"Five thousand years of wind and rain, how many dreams have been hidden? The yellow face, the black eyes, the smile that never changes, the eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers, are like a song, no matter where you come from, where you are going "

"How many dreams have been hidden in five thousand years of wind and rain? The yellow face, the black eyes, the smile that remains unchanged, the eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers , are like a song, no matter where you come from, you will always be there. Where are you going?

Great rivers and mountains in China, in this 9.6 million square kilometers, there are the singing and dancing swallows in the south of the Yangtze River, the snowy in Shuobei, the endless Yellow River , the majestic Yangtze River, and even more elegant people. , gentle , hard-working, kind-hearted, knowledgeable and courteous descendants of the Yellow Emperor. No matter where we go, we are all descendants of the ancient Eastern dragon.

When Zhang Qingshan was 12 years old, he was sold abroad and became a slave. Even life abroad is longer than living on the motherland. However, from the moment he died, he never forgot that he was an upright Chinese.

From the time of the First Opium War , the rule of the Qing government was seriously threatened. Western powers forced the Qing government to sign unequal treaties, cede territory and pay compensation , and a large amount of gold and silver were lost, which caused great harm to China at that time. Huge loss for for . Of course, in this turbulent era, the people who suffered the most were the common people, and Zhang Qingshan was born during this period.

Even Zhang Qingshan's family is suffering terribly in this era of broken mountains and rivers and precarious conditions. However, under the careful care of his parents, Zhang Qingshan grew up healthy and happy. Perhaps he would often recall the fireflies under the moonlight, the fish and shrimp in the stream, the bright moon in the sky and the frost on the ground when he was a child. .

However, no one can predict what will happen next in life. Zhang Qingshan lost his parents when he was only ten years old. With nothing to eat, he became a wild child. Fortunately, Zhang Qingshan had extraordinary willpower , which enabled him to survive.

In the spring of 1900, eight major countries, led by Britain, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, the United States, Italy and Austria, launched a armed war of aggression against China. When the war breaks out, the people suffer the most. Their greatest wish is to guard their one-third of an acre of land, come home late at sunrise, work diligently, and wait until autumn to share the joy of harvest. But this war broke their yearning for . 12-year-old Zhang Qingshan is one of them.

The land of China is under your feet. No matter where you are, you will feel at ease. But in that year, Zhang Qingshan was sold abroad and became a slave, which made his already unsatisfactory life even worse.

Zhang Qingshan was drugged and taken away by two Russian soldiers. When he woke up, he was far away from his motherland. At that time, it would be very difficult to come back. In this way, Russian soldiers abducted and trafficked Zhang Qingshan to Russian territory in broad daylight. Fortunately, the farmer is very friendly, and Zhang Qingshan is liked by the farmer.

At that time, Zhang Qingshan's life gradually improved, but he was not free after all. Perhaps if it were someone else who had experienced that turbulent era and then experienced a more comfortable life, they might have lived a very comfortable life. But Zhang Qingshan still cherishes his motherland. He wants to redeem himself and wants to return to the land of China.

After his continuous efforts, Zhang Qingshan finally became a free agent. However, in that era, transportation was very scarce, and he still had no way to return to the hometown he dreamed of every night. Zhang Qingshan could only recall the scenes of his hometown in his mind: the small river at the head of the village, the weeping willows by the river, the old cow under the weeping willow, and the friends next to the old cow. Thinking about it, he shed hot tears.

People often say that gold always shines. Zhang Qingshan is a kind of simple gold. He is smart, capable, down-to-earth and reliable. He has established a good reputation in foreign countries and people appreciate him very much.

A white girl even expressed her love to him. The two people complemented each other and were attracted to each other. This also allowed Zhang Qingshan to have his own home in Russia, and his life, which was originally full of darkness, became brighter. Zhang Qingshan often tells his wife about China in his memories. His wife also looks forward to one day coming to China to look for Zhang Qingshan’s past footprints.

Zhang Qingshan and his wife respect each other as guests , support each other, and have seven children in total. This makes Zhang Qingshan feel satisfied with his current life. He tells the story of China to his children and future generations and remembers the local accent every day. He has always known that he is a descendant of the dragon and a Chinese.

Zhang Qingshan established the Bluestone Village in Moldova. Most of the people here are his descendants. Even though their appearance has changed, the blood in their bodies is still hot Chinese blood. Although Zhang Qingshan's fallen leaves failed to return to his roots, he built a Chinese village in his own way. This is inheritance, and this is the powerful power of the Chinese people.

Summary: Everyone's life seems to be like a novel. Some people may be a dull story, and some people may be ups and downs , vigorous plot, Zhang Qingshan's life is like The latter kind of novel. I can only look at the land of my motherland from a distance abroad and imagine the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers and the humanistic sentiments of my motherland. He said that since he could not return to his hometown, he would recreate a dream hometown on someone else's territory. Even though I wear the dress, my heart is still Chinese. Whenever we see the Chinese flag, we are still excited; no matter where we hear the Chinese national anthem, we still burst into tears. This is the Chinese people.