Chen Zhen’s prototype Liu Zhensheng: After Huo Yuanjia was killed, he became a monk and did not avenge his master, and ended up in seclusion.

1. End point

1960, Tangshan, Leting County. The funeral of a 77-year-old man named Liu Qingshun was going on quietly. The only people who attended this funeral were Liu Qingshun's wife, daughter Caixia and several friends who frequented each other. The sky was overcast, and the temperature dropped suddenly, as if it was about to rain. It had rained the day before, and the air was still moist with rain.

"Okay, that's it." Liu Qingshun's wife said, "Everyone, go back."

and the group of people dispersed. When Liu Qingshun and her daughter returned home, the rain fell.

The two have arranged Liu Qingshun's relics. Perhaps because it was raining, the two wanted to take a look at the relics and took them out. said it was a "relic", but it was neither money nor valuables, but only a long-year-old knife, a string of Buddhist beads and an invitation.

This invitation mother and daughter have read this invitation over and over again, but they don’t know what it means. They don't know much, but they also recognize the signed " 张作林 ". they also know,In the current political situation, this invitation will not benefit them.

They planned to burn it, along with the other two relics, but in this way they burned the only miss left by Liu Qingshun. The mother and daughter finally kept them, without telling anyone.

Many years later, when Caixia was sorting out her mother's relics, she remembered the three relics of her father again, and took them out again after many years. The three relics have been covered with the traces of the years, but only the knife still reveals a touch of sharpness under the traces of the years.

The knife is a single-edged weapon, known as the "Hundred-edged Courage". It is powerful and swept across the army. Those who use swords are heroic and narrowly defined. They use martial arts to attack and slash. Most of them are slashing and splitting, but they lack defense and sometimes it is difficult to stay behind.

Liu Qingshun used a knife, but it was unknown. He used to be courageous, but chose to stay away from the rivers and lakes. He was heroic and devoted to righteousness, but he was desperate for humanity and sophistication. He died incognito and died in Laoting County, Tangshan, where Liu Qingshun finally lived in seclusion.

Second, apprentice Huo Yuanjia , Tianjin

Liu Qingshun,Zi Zhensheng, before he lived in seclusion, people remembered the name Liu Zhensheng. In the decades after he lived in seclusion, Liu Zhensheng has never been heard of in the rivers and lakes. People say that he is dead. Only those who knew him knew that a man named Liu Qingshun lived quietly in a corner of Tangshan, married his wife and gave birth to a child.

And the trick of fate is that Liu Qingshun is his real name, but Liu Zhensheng is only his name when he was in the rivers and lakes and couldn't help himself. After he finally became "Liu Zhensheng", until the time when he became "Liu Qingshun" again, the period was only more than ten years. When Liu Zhensheng decided to stay away from the world and the world, he was thirty-five years old, the pinnacle of martial arts and internal cultivation, and at this time it has been eight years since Huo Yuanjia passed away.

Liu Zhensheng, thirty-five years old, can no longer recognize the China and the current situation he is facing. The world he has pursued seems to be more vague, and what he once believed seems to be possessed. People abandoned. Then, he has to stand back and live in seclusion.

This person who was first abandoned by everyone, and then retired is the national hero and Fearless disciple " Chen Zhen_" who is widely praised by the Chinese in film and television dramas such as "Jingwu Hero" and "Fearless Fearless". The prototype of "span2span".

Liu Qingshun was born in 1883, which is the 9th year of Guangxu. This year, the Sino-French war broke out and ended with the French army winning without a fight and signing an unequal treaty.

Liu Qingshun’s father and grandfather were both dart masters in Hebei, and naturally they both learned martial arts since childhood and possessed special skills. Liu Qingshun should have been so, but soon after he was born, his father died of illness. Before he was thirteen years old, Liu Qing followed the escort and walked through most parts of North China. However, his fate gave him another way.

In 1896, his mother remarried, and he followed her to Tianjin. In the fall of that year, the Boxer Movement broke out.

