Was stigmatized and arrested. Once the rich family had no money to be buried as their mother... Sun Yat-sen and his brother Sun Mei: What happened before and after the Revolution of 1911?

On the morning of October 9, the meeting to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911 was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission delivered an important speech. Xi Jinping said that the historical achievements made by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the pioneers of the Revolution of 1911 for the Chinese nation are shining through the ages. The heroes who fought bravely and sacrificed heroically in the Revolution of 1911 are remembered in history. The Revolution of 1911 will always be a standing milestone in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

   Sun Yat-sen founded the Xingzhong Club in Honolulu in 1894 and took the lead in calling for "Revitalizing China". Since he raised the banner of the anti-Qing revolution, he received generous donations from his elder brother Sun Mei. After that, Sun Mei supported his younger brother Sun Yat-sen for a long time to carry out the arduous revolutionary cause, and gave up all his possessions, which led to bankruptcy. In the end, he did not hesitate to join the revolutionary torrent. Sun Yat-sen and his brother Sun Mei joined hands in the revolution, and scenes of historical events are deeply moving.

   brothers both joined the revolution

   Sun Yat-sen dedicated himself to the revolution, lived frugally, and followed Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary Japanese friend Miyazaki who had helped the poor for many years and wrote: , Or to achieve the purpose of revolution, Mr. Sun is quite daring to spend money, but his own life is very simple and simple, he does not drink, and does not spend unnecessary money. Where there is a tram, he must take the tram ; And just to take a small chartered car, it is also considered very precise, never random flowers. No matter what the weather, he often walks with a coat and umbrella. In this way, in case of rain, he can still go anywhere."

   But in 1909, Zhang Taiyan and Tao Chengzhang set off an upheaval, claiming that Sun Yat-sen took the donations of comrades from various places as his own, and "drew money from the revolution to cheat money" and made a fortune in his family. Then, Tao Chengzhang entangled Li Xiehe and others, in the name of comrades from Sichuan, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces, drafted an upside-down "Sun Wen Crime", accusing Sun Yat-sen of being in Hong Kong, Shanghai HSBC has a huge amount of money,The houses Sun Mei built in Kowloon were all remittances from Sun Yat-sen. Their slander of Sun Yat-sen deceived revolutionary comrades and had a bad influence on the overseas Chinese. Sun Yat-sen was very angry about this. In late October of the same year, he wrote an article in the "New Century" run by Wu Zhihui in Paris to expose the slander Tao Chengzhang and his like. He wrote: "Take me as a'profit', and I don't know that before the revolution, I had a solid and superior position in the economic circle of the society. If I did not revolutionize, my position would not be lost, and the world I can’t help the happiness I want, the revolution’s “snap profit”? And the revolution in Guangzhou that day was funded by financial sponsors, few people. The recipients, one or two people in Hong Kong contributed thousands of funds, and the people of Honolulu contributed thousands. Thousands, but a total of less than 10,000 ears. However, years of operation, contacts between several provinces, and the facts discovered in the accident in Yangcheng, are beyond the reach of more than 10,000 gold, and everyone knows. The rest. Where does the money come from? My brother and I also came from it. And Geng Zi Huizhou sent troops and other parties to support the business, and the cost was no less than 100,000 yuan, and only Hong Kong Li Jun contributed more than 20,000 yuan, and a Japanese hero. Five thousand yuan, and the rest came from my own money. Since then, my financial resources have been exhausted, and my urgency has depended on my brother’s assistance, and my wife has been in charge of it. I have been engaged in the revolution for more than ten years. It’s a lot of money and money for my brothers, and the total amount of help from fellow countrymen and Japanese is no more than 40,000 to 50,000 ears..."

