In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor.

2024/07/0112:00:33 history 1881

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor.

A year later, Norihide Abe, known as the "Flower of Famous Generals" in the Japanese army, was shot dead by the Eighth Route Army in the Loess Ridge of the Taihang Mountains, shocking the Japanese government and the public.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Norihide Abe

Not long after, the young man who sold peanuts to the JapaneseJicheng was caught by the Japanese army and tortured because he had an important relationship with the death of Norihide Abe!

One is "Commander of the Mengjiang Garrison" and the commander of the Japanese independent mixed second brigade, Lieutenant General - "Flower of Famous Generals" Abe Norihide, and the other is selling peanuts and subsisting to the Japanese. Little dealer, how come these two people meet?

Be deferential and pro-Japanese, but be scolded as a traitor

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei region was an important battlefield in the Anti-Japanese War.

In October 1937, Yang Chengwu, commander of the First Independent Division of the Eighth Route Army, was ordered to come to the Taihang Mountains area of ​​​​Hong Kong to form an anti-Japanese military-civilian front with the local people, participate in the establishment of an anti-Japanese democratic government, and shoulder the responsibility of recovering Laiyuan County, Guangling County, etc. Important tasks for seven counties.

The enemy is heavily guarded in various counties, and from time to time launches "sweeps" against the Anti-Japanese Military Region .

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Yang Chengwu

In order to grasp the enemy's movements in time, the Laiyuan County Committee, the anti-Japanese democratic government, proposed to send people into Laiyuan County to wait for an opportunity to break into the enemy's interior in order to obtain the opportunity for the enemy to launch "mopping up".

But which one is suitable?

This person must be a local. Now that Laiyuan County is occupied by the Japanese army, it is very difficult for outsiders to enter, let alone break into the enemy's interior.

Finally, Liang Zhengzhong, secretary of the Laiyuan County Party Committee, thought of a man named Jicheng and gave him the task.

Jicheng is a native of Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province. His family was poor since he was a child. He is hardworking and has a cheerful, optimistic and strong personality. He was working in the Armed Forces Section of the Wartime Mobilization Committee of Laiyuan County.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews


When Jicheng received this task, the time had already arrived in August 1938.

On this day, the Japanese invaders who entered and exited the Laiyuan County Intelligence Department found a peanut seller at the door of the photo studio diagonally opposite.

The peddler looked very easy-going. He always had a slightly raised mouth and a smile, making him look very hospitable. This person was Jicheng who accepted the mission and was waiting for an opportunity to break into the enemy.

"Taijun, Antarctic Ma Mai's new friend (Japanese homophone for eating peanuts)!"

Whenever a Japanese soldier passes by, Jicheng will always say hello with a smile.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Within a few days, Japanese soldiers who were in and out of the intelligence department were attracted by the good peanuts that Jicheng was selling and often visited his stall.

Jicheng is very smart. When the Japanese soldiers buy peanuts, he always gives more weight and takes less money to gain favor.

Some Japanese soldiers liked to take advantage and always bought peanuts and cigarettes on credit. Jicheng didn't care at all and never asked them to pay.

As time went by, some Japanese soldiers felt embarrassed and paid some debts from time to time. Jicheng not only confiscated them, but also said with a confused look: "What debts should I pay? You don't owe me any debts!" ​​

said as he said , and enthusiastically grabbed a handful of peanuts and sent them over.

But when the locals came to buy peanuts, Jicheng seemed very cold, calculating the accounts clearly and not willing to suffer any losses.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Seeing him shamelessly fawning over the Japanese, the nearby residents were so angry that they secretly called him a traitor.

Jicheng saw this and didn't care. He still went to please the Japanese with a low eyebrow, which made the people around him even more contemptuous. If it weren't for his good relationship with the Japanese, he would have been beaten to death.

Soon, Jicheng's peanut stall became a favorite place for Japanese soldiers nearby.

Over time, he met many Japanese soldiers, including a Japanese spy named Nakata and a Japanese lieutenant named Yoshio Dozen.

These two Japanese people have a problem, that is, they like to take advantage and always get free things.

When Jicheng saw this, he was not angry but happy.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

has been lurking for a long time and has never found an opportunity to break into the enemy. In Jicheng's view, Nakata and Dozen Yoshio are the "breakthroughs" for him to perform his mission.

Every time the two of them came over, Jicheng would pretend to be stupid and let the two of them eat peanuts and smoke for free. Before leaving, Jicheng would grab peanuts and stuff them in their pockets, letting them take them back to eat.