This "supporting the Qing Dynasty and destroying the oceans" movement that lasted only one year left a deep impression on Liu Qingshun, who was only thirteen years old. It was the age at which he was confused about life, coupled with family factors, that changed Liu Qingshun's life.

is ridiculous at the age of three. However, at the age of thirteen one can see a person's character. After Liu Qingshun and his mother went to Tianjin, they completely cut off the connection with their previous life. It is expected that after thirty-six years, he resolutely stayed away from the rivers and lakes and chose to live in seclusion.

However, in the years that followed,Liu Qingshun always feels excited when he thinks of this experience at the age of thirteen. It is precisely because of this experience that Liu Qingshun has the idea of ​​"saving the country with military force". After

, completely accidentally, he met a businessman in Tianjin. The businessman saw Liu Qingshun as a good material for martial arts, so he recognized him as a righteous son, and then introduced him to the famous martial artist at that time, Huo Yuanjia.

Huo Yuanjia naturally understands the meaning of the other party, but Huo Jia martial arts have been "passing inside but not outside" since ancient times. At this time, Huo Yuanjia did not guarantee anything. However, the whole of China is changing, and the current situation is turbulent, which must gradually change Fearless's thinking. Not long ago, Huo Yuanjia sent a letter to the Russian Schifanlov who insulted the Chinese and asked for a competition. The contest ended with the Russians abstaining.

In addition, there may be another point that may have had an impact on Huo Yuanjia’s treatment of Liu Qingshun, and that is that Huo Yuanjia was also born in the "family of escorts." His " secret boxing " is family martial arts. After that, Huo Yuanjia evolved it into "Mizong Boxing".

However, unlike what the world thinks, although Fearless, known as the "Master of the Generation", has a reputation and defeated his opponents in previous competitions, it was not until 1909 that he played at the "Jingwu Gymnastics Club" in Shanghai. "Teach people martial arts,At this time, Huo Yuanjia was already forty-one years old, less than a year away from his death.

In the previous years, he first worked as an escort, then worked as a laborer in the port of Tianjin, and finally as a shopkeeper in a drug store. It can be seen that Huo Yuanjia, as a martial artist, seems to be outside the "martial arts", which also shows his attitude towards martial arts. Liu Zhensheng is exactly this kind of person.

At the end of 1896, Huo Yuanjia broke the tradition of "passing on the inside but not on the outside" and accepted Liu Qingshun as his own big disciple. This further strengthened Liu Qingshun's determination to save the country with martial arts, and people in the martial arts circle in Tianjin have also started calling him Liu Zhensheng from then on.

3. Competition, Shanghai, the death of Huo Yuanjia, Jingwu Gymnastics Club

Huo Yuanjia has been sick for many days at this time-it is learned from all parties that Huo Yuanjia is very ill It may be "tuberculosis". There is even a saying that the lesions came from the qigong he practiced in his early years, but this speculation is not unfounded-he wanted to pass on Huo Jiaquan. hopes that all Chinese people can learn martial arts, make the country strong, and Liu Zhensheng's appearance can just fulfill his wish.

Within a few years, Liu Zhensheng has mastered the essence of "Mizongquan" and "Sanguangmen martial arts".

However,At that time, China did not create an environment for "everyone to practice martial arts". Looking at it now, both Huo Yuanjia and Liu Zhensheng are walking on a road that is destined to end in failure and impossible. This is their personal tragedy, and even more so, the misfortune of all Chinese people.

In film and television dramas featuring Chen Zhen, the weapon that impresses the audience the most is " nunchaku ". Fearless in real history learned a good stick technique, and he also taught it to Liu Zhensheng.

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to know how far Fearless and Liu Zhensheng’s "nunchakus" have been practiced. However, their martial arts attainments were known to the world through competitions with the Russians and Japanese, and the competition with the Japanese became the end of Huo Yuanjia's destiny.

At the time of 1910, the 41-year-old Huo Yuanjia had already come to Shanghai to teach martial arts in the "Jingwu Gymnastics Club" and established with his disciples Chen Gongzhe and Yao Chanbo. "Jingwu Sports Association". is also in this year, Wang Jingwei was arrested and imprisoned after failing to assassinate Zaifeng . However, at this time in Shanghai, newspapers founded by foreigners also began to publicly criticize the "ruling" of and Cixi. This objectively promoted the Chinese revolution, and on the other hand, it also showed that Shanghai at that time had already It is completely under the control of imperialism.