   span's grandson's grandson

   At that time, overseas Chinese and Nanyang Revolutionaries who did not know the truth sent people to Hong Kong to investigate, but what the investigator saw was that Sun Yat-sen’s house in Kowloon had only a few old houses and nothing else. As for Sun Mei’s house, it was I built the thatched house by myself and lived by farming. The direct reason for Sun Mei's bankruptcy was that he contributed generously to the revolution. At this time, the investigator couldn't help but ask in shock: "If Mr. Envoy made a fortune for the revolution and sent the money to his home, why is the house and people in the family still so crappy?" So far, the truth has become clear to the world. Sun Mei still cared about and supported Sun Yat-sen's revolution in predicament, and spared no effort to directly participate in many major activities before the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911.

   was buried for the mother without money for the revolution

   On February 29, 1910, Mrs. Yang was critically ill. The once-wonderful Sun Mei was unable to treat his mother at this time, so he had to call from Hong Kong to tell him that he was in Hong Kong. Sun Yat-sen, who raised funds for the revolution, hoped that his brother would send money to help him immediately. Sun Yat-sen thought of his eldest brother's request for remittance at this time, he must be helpless, and hurriedly raised 1,000 Hong Kong dollars to remit.

   In early July 1910, Sun Yat-sen transited from the Americas to Japan and went to Southeast Asia, via Hong Kong. He wanted to go ashore to visit his mother, but the Hong Kong authorities forbid him to go ashore. As a result, he had to ask someone to pick up his blind mother. See you on the boat. More than ten days later, on July 19, Mrs. Yang died in Kowloon at the age of 83.

   Although Sun Yat-sen could not go to his mother's filial piety, Sun Mei fully understood his younger brother and did not blame him at all. At that time, the "Maui King" of the rich side had no money to buy a coffin for his mother to bury him. Just as Sun Mei was unable to do anything, the Nanyang Revolutionary Party raised a thousand yuan in donations and got the help of Luo Yannian, a friend and member of the League of Nations, to help with the funeral, and buried Mrs. Yang in the Hundred Flower Forest in Haoyong, Saigon, New Territories. In order to keep the secret, Mrs. Yang's tombstone only wrote "The Tomb of the Yang Family of the Sunmen of Xiangyi".

    a family photo in Honolulu in 1901, Mrs. Yang in the middle, the fifth grandson from the left, the fourth grandson in the back, the mother of the fourth grandson walked in the shortly after _1span_span10 In September, Sun Mei’s revolutionary activities were investigated by the Qing government. Liang Guoying, the consul-general of the Qing government in Honolulu, gave a secret report to the Ministry of the Interior: “Sun Wen’s brother Sun Wei (mei) is planting in Kowloon, accepting foreign weapons and supplying bandits.” So, Qing The government bought out the local police, secretly arrested Sun Mei and planned to escort him to Guangzhou. Fortunately, at the Tsim Sha Tsui Marine Division Police Officer and Revolutionary Luo Yannian learned thatImmediately inform the Revolutionaries that they are trying to rescue Sun Mei, and the American consul in Hong Kong is required to come forward to the police station to negotiate, and solemnly declare that if Hong Kong does not like Sun Mei, he can be allowed to leave the country freely. The place. On September 26, the Hong Kong authorities sent a letter to the US consulate to inform Sun Mei's deportation. On the 28th, Sun Mei was expelled by the Hong Kong government and was sent to Macau for "moving labor into the party." As a result, the sinister plan of the Qing government ended in failure.

   Sun Mei had to return the farm land to Chen Shaobai, and went to Guangzhou Bay with Yang Dechu, under the pseudonym "Huang Zhendong", and used the "Santaly" business as a secret contact station to devote all his energy to revolutionary activities and contact the rebels on South Guangdong Road. Because of his status and prestige, the revolutionary party called him "Brother Huang".

