Ming Dynasty betrayed Zhu Yuanzhang


He traveled all over the world, learned about the customs and customs of various places, and observed the sufferings of people's livelihood. He went up the mountain to join the army, was witty and brave, and was a hero in a turbulent situation. He loves the people, attaches great importance to intellectuals, and gathers great power to accomplish great things. He punished corrupt officials, developed the economy, and defended the interests of the country and the people.


emperor born poor, came from more than extortion by corrupt officials, parents were home all dirty corrupt officials Officials exploited and bullied them for decades, and deeply remembered the evil of corrupt officials and corrupt officials. After ascending the throne, a nationwide "anti-corruption official" campaign was launched, targeting corrupt officials at all levels from the central to the local level, encouraging the common people to take action and report and arrest the corrupt central and local officials.

first ,Officials who embezzle more than 60 taels of silver will be shot to death. From local counties, prefectures, central six departments and Zhongshu provinces, as long as it is corruption, no matter who is involved, no matter what level of officials are involved, we will never be lenient.

Next , in the early Ming Dynasty, in the six ministries of subordinate officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and work, due to the retention of a large number of old officials of Yuan Dynasty, as well as some rebels who started their careers. hero. They relied on their achievements in founding the country, they believed that they were full of wings, and they had no fear of corruption and perversion of the law, exploiting the vast majority of people, and enriching their own pockets. Zhu Yuanzhang punished these officials.

Third , Zhu Yuanzhang used cruel criminal law to deal with corrupt officials. This kind of move deterred a group of officials and made them behave greatly.

Fourth , Zhu Yuanzhang never tolerated the officials he trained, and naturally he did not allow corruption by the new officials trained by the court. In order to cultivate and promote new forces, vigorously strengthens the middle and lower levels, so that more young blood can become the pillars of the country. He has a lot of love for these new scholars and supervisors, and often teaches them to be loyal to the public and not to be moved by self-interest.

,Zhu Yuanzhang formulated the " Da Gao " and "A Brief Summary of Awakening Corruption" to eradicate corruption. The book "Da Gao" is a record of the results of some corruption cases that he personally tried and judged. Zhu Yuanzhang also ordered the book to be widely publicized across the country, Every household should have at least one copy, and he also asked people to post excerpts and transcripts in prominent places on the roadside and in the pavilion, so that officials can self-discipline after reading, so that people can deal with it after learning. Corrupt officials.

Sixth , allowing civilians to petition. Ming Dynasty allows ordinary people to turn away unjust officials. If officials were cheating in the collection of taxes and grains and apportionment of servants, commoners could report to the higher-level government, or they could be escorted directly to Beijing. Not only that, but higher-level officials who should have received visits but did not receive them should also be punished according to law.

In addition , Zhu Yuanzhang specially set up a "singing grievance drum" outside the Meridian Gate. If the common people have grievances and cannot get justice in the local area, they can go to Beijing to beat the drums and directly sue the imperial court. also stipulates that no one shall stop or persecute those who complain and complain, and shall not unreasonably harm petitioners before and after the case.


Zhu Yuanzhang has been in power for 31 years and has launched 6 large-scale corruption campaigns, killing 150,000 corrupt officials. His campaign of "killing all corrupt officials" has not weakened throughout, but due to the historical limitations of the feudal dynasty and the big landlord class, the phenomenon of corrupt officials in the Ming Dynasty has never been eradicated.It is the same when it is cured in the evening and in the morning; the corpse remains unmoved and people follow it, and the more severe the cure, the more crimes. " 's lament.

And the code "Da Gao" and the petition system, also with the death of Zhu Yuanzhang, were abandoned by the Ming Dynasty after Hongwu strong. _strong _span

Since then, the people have escorted officials to Beijing, and the people have also disappeared into the long river of history. In general, after he left, it grew rapidly, ruthlessly hollowed out the country and the people, and finally destroyed the Ming Dynasty. The central force can stop the process of bureaucratic corruption. When the corruption of the central court, there is no force to stop it. After Hongwu, the emperor and the bureaucrats chose to stand together against the common people.

And the one who mobilized the masses against corrupt officials,After his death, he was slandered and attacked by numerous officials and literati. His portrait was vilified, his image became vile, his name was smeared away, his life was a demon of debauchery and cruelty...
