In 1981, my country issued a "gun ban" and stipulated that people must take the initiative to turn in the guns hidden at home. After a farmer in Hainan saw this news in the newspaper, he thought that he had a rifle at home, so he went home happily, took the gun and went to the pu

In 1981, my country issued a "gun ban" and stipulated that people must take the initiative to turn in the guns hidden at home. After a farmer in Hainan saw this news in the newspaper, he thought that he had a rifle at home, so he went home happily, took the gun and went to the public security bureau. However, his 60-year-old father was furious and shouted: "This is Chairman Mao's award, no one can give it to me!" Hearing what his father said, the farmer was shocked. His father was just an ordinary person, how could it be possible? Will he be in contact with the chairman? The father noticed his son's doubts, sighed, and slowly told a story from more than 20 years ago.

After the end of the Korean War , the United States was very disappointed. Not only did it fail to achieve its original goal of using North Korea as a springboard to invade China, but it instead lost its national prestige to our country. Therefore, the United States continues to look for opportunities to target our country. In the 1960s, our country first experienced the Sino-Indian War, and then resisted the United States and aided Vietnam. The United States believed that this was a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation. This time, they chose my country's Hainan Island as the entry point.

Since August 1964, the US Air Force has been continuously conducting aerial reconnaissance and intrusion activities over Hainan, my country, and even attacked fishermen and merchant ships. Naturally, our country will not sit still and wait for death, and will fight back every time. However, the US military is very cunning. Every time, the US planes fly along the edge of our territorial waters, sometimes coming in and sometimes going out. In this way, when our fighter planes arrive, the US planes will It flew over the high seas; as soon as our fighters left, the US planes would repeat their old tricks. This kind of "edge tactic" is very insidious. If we cannot calm down and attack US aircraft over the high seas, it will be equivalent to handing the handle to the US military, and the US will definitely make a big fuss.

In November 1964, Chairman Mao gave an order and the 10th Naval Aviation Regiment was stationed in Hainan Island. Chairman Mao chose the 10th Regiment because it was adapted from the 49th Regiment of the Volunteer Air Force. It made outstanding achievements on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, shooting down 13 enemy planes.

In order to deal with the disgusting "edge tactics" of the US military, the 10th Regiment selected a sharp-knife detachment. The members are all experienced pilots who specialize in studying the tactical loopholes of the US military and the equipment defects of US aircraft. From March to late August 1965, the US military sent drones three times to invade our country's airspace in an attempt to spy on intelligence. However, they were all shot down by the 10th Regiment. The 10th Regiment was therefore awarded the title of " Sea and Air Eagle Regiment " An honorable title.

In 1965, the US military changed its strategy. Instead of sending only drones, they replaced them with fighter jets flown by pilots. The tactics also changed from intrusion to active attack. Therefore, our army also changed its policy. The original "generally not to attack" the invading US aircraft was changed to "resolute attack".

On April 9, 1965, eight US military fighter jets suddenly entered the sky over Hainan Island. After receiving the combat order, Gu Dehe, commander of the 8th Naval Aviation Division, led three other pilots to fly the J-5 to meet the enemy. Perhaps because we didn't expect our response to be so quick, 4 US aircraft evacuated first, and the rest were still within our country's airspace.

In this way, the current strength of China and the United States is 4:4, which seems to be a tie. However, the US aircraft still has a considerable advantage in terms of performance and weapons. In this case, our side remains calm in the face of danger, and Gu Dehe Adhere to the integration of 4 machines and concentrate on close combat combat.

The first person to confront the American aircraft was Li Dayun. Because our naval aviation generally would not take the initiative to attack, Li Dayun asked his superiors for instructions. However, at this time, the U.S. No. 3 aircraft suddenly approached behind Li Dayun. Li Dayun immediately turned left, turned around and approached the No. 3 aircraft again, and at the same time asked for instructions a second time whether to attack.

Before the commander could give instructions, the US No. 4 aircraft suddenly appeared and launched two missiles at Li Dayun. Li Dayun reacted quickly and turned sideways to avoid it. The two missiles of the US military missed us, but hit the US aircraft No. 3. The aircraft crashed after catching fire.

After that, the US military continued to try to attack our fighter planes, but failed to hit them. At the same time, we were preparing to intercept. After the enemy plane realized this, it immediately descended a steep slope and fled. Considering that there was not much fuel left in the aircraft, the ground command post ordered our fighters to return.

Li Dayun in his later years

Although this attack was frustrated, the US military did not give up its "thief intentions". Instead, it secretly planned to create a "big event".