   On October 2, 1910, Sun Mei arrived in Singapore on a Japanese cruise ship. On November 18th, he participated in a secret meeting organized by Sun Yat-sen to gather Huang Xing, Zhao Sheng and Hu Hanmin in Bineng, Malaysia, to plan the Guangzhou Uprising. This meeting led to the Huanghuagang Uprising in Guangzhou and directly promoted the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911. After the meeting, he was ordered to sneak back to the mainland and actively participate in the democratic revolution. He was responsible for the task of contacting revolutionary comrades and party members, and planning the new army uprising. Because of his young age, he enjoyed high prestige among the revolutionary party members, and everyone respected him as "Mei Gong". By virtue of his prestige, he recruited revolutionary comrades to join the League, and many followers. He also served as the deputy head of the branch of the Hong Kong Southern League, issuing commissions on behalf of Sun Yat-sen.

   On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang Uprising broke out. Sun Mei organized the civilian army to respond and recovered all parts of the Leizhou Peninsula. He did not return to Guangzhou until the recovery of Guangzhou on November 9.

   Sun Yat-sen strongly opposed his eldest brother’s politics

   In January 1912, the Nanjing National Government was established and Sun Yat-sen was elected as interim president. Because the governor Chen Jiongming has repeatedly threatened to resign,So the party, government, and army of Guangdong each elected the governor and called for Sun Yat-sen's appointment. Among them, Sun Mei is the most elected. The Nanjing Presidential Office received a large number of such telegrams. Cai Yuanpei, then director of education, was also an active supporter.

   Sun Yat-sen took a photo with his colleagues after he took office as the interim president

In fact, some of the members of the Chinese People’s League and the Chinese People’s Association were not full of . Chen Jiongming, people from all walks of life proposed to elect Sun Mei as the governor of Guangdong. At that time, Sun Yat-sen returned to China from Europe and passed through Hong Kong. When meeting with his elder brother, he said that politics was not the director of the elder brother and advised him not to get involved in politics. Although Sun Yat-sen thought of his elder brother's contributions to the revolution, his ability to handle practical matters, and his high morals, he was determined to change the bad habit of employing cronyism after careful consideration. On February 12 of the same year, he replied to various organizations and newspapers in Guangdong, explaining why he could not appoint Sun Mei as the governor. In its own way, the Cantonese governor has heavy responsibilities and can only respond lightly, which is definitely not suitable. If you choose people for things, you can arrange the civilian army and handle the business, and the family brother should be able to do it. Rather than force it, it will inevitably be horrified in the future. He Rushen is at the beginning. The one who knows his brother is Mo Ruodi, who loves my Cantonese, that is, he loves his brother."

   Sun Yat-sen also called Sun Mei and urged him not to be the governor of Guangdong. It also sent a telegram to Chen Jiongming and all walks of life in Guangdong, expressly ordering that Chen Jiongming must continue to serve as the governor, and no organization can elect another person to serve as the governor. He also earnestly said in a telegram to others, "I don't think it is necessary for the period of the article about the family brother's matter." He even called his eldest brother to leave Guangzhou immediately. However, Sun Mei couldn't understand Sun Yat-sen's selflessness, and he was very dissatisfied with his younger brother. Soon, he brought a group of people from Guangzhou to Nanjing to find Sun Yat-sen with confidence. Before leaving, Sun Mei said in a letter to his sons and grandsons that this trip was "to discuss state affairs with your uncle."

   Sun Yat-sen's nephew, Sun Mei’s son, Sun Chang (right) also participated in the revolution

pHave an interview with Sun Yat-sen in person. But at that time Sun Yat-sen was busy at work, and those who visited the president had to wait for the secretary to arrange. After waiting for a long time, Sun Mei looked irritable, and then furiously said: "If Awen is the president, I will be the president." After a while, Sun Yat-sen came out to warmly welcome Sun Mei and his entourage. When Sun Mei saw Sun Yat-sen, he immediately complained to him about his mistakes in giving way to Yuan Shikai, and then accused Hu Hanmin and Chen Jiongming of the two governors of administrative mistakes.

