country. In discussions and narratives, his sincere feelings are revealed. The article is both rational and emotional. The whole text seems to flow from the author's heart. The analysis is thorough, full of true feelings, and deeply touching. Its language is straightforward and simple, sincere and loyal. Although it does not resort to gorgeous rhetoric or cite ancient allusions, every word is exquisitely crafted and every sentence is classic. The warnings and heartfelt words before departure are repeated thousands of times, as if they are still echoing. In your ears and mine. In addition, there are a large number of neatly arranged dual sentence patterns in the text, such as "I was given the task when the army was defeated, and I was ordered to be in trouble", "I will live my life in troubled times, and do not seek to learn and reach the princes." This reflects the rise of parallel prose in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. fashion of the times. A large number of original compound words, such as "belittle oneself", "commit crime" and "consider profit and loss", were praised by later generations and even used as idioms. The sincere words from the bottom of the heart are closely related to the loyalty and patriotism, and the frank and simple language is highly consistent with the noble ideological content. It is not unreasonable for a memorial like "Chu Shi Biao" to be immortalized for thousands of years.

"Three visits to the world have troubled the world, and two dynasties have opened the hearts of old ministers. He died before he left the army, which made the hero burst into tears." Zhuge Liang, a representative of wisdom and loyalty, is a Shu Prime Minister whose name will go down in history. "Being a Master" is a touching article from the heart, and its artistic charm will last forever. Zhuge Liang could not realize his wish to revive the Han Dynasty and restore the old capital. However, no one has forgotten his achievements. For thousands of years, the Wuhou Temple in Chengdu is still closed. Gu, Zhuge Liang's image is still shining brightly.