A Hundred Years of Party History|The well excavated by Mao Zedong led the cadres and the masses is still in use today

Ruijin Red Well

This is a well located in Shazhouba Town, Ruijin City, Jiangxi Province. The locals also call it "Red Well". This well has a diameter of 85 cm and a depth of about 5 meters. The wall is made of pebbles. It was excavated by the cadres and the masses personally led by Mao Zedong during the period of the Central Soviet Area. The well can still be used today, and the water that comes up is cool and sweet.

But in the 1930s, it was difficult for people in Shazhouba to drink water from such a well.

The nursery rhyme at the time once sang like this: Shazhouba, Shazhouba, there is no water to wash the handkerchiefs; for three days without rain, when the day rains the soil moves the house ... At that time, the Shazhouba not only had no water to irrigate the fields. Even the masses have difficulty drinking water. After the temporary central government of the Chinese Soviet Republic moved to Shazhouba in April 1933, Chairman Mao accidentally discovered this problem.

Primary school text:

One day, Chairman Mao saw a fellow carrying muddy water walking home, and he asked: "My fellow, what is this water used for?" The fellow replied, "Eat, and again. You have to eat dirty water too!" Chairman Mao asked again: "Where did you pick it from?" The fellow replied, "I picked it from the pond." Chairman Mao asked the fellow to show him. After walking for a while, I saw a small pond with overgrown weeds and dirty water. The whole village washes, washes vegetables, and eats water here.

Everything in front of him made Chairman Mao made up his mind: to help the village dig a well!

Unexpectedly, the people in the village were worried when they heard the news. Zhong Yanlin, director of the Soviet Area Research Center in Ruijin City, said that the villagers were very superstitious at that time. As soon as they heard that a well was going to be drilled, several old people strongly opposed it. They said, Chairman, our Shazhouba is a dry dragon. Once the well is drilled, the dragon vein is broken, and the Dragon King will blame it.

After Chairman Mao learned of this situation, he smiled and said to everyone: "Digging wells is for everyone to have clean water to drink. If there is really any trouble with Lord Dragon, let him call me Mao Zedong!" Listen! At this, everyone burst into laughter. With the patient explanation and active encouragement of Chairman Mao, the villagers finally agreed to dig a well.

Chairman Mao led the masses to dig a well sculpture

On the day of digging the well, early in the morning, Chairman Mao led several Red Army soldiers to explore water sources tens of meters in front of the village. When the location of the well was determined, Chairman Mao rolled up his sleeves, rolled up his trouser legs, and took the lead in digging. When the masses saw Chairman Mao digging the wells himself, they also brought tools to join the digging team. Everyone digs, shovels, and shovels, and they work eagerly.

During the days of digging wells, Chairman Mao and other leaders of the Provisional Central Government went to work on the construction site whenever they had time. After more than ten days of fighting, when digging to a depth of 5 meters, a stream of clear spring water gushed out. Well dug! In order to make the well water clearer and more hygienic, Chairman Mao himself went down to the bottom of the well to lay sand and stone and pad charcoal.

A bucket of clear and sweet well water came out of the well, and the villagers of Shazhouba drank it in their mouths, sweet to their hearts.

Chairman Mao took the lead in digging wells and set an example for other Soviet cadres. After that, caring about the lives of the masses and doing practical things for the masses became popular in the Central Soviet Area.

Shazhouba Revolutionary Sites

After the Long March of the Red Army in October 1934, the well dug by soldiers and civilians of the Soviet area became a "nail in the eye" of the Kuomintang reactionaries. In order to stop the people from thinking of the Red Army, they have sent people to fill this well on many occasions. In this regard, the local people launched a tit-for-tat struggle.

Zhong Yanlin said that the enemy buried the well during the day, and the villagers secretly dug the well at night. Repeatedly several times, the well-guarding struggle was won and the well was retained. As Chairman Mao said: "What is the real copper wall and iron wall? It is the masses, millions of people who sincerely support the revolution."

The song "Red Well Water" has this lyrics: Red Well Water, sweet and again Qing Hei, holding the clear spring in my hand and thinking about my relatives, drinking a sip of red well water, a warm current rushes to my heart... Nowadays, this affectionate song is often sung. Liu Guolin of the Ruijin Hakka Folk Song Performance Team said that they want to use their singing to express the gratitude of the people in the old district for drinking water.

The sweet well water has nourished the Shazhouba people for generations. This unpretentious red well reflects the original intention of our party to always "serve the people."

Sculpture of text "Do not forget to dig a well"

Primary school text "Do not forget to dig a well":

There is a village outside Ruijin City called Shazhouba. Chairman Mao lived there when he led the revolution in Jiangxi.

There are no wells in the village, and the villagers have to go far away to pick water. Chairman Mao led the soldiers and villagers to dig a well.

After the liberation, the villagers erected a stone tablet beside the well, on which it was inscribed: "Driving water, do not forget to dig the well, always miss Chairman Mao."

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