On the morning of September 20, 1965, a US military F-104C fighter jet took off from Vietnam, and flew towards the Leizhou Peninsula in my country. Around 10 o'clock, the 10th Naval Aviation Regiment received an order to take off to intercept the US plane. Those responsible for carrying out this task are Captain Gao Xiang and Deputy Captain Huang Fengsheng.

11:31, Gao Xiang was the first to discover the enemy plane. At this time, the distance between the two sides was only 8 kilometers. The command post ordered Gao Xiang to "boldly cut the radius, get close and hit hard," so Gao Xiang drove towards the US plane at the fastest speed. The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. When the distance was only 291 meters, Gao Xiang opened fire on the enemy aircraft. He continued to press forward step by step while firing continuously, and did not stop until he was 39 meters away from the enemy aircraft.

The confrontation lasted unexpectedly short, and the U.S. military had no chance to fight back, because Gao Xiang only opened fire when he was very close to the U.S. aircraft in order to ensure that nothing unexpected happened. It is almost impossible for the US military to avoid artillery fire at this distance.

There was only a loud "boom" sound. The US F-104C fighter jet was hit. Soon thick smoke billowed out of the fuselage and it fell downwards.

F-104 was one of the most advanced fighter jets in the world at the time. It had never been shot down since its inception. Therefore, when the U.S. government and military learned that their fighter jet had been shot down by our army, they all shouted "unbelievable."

Gao Xiang

This past incident makes people excited even if I read it now, but what does this have to do with Hainan farmers? The father at the beginning of the story is named Fuqihe, and he is an ordinary citizen, but it was he who brought this Sino-US air war to a dramatic end.

After the US military F-104C fighter jet was shot down, the pilot Philip Smith escaped by parachuting in time and landed on the sea at Baohu Port, Wengtian, Wenchang County.

At that time, villagers Fu Qihe and Wang Luyuan were burning lime at the beach. They suddenly heard an explosion and saw a black shadow falling into the sea. Then Fu Qihe saw a small black dot descending from high in the sky. He Guess it could be a parachute. Fu Qihe's first reaction was that a plane had crashed, so he asked Wang Luyuan to go back to the village to report, while he himself walked to the location where the black spot landed to see if there was anything he could do to help.

Fu Qihe thought it was a Chinese plane, but unexpectedly he saw a blond man wearing a foreign military uniform from a distance, and he realized that the crashed was a foreign fighter plane.

At this time, Philip had climbed ashore and was using the communication device he carried with him to try to contact the troops and seek rescue. Fu Qihe couldn't understand English, but he felt that the foreigner who crashed in our country in a plane must be an enemy or a spy who sneaked in. Fu Qihe was once the backbone of the village militia and had a strong sense of justice. Although he was now unarmed, he still could not let it go.

Fu Qihe picked up a bamboo pole, quietly walked around behind Philip, and walked toward him tiptoeing. The distance between the two became closer and closer. Fu Qihe held a bamboo pole and pushed it forward, against Philip's back, and shouted: "Don't move, raise your hands!"

Philip was startled, As soon as he was shot down, he was frightened. He subconsciously thought that what was pressed against his back was a gun, so he immediately surrendered. Fu Qihe took the opportunity to confiscate his pistol. At this time, the village cadres and militiamen also arrived, and everyone worked together to subdue Philip. Only then did Philip see the bamboo pole in Fu Qihe's hand and knew that he had been fooled.

It didn’t take long for the army to get the news and send someone to take Philip back. After some interrogation, Philip admitted what he had done.

This time our country won and slapped the United States hard. All meritorious personnel were rewarded. The pilot Gao Xiang who shot down the enemy plane was awarded first-class merit , and Fu Qihe was awarded second-class merit . A few days later was the National Day. Navy Commander Xiao Jinguang sent a special plane to take Fu Qihe to Beijing to participate in the National Day celebrations. Leaders such as Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou also received him in person.Afterwards, Chairman Mao on behalf of the Navy Headquarters gave Fu Qihe a semi-automatic rifle as a souvenir and reward.

Fu Qihe's deeds were reported by a large number of media at the time, but he himself never used it to show off. Therefore, even his son was not sure where the gun at home came from, so he wanted to hand it over to the state.

Fu Qihe is just an ordinary farmer, but he stood up unarmed and took the risk to subdue the enemy. Isn't he afraid of facing the US military with guns? The answer is of course fear, but for the safety of the country and people, he stepped forward resolutely. Fu Qihe's achievements may not seem earth-shattering on the surface, but it is this ordinary bravery that is particularly touching.