"Xilaian Incident"---Han Uprising during the Japanese Occupation in Taiwan

In 1915, Yu Qingfang led the "Xilai-an Incident" (also known as the "Baba Incident"), which was the largest Han uprising in Taiwan. Yu Qingfang (1879-1915). A native of Tainan, Taiwan, formerly the Tainan Office and Fengshan County Police. In 1915, organized the largest armed uprising of Han Chinese in Taiwan. Arrested after the failure of the uprising. On September 23, he was hanged in Tainan Prison.

Luo Jun (1855-1915). A native of Chiayi, Taiwan, a medical background, Yu Qingfang's "military division" in the uprising army. He was 60 years old at the time of the 1915 uprising and was first arrested on June 29 of the same year. On September 23, he was strangled in Tainan Prison and Yu Qingfang at the same time.

Jiang Ding (1866-1916). A native of Tainan, Taiwan, had been a district governor and had been engaged in anti-Japanese activities for many years. He was wanted by the Japanese. He lived in the deep mountains of Tainan for more than ten years. He was the "deputy commander" of the Yu Qingfang uprising army. When Luo Jun and Yu Qingfang were arrested, they escaped and hid in the deep mountains of Tainan. He was deceived to surrender on April 12 of the following year and was sentenced to death. He was executed on September 13 of the same year.

The Yu Qingfang Rebel Army used traditional weapons and flags. Lingqi wrote "Da Ming Merciful Nation ordered the platform to conquer the president of the world, the Marshal Marshal".

Xilai Temple in Tainan in 1915. The place where Yu Qingfang secretly recruited believers was also the base of the uprising. At that time, Yu Qingfang was the main deity enshrined in Xilai Temple.

Nanzhuang Police Station razed to the ground by Yu Qingfang's Yi Army.On S. 2, 1915, the Yu Qingfang uprising army captured the Nanzhuang Police Station in Tainan County and killed more than 20 Japanese, including the guards and Ji Shan Guozhi.

In August 1915, the Nanzhuang Police Station in Tainan County, which was killed by Yu Qingfang's army, was on guard to replenish Jishan Kingdom.

In 1915, the Yu Qingfang rebels once occupied Zhuwei Village in Tainan County. The Japanese army used artillery to attack Zhuweizhuang, causing heavy casualties to villagers and burning down village houses.

Nanzhuang destroyed by Japanese artillery. In 1915, the Yu Qingfang uprising army captured Nanzhuang in Tainan County. Japanese troops attacked Nanzhuang with artillery, causing all houses in Nanzhuang to be destroyed and villagers suffering heavy casualties.

On August 22, 1915, Yu Qingfang was arrested in Tainan Mountain. This photo was taken when he was escorted to the branch office of Baba, and was taken on August 26 of the same year. He injured his feet, was fettered, and his name was affixed to his clothes. Although it fell into the enemy's hands, there was no fear.

finally caught the famous Yu Qingfang (the one sitting on the ground in front), and the police officers in the branch office vie for a photo with him (this photo was taken on August 26, 1915).

Yu Qingfang (a rickshaw in front) and his subordinates (a trekking team with their hands tied in the back) were arrested and escorted to Tainan Prison from the Papaba Branch Office.

After more than 300 people including Yu Qingfang were arrested,The Japanese army detained them in a temporary bamboo cage in Tainan.

After Yu Qingfang and other volunteers were arrested, the Japanese army put a basket on their heads on their way from Tainan Prison to the temporary court.

Located in Nanhua Township, Tainan County today, the "Monument to the Anti-Japanese Martyrs" and the "Loyal Soul Tower" are located in Nanhua Township, Tainan County.

is located in the "Monument to Anti-Japanese Martyr Yu Qingfang" in Yujing Township, Tainan County today (the seat of the former Baba Branch Office).

The Zhonglie Temple in Yujing Township to commemorate Yu Qingfang, with tributes from the people throughout the year.
