I think it's enough. Han Xin's business ability is very strong, but this person needs to rely on a strong leader. Obviously Liu Chan is not a very capable leader. Han Xin is called the "Soldier Immortal" by our descendants. His status is unquestionable and his military ability is

I think it’s quite annoying.

Han Xin has strong business capabilities, but this person needs to rely on a strong leader. Obviously Liu Chan is not a very capable leader.

Han Xin is called the "Soldier Immortal" by our descendants. His status is unquestionable and his military ability is very strong. If he traveled to the Three Kingdoms, it would be difficult for military strategists of the same period to compare with him. But Han Xin's character is still flawed. He is always very entangled, and you feel anxious and angry for him when he is entangled. Even if he was falsely accused of treason, he was still indecisive. He had no ambition to be a ruler, and just wanted to be a vassal king with peace of mind.

If this were placed in the Three Kingdoms and the various princes were fighting each other, Han Xin would still not be able to adapt. Therefore, Han Xin is OK as a deputy or general, but he is almost useless as a leader.

If , Zhuge Liang, and Han Xin were all there, I think it would be absolutely fine for Shu to unify China.

Zhuge Liang's EQ, IQ and governing ability are all good. Han Xin's military ability plus Zhuge Liang's leadership, this pairing must be invincible, so I personally think that Han Xin ➕ Zhuge Liang should be able to win the Shu Kingdom. (The pictures in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author for deletion)