He became a major general at the age of 36, but the chairman commented: It cannot be reused. What will it end up?

2020/12/2322:30:35 history 2007

In the revolutionary era, many young soldiers joined the army and participated in the war. They were called "Red Little Ghosts". Although they were young, they fought the war without ambiguity, charged forward and made great achievements. After decades of bloody storms, many "red little ghosts" have also grown into high-ranking generals in our army. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, many of them were awarded honors and generals. The Jiang Tengjiao we are talking about today is the legend who joined the army at the age of 11 and became the founding major general at the age of 36.

He became a major general at the age of 36, but the chairman commented: It cannot be reused. What will it end up? - DayDayNews

Jiang Tengjiao was born in 1919 in Hong'an County, Hubei. As we all know, Hong'an County is a piece of red land, and a revolutionary regime was established very early. Under such a general environment, Jiang Tengjiao joined the Red Army at the age of 11 and served as the captain of the children's regiment. He was already a famous cadre at a young age.

In November 1934, the Red 25 Army went north for the Long March, and the last main force in the Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Soviet regions also left. Jiang Tengjiao was ordered to stay and persist in the struggle. He followed Gao Jingting in a three-year guerrilla war in the south. During this period, he died nine times and experienced difficulties. At the same time, Jiang Tengjiao was also tempered and gradually grew into an excellent commander of our army. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Jiang Tengjiao came to the New Fourth Army as a company instructor and director of the regiment political office. During the War of Liberation, he rushed to the northeast and served as director of the Political Department of the 115th Division of the 39th Army in the Four Fields. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Tengjiao's official career continued to go smoothly, serving as the division political commissar and director of the military political department. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of major general. Jiang Tengjiao was only 36 years old at this time. He was young and promising and had a bright future. But for this young founding major general, the chairman was not optimistic afterwards, and repeatedly commented: not reusable. What is going on here? We then look down.

He became a major general at the age of 36, but the chairman commented: It cannot be reused. What will it end up? - DayDayNews

As early as the Yan'an period, Jiang Tengjiao was criticized as "this comrade is not very kind" because he is not down-to-earth and likes to be slick. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, although he was in an important position, Jiang Tengjiao did not think about how to serve the people. Instead, he deliberately climbed the branches and sought promotion.

In 1965, Jiang Tengjiao served as the political commissar of the Fourth Air Force of the Nanjing Military Region. It happened that Wu Faxian came to Taicang, Jiangsu to start work, and Lin Biao also went to Suzhou to recuperate. After Jiang Tengjiao learned about it, he went to visit Wu Faxian every three days, trying to get close to him. On Sundays, Taicang and Suzhou ran away, busy inviting guests and giving gifts, leaving work matters behind. General Nie Fengzhi once asked Jiang Tengjiao face to face, "Are you the political commissar of the Air Force Fourth Army or the director of the guest house?"

He became a major general at the age of 36, but the chairman commented: It cannot be reused. What will it end up? - DayDayNews

It is a pity that Jiang Tengjiao did not want to repent in the face of criticism from his superiors. Not only that, he later became more vigorous, publicly "rebelling" and framing him, and Xu Shiyou, who had a staunch personality, was also angry and returned to his home in Dabie Mountain. After the chairman learned, he quickly sent someone to pick up Xu Shiyou, and at the same time, he found out that it was Jiang Tengjiao's ghost. After the matter, the chairman said: This person cannot be reused. Sure enough, when

arrived, Jiang Tengjiao, who didn't follow the right path, ended up bleakly. In 1973, he was dismissed from all positions and ordered to explain his own problems, and his previous honors vanished. Seven years later, Jiang Tengjiao accepted trial and was sentenced to another 18 years in prison. This young talent who had a boundless career in the past is now a prisoner. His reputation is not guaranteed, which is really embarrassing.

He became a major general at the age of 36, but the chairman commented: It cannot be reused. What will it end up? - DayDayNews

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