Nakata and Dozen Yoshio originally thought that bullying Jicheng would make the other party angry, but they didn't know that this guy was so "enthusiastic". Instead, they felt a little embarrassed, and soon made friends with Jicheng.

Jicheng taught them Chinese, and they taught Jicheng Japanese. They often chatted with Jicheng about internal affairs of the Japanese army, and were completely unprepared for Jicheng.

Fighting at the enemy's "heart"

The hard work pays off. Jicheng has been lurking outside the Japanese intelligence department for more than a year, and finally has the opportunity to break into the interior.

At the end of April 1939, Dozen Yoshio came to Jicheng's peanut stall to eat peanuts. He was talking and gesturing. Jicheng learned a piece of exciting news - Dozen Yoshio introduced him to a job in the Japanese Military Intelligence Department. !

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

It turned out that the Japanese military intelligence minister, Yamamoto Keio, had a mysophobia and had to take a bath every day and needed someone to burn a bathhouse for him.

In front of the hall, Fangfu ate Jicheng's peanuts for so long and felt a little bit sorry, so he thought of recommending Jicheng to do this job, with a monthly salary of 9 yuan.

Of course Jicheng didn't care about the money. He would go even if it was for free. This was the opportunity he had dreamed of and he agreed immediately.

In the Japanese Military Intelligence Department, Jicheng was hard-working and capable, and he did a good job in boiling water. The water temperature was adjusted to a very suitable level every day, and it also changed appropriately according to the weather. The Minister of Intelligence, Yamamoto Keio, was served comfortably by him, and there was no need had doubts about his identity.

Of course, Jicheng is not only doing the job of setting up bathhouses here. As long as he has spare time, he will walk around and observe silently in the name of doing chores.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

In less than a month, Jicheng became familiar with the Intelligence Department. Basically everyone knew him and had no precautions against him. Not only that, these Japanese soldiers were sometimes lazy and would leave some simple tasks to him.

Especially at night, Japanese spies and Japanese spies are afraid of death and afraid of being sniped by our army's spies when they go out. Whenever they need to go out for business, they ask Jicheng to handle it, and he responds to requests.

Just like that, Jicheng took advantage of his job opportunity to secretly note down the number of enemy troops and weapons in the source city, and sent the information out from time to time.

It’s just that after joining the Japanese intelligence department, the locals hated Jicheng even more. When he walked around the city, there were always people pointing at him behind his back and calling him a "dog traitor". Everyone looked at him in their eyes. All with contempt.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Jicheng did not refute and endured everything silently. Rather, the harder everyone scolded him, the easier it was for him to gain the trust of the Japanese.

After staying in the intelligence department for a while, Jicheng became familiar with Nakata and Dozen Yoshio, and also became familiar with a translator named Shui.

Water Translator is an alcoholic, addicted to alcohol, and talks a lot when he drinks.

Jicheng would like him and would often bring wine into the intelligence department to treat the translator to a drink. Sometimes he would even bring wine and food with him.

Water Translator had no resistance at all when he saw wine. Jicheng learned a lot of information from him by drinking with him.

The enemy thought about dealing with the Eighth Route Army outside Laiyuan County every day. They never thought that there was a communist soldier fighting silently in their heart...

Sniper " The Flower of the Famous General "

In the early morning of October 24, 1939, Jicheng As usual, I left my home in Xiaobeiguan outside the city to go to work in the Intelligence Department.

When he walked to the city gate, Jicheng found that the gate guard was not guarded by the usual puppet troops, but by members of the gendarmerie, and people who passed by were strictly checked.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Entering the city, this strange situation became even more obvious.

The central street leading to the Intelligence Ministry is under complete martial law. Shops are closed, people are prohibited from traveling, and the street is eerily quiet.

"Something big must have happened!"

Ji Cheng felt certain and hurriedly entered the Intelligence Department. He originally wanted to ask Nakata and Dozen Yoshio for inquiries, but unexpectedly there was no sign of them, so he went to find Shui Translator.

Shui Translator, who was usually lazy, also got up early that day. As soon as Jicheng saw him, he pretended to be surprised and asked: "Brother, what's going on today? There are so many sentries on the street, it scares me to death!" "

"Don't be afraid, there is a big shot coming from Chanan today! "

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Big shot?"

Jicheng's heart skipped a beat and he wanted to ask, but Translator Shui was very busy and had no time to pay attention to him.

Jicheng realized that this so-called big shot was very important and must try to get information. Since the other party was coming to the Intelligence Department, Jicheng thought of going to the photo studio diagonally opposite the Intelligence Department to wait and observe. In the

photo studio, a small piece of glass was embedded in the window facing the street as a photographic plate. He could use the small glass to observe through the window without being easily discovered.