Huo Yuanjia and Liu Zhensheng founded the martial arts museum in Shanghai, and Liu Zhensheng’s "initial ideal" was unrealistic " Fuqing Mieyang". Have you ever struggled with yourself? Now, what I know is that Liu Zhensheng's attitude towards foreigners in Shanghai has not changed the slightest compared to eleven years ago. He is still Liu Qingshun who longs to "save the country with military force".

It’s just that the great wheel of history left these martial artists far away. They looked at the train going away. They could see nothing except the rumbling, and then even the noise disappeared. .

In the summer of 1910, flooding all over the country, the Qing court was unable to resist floods, but it provided a donation of 100,000 to Japan, which was also ravaged by floods. At the end of summer, peasant uprisings were frequently seen everywhere, but they were all suppressed. In September, Shanghai's Japanese judo will be dissatisfied with Huo Yuanjia to establish the "Jingwu Gymnastics Club" and "Jingwu Sports Club", come to make trouble and propose to compete with Huo Yuanjia.

Fearless is suffering from tuberculosis. It is impossible for the Japanese to not know that. This shows that the Japanese are like a villain. However, this is nothing compared to what the Japanese did afterwards.

In the end, it was his big disciple, Liu Zhensheng, who replaced Huo Yuanjia in the contest. The experience of this competition has not been recorded,But as a result of the competition, Liu Zhensheng defeated five Japanese masters and thwarted the Japanese conspiracy. There is no reason not to suspect that the Japanese challenged him to aggravate Huo Yuanjia’s condition.

This history is not in line with the plots in film and television dramas such as "Jingwu Hero". distinguished between Chen Zhen and Liu Zhensheng in "Heroes of Jingwu". In the play, Liu Zhensheng's attitude towards the Japanese has also changed several times. At present, it is naturally to set off the role of the fictional character "Chen Zhen".

However, this artistic treatment also reflects the sorrow of Liu Zhensheng that was quickly forgotten by the world after leaving the "Jingwu Gymnastics Club". Therefore, when Huo Yuanjia's descendants say "Chen Zhen does not exist", people don't have to worry about it. Liu Zhensheng chose to leave.

The reason for leaving was the death of Fearless.

A few days after this competition, the Japanese visited again. However, this time they did not come to kick the hall, but came to visit Huo Yuanjia, and there was a doctor named "Autumn Ye" among them. This Dr. Qiuye brought a taste of "Ren Dan" to Huo Yuanjia, saying that it could cure his lung disease (I didn't know that he was suffering from "tuberculosis" at the time). and Fearless believes the Japanese.

The forty-two-year-old Huo Yuanjia passed away before the end of September. The cause of death was poisoning.

The day after Huo Yuanjia died,Akino returned to Japan.

IV. Funeral, Tianjin, broken dreams, awakened dreams

In film and television dramas such as "Jingwu Heroes", the characters of Chen Zhen generally match the real Liu Zhensheng. Among them, Chen Zhen's independent entry into Shanghai's Hongkou Dojo in Japan is just a change of form.

This "break alone" is to avenge Fearless. However, this is just a kind of artistic expression. The so-called "break alone in the Hongkou Dojo in Japan" and "revenge for Fearless" did not happen in reality. In China in 1910, how could a Chinese avenge the Japanese?

Huo Yuanjia’s death is no longer a matter of fact, only the elegiac couplet of "being righteous" at his funeral is left. Liu Zhensheng attended his funeral. He looked at this pair of elegiac couplets and at the body of the master, but all he could do was clenched his fists. At the time of , he must no longer believe in the Boxer’s "helping the Qing Dynasty and destroying the ocean", and perhaps no longer believe in "using force to save the country". He can't even save a person's life. How can he save a country!

He remembered what Huo Yuanjia said when he taught "Mizongquan" and "Sanguangmen martial arts",Let every Chinese learn martial arts, make the country strong... However, the coldness of reality shattered Huo Yuanjia's dream and also awakened Liu Zhensheng in the dream.