   Sun Yat-sen listened patiently to Sun Meitao's speech. But in the end, he still urged his eldest brother not to interfere in political affairs, and to stop the shadows of Linquan, in order to entertain the evening scene. This disappointed Sun Mei.

   At this time, Guangdong soldier Long Jinguang called Sun Mei again to be the governor of Guangdong. Sun Yat-sen immediately ordered people to call back and said, "Brother Suzhi cannot be the military and civilian responsibility, and you should not miss the Guangdong Bureau." The younger brother looked down upon himself in such a way, both sad and unconvinced, but it was of no avail, so he had to hold back his resentment, left angrily, and immediately returned to Guangdong by train.

   After Sun Mei left Nanjing, letters and telegrams recommending him as the governor of Guangdong continued to appear in front of Sun Yat-sen, but he remained unmoved and adhered to principles. Until he resigned as the interim president, he still did not allow his elder brother to get involved in politics.

   Brotherhood is reconciled

   On May 27, 1912, Sun Yat-sen returned to his hometown of Cuiheng Village after 17 years of absence. At that time, although Sun Mei was still depressed because he failed to become the governor, he still organized the villagers to prepare to welcome Sun Yat-sen back to his hometown. On the one hand, he was proud of the younger brother of the Zengguan to the Provisional President, and felt that he had done more than anyone else; on the other hand, he was aggrieved by Sun Yat-sen's firm disapproval of his appointment as the governor. Therefore, when he saw Sun Yat-sen, it was difficult. Suppressing his anger, he even pulled Sun Yat-sen by the skirt of his clothes and questioned him.

   Sun Mei blamed Sun Yat-sen in front of his relatives and friends. An important reason is that he has always felt ashamed of the villagers who suffered for their brothers.During his tenure as the governor, he planned to build a dike on the sandy beach to increase a lot of fertile land and have enough food for the folks of Cuiheng Jiubao to eat. At that time, many people had high hopes for Sun Mei, and even Xu Zisong and Gao Gonghou, who were secretaries in the Nanjing Presidential Palace, followed Sun Mei and prepared to show their ambitions. As a result, Sun Mei's dream of the governor failed to come true, and everything went to nothing. Sun Mei couldn't help crying when he thought of this.

   Sun Yat-sen knows his elder brother’s straightforward temper and has always respected him. He listened silently. After he calmed down, he smiled and said, "You are my elder brother. I listen to you about the family. But the important things of the country can't be so casual!" Then he said: "You have always been in business and have experience. Now it is good to do business. Why should you become familiar with it? Besides, being an official in the Republic means being a citizen. Public servants are not fighting for personal gains!"

   Sun Mei is not only an outgoing personality, he is a man of righteousness, but also a man who understands righteousness and loves his brother. He listened to Sun Yat-sen’s earnest and reasonable counsel, and he was speechless for a while. . After a while, he took his brother's hand and said, "Being a little bit angry for my brother, please forgive me!" Then, he happily took a photo with Sun Yat-sen and his family at the door of his home.

    May 1912 Sun Yat-sen (fourth from left) and Sun Mei (fifth from left) were waiting in their hometown Cuiheng in the evening, at night, Sun Yat-sen (fourth from left) and Sun Mei (fifth from left) were in their hometown, Cuiheng     p There were dozens of banquets on the ground, and banquets were given to the elderly over 60 years old in Cuiheng and Shimen Jiubao. Sun Yat-sen and Sun Mei took the stage to give speeches, thanking the villagers and elders for their support to the revolution, and expressing heartfelt condolences to the villagers who were persecuted by the Qing government. Sun Yat-sen said affectionately: "I have left Jiubao for decades. In the past few decades, the people of Jiubao have suffered a lot for my brothers. For example, Xu Gui has been in prison for seven or eight years and has now been released in Hong Kong. .Our village will also be built well in the future, and we will do something for Jiubao in the future."Sun Yat-sen's remarks are exactly what Sun Mei said to his hometown fathers and fellow villagers. (Shen Feide)
