The college entrance examination results have been released, and candidates are excitedly checking their scores. Those who won the ranking cheered loudly, while those who failed the ranking were dejected. Starting from the Sui Dynasty, China selected talents through imperial exam

The college entrance examination results have been released, and candidates are excitedly checking their scores.

Those who won the rankings cheered loudly, while those who failed the rankings were dejected.

Starting from the Sui Dynasty, China selected talents through the imperial examination.

The imperial examination system lasted for more than 1,200 years. During these 1,200 years, there were countless people who failed.

Among them, there are many celebrities, such as Li Shizhen, Pu Songling, Wu Jingzi, Zuo Zongtang, all of whom have failed to make the list.

However, the most famous among them, the one who failed to make the biggest noise is undoubtedly the Tang Dynasty failed student - Huang Chao .

Huang Chao is from Shandong. His family makes a living by selling private salt, and they live a prosperous life.

He likes swordsmanship, horseback riding, literature, and can write poetry.

It is said that when he was five years old, he served his grandfather and learned to recite poems.

After adulthood, everyone looks forward to passing an exam to prove themselves.

As an adult, Huang Chao also came to take the imperial examination. Perhaps, he was full of confidence that he would definitely pass high school.

But unfortunately, his name was not on the list that year.

failed the ranking. Others were dejected, but Huang Chao aroused great enthusiasm.

He wrote a poem " Bu Di Hou Fu Chrysanthemum ":

When autumn comes on September 8th, after my flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will die.

The towering incense array penetrates Chang'an, and the city is filled with golden armor.

This poem has been widely circulated in later generations. Zhang Yimou also directed a movie "A City Full of Golden Armor", making this poem more widely known.

When you first read this poem, you can feel a surge of heroic spirit.

Hundreds of flowers bloom in front of his eyes, but Huang Chao only loves chrysanthemums.

Just wait, wait until autumn, the chrysanthemums bloom, and all the flowers will wither. By then, the whole Chang'an will be filled with the fragrance of chrysanthemums.

A saying has been passed down through the ages: "The incense array reaches the sky and penetrates Chang'an, and the city is filled with golden armor."

Huang Chao compares himself to a chrysanthemum.

You look down on me now. One day, I will return to Chang'an and let everyone know about my existence.

He was really angry. Huang Chao failed not just once, but several times.

"Budi Hou Fu Ju" is like a prophecy, Huang Chao really returns to Chang'an.

874 was a very sad year. Floods and droughts occurred one after another, crops failed, and the people had nothing to eat. They were displaced thousands of miles away with nowhere to complain.

A private salt dealer named Wang Xianzhi gathered thousands of people and rose up.

Huang Chao couldn't sit still when he saw it. The next year, he roped in his nephew and gathered thousands of people to respond to Wang Xianzhi.

The emperor is unreliable, and the people's life is really sad. More and more people are responding to Wang Xianzhi's Huangchao, and the rebel army is getting stronger and stronger.

Huang Chao became the leader of the peasant uprising army and continued to conquer cities and territories.

In the first year of Guangming reign of Emperor Xizong of Tang Dynasty, Huang Chao invaded Chang'an.

Tang Xizong ran away long ago. Huang Chao entered the palace. In Hanyuan Hall, he announced that he had become the new emperor, with the country name "Daqi".

At this time, he will definitely think of the poem he wrote many years ago.

When autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill all the flowers after they bloom.

The towering incense array penetrates Chang'an, and the city is filled with golden armor.

It was a dream when I was young, but unexpectedly, this dream became a reality.

The once-failed boy invaded Chang'an, and he was still the real "city full of golden armor".

Many people will use Huangchao to encourage failed students.

I have to admit that it is rare for Huang Chao to still be confident after failing many times.

Countless people have collapsed after experiencing one or two setbacks and can no longer move forward. However, Huang Chao can still maintain confidence after multiple setbacks, which is very rare in itself.

After being frustrated, he did not lose confidence and even had hope. This is something Huang Chao deserves to learn from.

So, does he deserve praise for his victory over Chang'an?

Some people say that he is the leader of the peasant uprising and a hero, but it depends on what he did.

I have to admit that because of the corruption of the Tang Dynasty government, people were in dire straits. In order to survive, Huang Chao rose up.

As the leader of the rebel army, Huang Chao led the army for ten years, killing countless people and destroying lives. After entering Chang'an, he sent troops to massacre the city. Wherever Huang Chao's army passed by, he could only see "thousands of miles of red ground" and rivers of blood.

Huang Chao's army is definitely not a "teacher of benevolence and righteousness", but a group of demons.

Ten years after he started the army, Huang Chao was killed by his nephew Lin Yan, and his life came to an end.

After learning about Huang Chao's life, I read the poem "Bu Di Hou Fu Ju" and found that there is a kind of "qi" hidden in it.

Professor Li Yuanluo, a famous poetry critic, commented on this poem: The frustrated resentment, the domineering self-centeredness, the terrifying murderous spirit, and the violent spirit that will not retreat until the great treasure is obtained.

and Huang Chao’s behavior after the uprising also proves this point.

He only has the self-centeredness of "one flower blooms alone", but does not have the equality of all living beings "when a hundred flowers bloom".

Huang Chao's uprising brought serious disasters to many ordinary people. And his uprising was also like a catharsis. In the past, he used pens and poems to vent his dissatisfaction. When the time was right, he used a knife to vent his dissatisfaction.

The hero worshiped by the failed students should never be someone like Huang Chao.

In difficult times, the more honest, sincere, and dedicated people are the ones we truly admire.

Egotists who sacrifice others in order to achieve their own goals are destined to not last long.

Poetry friends, what do you think?