The Sui Dynasty was a dynasty that started high and moved low, which made many people unhappy. But Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, did many things that influenced later dynasties. Many systems in later generations can find their origins in Emperor Wen of the S

The Sui Dynasty was a dynasty that started high and went low, which made many people unhappy. Although the Sui Dynasty only had a short history of 37 years. But Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, did many things that influenced later dynasties. Many systems in later generations can find their origins from Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty .

Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty after seizing power from Northern Zhou . But when the Sui Dynasty was first established, the world was not unified. There were the Chen Dynasty in the south, and the vassal state Xiliang of the Sui Dynasty. 6htmlTwo years later, the Sui Dynasty first annexed Xiliang. In the next two years, he captured the Chen Dynasty and truly unified the world. Officially over, the Eastern Han after the fall of the Three Kingdoms, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties 370 years of split history.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian reigned for 23 years and implemented a series of reforms, known as the "Reformation of Government" in history. The result of and Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty's reform of was positive. The Sui Dynasty became prosperous as a result, and the "Kaihuang Rule" appeared.

How did Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian do it? At this moment in history, I will tell you about it from two general directions: internal and external.

Internally, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian created the three provinces and six ministries system. The three provinces refer to the Province of Internal History, the Province of Menxia and the Province of Shangshu. The Ministry of Internal History mainly makes decisions, which are then reviewed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then implemented by Shangshu Province . The Ministry of Internal History is the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to avoid the name of his father Yang Zhong, Yang Jian changed Zhongshu Province to the Ministry of Internal History.

The Sixth Department is a department under the Shangshu Province. It mainly cooperates with the Shangshu Province to implement various decisions. The six departments are the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Industry.

The officials in the Ministry of Personnel refer to officials, and as the name suggests, they are in charge of personnel affairs. The people in Ministry of Civil Affairs refers to the people, which is closely related to the people, that is, population management and taxation. Naturally, the Ministry of Civil Affairs is in charge of household registration and finance. The Ministry of Rites was in charge of sacrifices, schools and imperial examinations. The Ministry of War is in charge of military affairs. The Ministry of Punishment is in charge of justice. The Ministry of Industry is in charge of engineering, farming, etc.

Among them, the imperial examination belongs to the Ministry of Rites, which feels weird. In fact, at the beginning, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty placed the imperial examination in the Ministry of Personnel. However, in the later Tang Dynasty, in order to decentralize power, the imperial examination was transferred to the Ministry of Rites.

The three-province and six-department system has a clear and simple division of labor, which not only improves work efficiency. At the same time, it not only weakened the power of the prime minister, but also strengthened the imperial power. Therefore, it was used by subsequent dynasties.

In addition to the three provinces and six ministries system, there is also the familiar imperial examination system. Starting from Cao Pi , during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the official selection system was the nine-rank Zhongzheng system , and people with low family status had no chance to become officials. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, abolished the nine-grade Zhongzheng system and used subject-specific examinations to select officials. This was the prototype of the imperial examination system.

Later, Yang Guang, the son of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, after he came to the throne, he added Jinshi and other subjects in his father's way, and the imperial examination system was officially formed. From then on, the imperial court was no longer dominated by noble families. Anyone could pass the imperial examination and become an official in the imperial court. The imperial examination system, like the three provinces and six ministries system, was also passed down by subsequent dynasties.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian also implemented the new law " Kaihuang Law ". "Kaihuang Code" is modified on the basis of " and Northern Qi Code ". The crimes alone were half less than those in the "Northern Qi Code". Many of the criminal laws in it were inherited by later generations.

In addition to the above. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, also reformed the government's military system, improved the household registration system, reissued land equalization orders, made corvee light and weak, and so on. In short, we are doing everything possible to reduce the people's living burden, so that the people can live a good life and the country will become rich.

and externally. Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, made Turkic miserable.

The current Mongolian Plateau has always been occupied by various nomadic peoples in history. First came the Xiongnu . When the Xiongnu were driven to the west by the Han Dynasty, Xianbei came again. During the Sixteen Kingdoms period, and Wuhu entered the Central Plains one after another to cause trouble, and Xianbei also went to the Central Plains. The Mongolian Plateau was emptied out again, and then Tiele came again.

And when Rouran was driven to Mobei by Emperor Daowu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Rouran surrendered to Tiele. Later, Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty defeated Tiele and moved the surrendered Tiele to Monan. This part of the surrendered Tiele was called Gaoche. The other Tie Le are still called Tie Le. At the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Rouran became stronger again and continued to provoke the Northern Dynasties. After that, the Turks became stronger again and killed Rouran. As a result, the Turks took Rouran's place and continued to occupy the Mongolian Plateau and squeeze the Central Plains.

In the Sui Dynasty, at the end of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Turks who were accustomed to asking for money from the Northern Dynasties continued to ask for it from the Sui Dynasty. When the Sui Dynasty did not meet the Turks' demands, the Turks supported the descendants of the Northern Qi Dynasty and proclaimed themselves emperors, deliberately making things difficult for the Sui Dynasty.

So Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, decided not to coddle the Turks anymore and show them how powerful they were, and sent troops to defeat the Turks. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty also used a stratagem to drive a wedge between the Western Datou Khan and the Great Khan Shabolue. The Turks were divided into two, becoming the Eastern Turks and the Western Turks.

Later, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, married women from the clan to the Tuli Khan of the Turks in the east. The great Khan of the Turks in the east was very angry and began to send troops to attack Tuli . Dulan Khan is the son of Sabolo Khan .

As a result, Tuli Khan fled to the Sui Dynasty and was renamed Qiming Khan by the Sui Dynasty. After the death of the Great Khan Dulan, Qiming Khan, with the support of the Sui Dynasty, captured Dulan's men and then surrendered to the Sui Dynasty. This also allowed the Sui Dynasty to see the cowardice of the northern nomads and no longer fear them. After all, since the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the people of the Central Plains have been afraid of the nomads in the north.

The beginning of the Sui Dynasty was great, but problems appeared later. The prince of the Sui Dynasty was originally Yang Yong. In the view of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, the prince Yang Yong had turned into a barbarian, and even acted in the style of a barbarian. Later, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian deposed the crown prince and made Yang Guang the crown prince.

But Yang Guang was not a good person, and the Sui Dynasty also fell into his hands. So how did Yang Guang bring down the Sui Dynasty step by step? Continue in the next article. I am History Now. I use the vernacular and systematically talk about Chinese history according to the order of dynasties. If you like history, follow me. Text/Historical Present.