[One Hundred Years of Party History] Today in Party History, December 29

Important discussion

December 29, 1950

Mao Zedong replied to Peng Dehuai. The telegram pointed out that the third battle was completed and the spring offensive was prepared: If this battle develops smoothly, Chuncheon and Hongcheon will be occupied by the Sixty-Sixth Army or the 42nd Army, and Xiangyang and Gangneung will be occupied by the People's Army. Bullets and prepare for the spring offensive. The other armies, after the battle was completely over and the enemy’s new deployment became clear, they were placed in areas where food transportation was more convenient (regardless of the 38th parallel to the north and the south), and their deployment rested for two months. The old impression of the so-called 38th line in people's minds disappeared after this battle. It doesn't matter if our army rests to the south or north of the 38th parallel. However, if we do not fight this battle, our army will be rested and reorganized throughout the winter from the beginning of December, without any action, which will inevitably cause a lot of speculation in the capitalist countries, and some people in the Democratic Front will also disagree and have many discussions. If our army can, according to your current deployment, win a battle in the first half of January, strive to annihilate several divisions of the puppet army and one U.S. army, and then rest for two months and prepare for the spring offensive, it will be against the democratic front and the people of capitalist countries The impact was very good, but it dealt a new blow to imperialism and aggravated its pessimistic defeat. I also emphasized that we are not afraid that the enemy will stick to the area north of Seoul and the 37th degree line, but that he will withdraw from the line and guard the small areas of Daegu and Busan. But the latter possibility exists, and you have to be prepared to deal with this situation.

December 29, 1979

When meeting with the Singapore government delegation, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: You have many things that we can learn from and learn. Of course, the conditions are different and the problems are different. China’s population is too large, and each person’s income by one yuan will cost one billion yuan. When Japanese Prime Minister Masahiro Ohira visited China recently, he asked me a question: How big is your goal? I said that the so-called four modernizations can only create a "well-off home", for example, the per capita GDP is 1,000 US dollars. Although it is a "well-off home", life is definitely better, and social problems can be solved relatively smoothly. Even if our total economic indicators surpass all countries,Per capita income is still not very large. In short, we must be ambitious and down-to-earth. Maybe it's better to lower the goal and surpass it.

December 29, 1989

In his speech at a party building theory seminar held by relevant central departments, Jiang Zemin proposed that the Communist Party of China should be built into a stronger vanguard of the working class. He pointed out: To strengthen party building, the most fundamental and important thing is to insist on building our party into the vanguard of a stronger Chinese working class armed with Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Such a vanguard must be more mature theoretically, more unified ideologically, stronger politically, more united internally, and closer to the masses. It is a strong core leading the people of all ethnic groups in the country to build socialism with Chinese characteristics. Earnestly put ideological building at the top of party building. To strengthen party building, we must first earnestly strengthen ideological building. It is necessary to ensure that the leadership of the party and the country at all levels is controlled by people who are loyal to Marxism. This is a most important strategic issue that directly affects the rise and fall of the party and the country.

He proposed to improve the party’s ability to govern. Point out: Our party is the ruling party, and the party's leadership must be reflected through ruling. We must strengthen our awareness of governance and improve our ability to govern. While emphasizing the strengthening of the party's leadership, we must also conscientiously improve the party's leadership and activities. Regarding the relationship between the party and the masses, he pointed out: We must always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the masses. We must form a good manner in the whole party that firmly believes in the masses, closely depends on the masses, puts the interests of the masses first in everything, is responsible to the people in everything, and honestly learns from the masses. All policy issues that involve the vital interests of the broad masses of people must be very cautious. Under socialist conditions, the fundamental interests of the people are the same, but different classes and strata also have different specific interests. When formulating and implementing policies, we must repeatedly investigate, fully demonstrate, make overall plans, and correctly handle the relationship between the interests of the state, the collective, and the individual, which not only reflects the fundamental long-term interests, but also takes care of the current interests; considers the country as a whole Interests, but also concerned about the real requirements of the masses. This speech is titled "Struggling to Build the Party into a Stronger Working Class Vanguard" and is included in the first volume of "Selected Works of Jiang Zemin".

Looking back on the history of the party


On December 29, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was fully completed and opened to traffic.This was the largest railway and highway bridge designed and built by China at that time.


December 29 The nineteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress decided to abolish the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Agricultural Taxes" on January 1, 2006. The agricultural tax that has lasted for more than two thousand years in China has officially become history.


On December 29, when visiting Hebei, Xi Jinping pointed out that the most arduous and arduous task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way lies in rural areas, especially in poverty-stricken areas. Without a well-off society in rural areas, especially in poverty-stricken areas, there will be no comprehensive well-off society. In November 2013, Xi Jinping put forward the concept of "precise poverty alleviation" when visiting Hunan.

Historical moments

On December 29, 1968, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was fully completed and opened to traffic. This was the largest railway and highway bridge designed and built by China at that time.

Source: Central Party History and Literature Research Institute website

Editor: Wang Lifu | Review: Wang Xueliang

Tang Wang Rong Media Contribution Email: twxrmtzx@126.com