After managing the "Jingwu Gymnastics Club" for a period of time, he left Shanghai without telling anyone where he was going. All he has with him is a knife.

A few days later, in a small temple in the south, a monk closed his eyes and meditated alone. At this time, he had no knives or nunchakus in his hand, but a string of Buddhist beads. Shanghai's "Jingwu Gymnastics Club" barely managed to survive, but the glory is no longer.

Tianjin's martial arts circle also does not have that strong man named "Liu Zhensheng". In the small temple, the twenty-seven-year-old man holding the prayer beads has no name.

No one knows where Liu Qingshun has been, what he has done in the following two years, whether he has been recognized by others, or even if he has left his small temple.

However, I would rather believe that the frustrated Liu Zhensheng returned home, returned to Tianjin where he was a teenager, returned to Jinghai County, returned to Hebei where he was born, and returned to Jingzhou. In Jinghai County, did he think of his darts holding years? In Jingzhou, did he think of his mother?

5. The invitation of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin, "September 18 Incident"

1912,The Qing court fell and the Republic of China was established. A new era has finally begun.

Liu Qingshun sighed with emotion that he vowed to "save the country with military force" when he was young. He has not forgotten Fearless, he will think of him every day. He put on the Buddhist beads and the knife, left the small temple, and went to Shenyang alone.

Liu Qingshun disappeared again, and he became the "strong man" Liu Zhensheng. He did not choose "Mizong Boxing". It belongs to Fearless. He founded the "Sanguangmen Martial Arts Center" in Shenyang to teach martial arts. When an old friend came to visit him, he received him, but no longer competed.

Why did he choose Shenyang? This gives a possible "answer" in "Jingwu Hero"-Chen Zhen asked, where in China are there many Japanese people? Shenyang.

This may be the reason why Liu Zhensheng accepted Zhang Zuolin's invitation-he became the martial arts coach of Zhang Xueliang . At this time, Zhang Xueliang was neither involved in romance nor medicine, and he was influential in Shenyang. However, his fate was completely changed after five years, and at the same time the fate of China as a whole was changed.

In 1928, Zhang Zuolin was bombed and killed at Huanggutun . The women in the family played mahjong all day, paralyzing the Japanese eyeliner, and held it until Zhang Xueliang stabilized the army before the news of Zhang Zuolin’s death was announced. During this period of time, history did not leave a record of Liu Zhensheng. The only thing we know is that he stayed with Zhang Xueliang and did not choose to leave this time.

In the end, it was the "September 18 Incident" three years later that let him go. Zhang Xueliang misjudged the situation and at the same time was forced by the "inexplicable order" from Nanjing. He chose not to resist and evacuated the Northeast Army , the most powerful in China at the time.

Liu Zhensheng faced Zhang Xueliang's "betrayal" and felt hopeless again. He thought of Shanghai, of Huo Yuanjia's death by the Japanese, and of the feeling that he had learned a martial art but was powerless.

At that time, he was twenty-seven years old, at this time, he was forty-seven years old. Twenty years have passed like this.

This time, too, he left without saying goodbye, and Liu Zhensheng chose to leave. In addition to a string of Buddhist beads and a knife, he also carried the invitation from Zhang Zuolin 20 years ago.

He went to Laoting County, Tangshan, where his foster father was. With the support of his foster father, he opened a small martial arts gym there and accepted a few disciples. He is no longer Liu Zhensheng, he is Liu Qingshun again, and this time is the last time.

Six, the rest of my life is calm,Married a wife and gave birth to a daughter, died of illness in Laoting County

Liu Qingshun never left Laoting County for the rest of his life, and no one recognized him. The strong man who could defeat five Japanese karate masters no longer exists. A few years later, he married his wife, gave birth to a daughter, and closed the martial arts hall. He did not teach his daughter martial arts, and lived the life of ordinary people, maybe this is what he wants.

In 1945, the Second World War ended, and the Japanese whom Liu Zhensheng hated all his life finally left China. On October 1st, 1949, the People’s Republic of China was founded, and Liu Zhensheng saw a powerful motherland.

He witnessed with his own eyes that Dongfanghong is rising!