So, Jicheng walked out of the gate of the Intelligence Department. The guard at the door knew him very well and did not stop him at all. The people in the photo studio were even more familiar with him. He just found an excuse to enter and sat next to the window.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Not long after, there was indeed movement outside.

With the help of the small glass, Jicheng saw cars passing by the window. He could even see the Japanese officer in the driver's seat at the front of the car.

One, two, three... thirty cars in total!

During the entire observation process, Jicheng pretended to be idle and chatted with the clerk in the photo studio while eating melon seeds.

But in fact, every time a machine gun appears, he uses a melon seed to represent it, and an enemy soldier is represented by a melon seed skin , thus clearly recording the number and weapons of the enemy troops that entered the source city that day. quantity.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

The most important thing is that when the fifth car passed by, Jicheng clearly saw an officer wearing a yellow woolen coat sitting inside, with two shining gold stars embroidered on the coat!

The officer who attracted special attention from Jicheng was the commander of the Mongolian garrison in Zhangjiakou and the commander of the Japanese independent mixed second brigade, Lieutenant General Norihide Abe, who was known as the "Flower of Famous Generals" in the Japanese army. ", good at using new tactics, is an expert in " mountain warfare ".

Kihide Abe was placed high hopes by the Japanese army and was regarded as an important talent in defeating the Eighth Route Army and the Kuomintang.

Jicheng didn't know the identity of this officer at the time, but his intuition told him that this man had a high status. He suddenly came to Laiyuan City, and he must have wanted to launch a "mopping up" against the Japanese military area. He had to send the information out!

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Norihide Abe didn't even know that he was so unlucky that he was being targeted without even realizing it.

Humble appearance, noble soul

On the same day, Jicheng returned to the Intelligence Department with wine, and used the excuse to meet Translator Shui for a drink. Sure enough, he saw the newly printed marching route map on Translator Shui’s table, which made him more sure of his guess. I wonder when the Japanese army will launch a "mopping up" campaign?

Shui Translator saw him coming in and asked: "Can you read a map?"

Jicheng Dalie replied: "I haven't even gone to school for a few days and I don't know a few Chinese characters. How can I read a map?"

Interpreter Shui didn't doubt him at first, but now he felt more at ease and started drinking with him. Interpreter Shui couldn't control himself when he drank. One mouthful after another, he was confused and tricked by Jicheng.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Jicheng successfully figured out the date when Abe Nobihide would launch a "mopping up", the number of enemy troops, and the marching route, and wrote them all down when he returned home.

The next day, he rushed to the intelligence contact point in a hurry, only to find that the contact point was closed. It turned out that Abe Norihide was going to launch a "sweep" and needed to recruit people, food, and livestock to prepare supplies, so the people at the contact point were dragged away. alive.

Jicheng simply crossed the contact point, found traffic officer Yang Laowan, and completed the intelligence handover in a small alley.

Later, Jicheng realized how valuable the information he had sent was.

This information was passed on and finally sent to the hands of Yang Chengwu, commander of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Division. Yang Chengwu used this information to set up a "big pocket" on Huangtuling and wait.

No matter how powerful Norihide Abe was, he couldn't predict it, and he didn't know that his marching route had been exposed. He plunged into Yang Chengwu's ambush circle. During the fierce battle, "Flower of the Famous General" was hit by an Eighth Route Army artillery shell and died on the spot.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

The death of Norihide Abe shocked the entire Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei War Zone and greatly inspired the anti-war morale in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei War Zone.

Throughout the history of the Anti-Japanese War, Norihide Abe was one of the highest-ranking Japanese commanders killed on the battlefield. One can imagine how much credit Jicheng made in facilitating this incident!

When the news of Abe Kihide's death spread back to Japan, the Japanese government and the public were shocked, and flags were flown at half-mast in mourning for three days. Japanese soldiers and civilians lamented "The flowers of famous generals withered in the Taihang Mountains."

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Subsequently, the Japanese military traced the cause of Abe Norihide's death and found a CCP intelligence agent with the pseudonym "Kitada Communist Party" . They suspected that this person was Jicheng and arrested him.

After all, Jicheng was in the intelligence department all day long, and it was most likely that he revealed important information that led to Norihide Abe's death.

Jicheng stayed in prison for eighteen days and was tortured, but he always insisted that he was wronged. In the end, the Japanese army found out that "Beitian Communist" was the pseudonym of another underground member of the Chinese Communist Party, and he was suspected Accidentally cleared.

The Japanese army felt that they had wronged Jicheng, but they trusted him more and even transferred him to the military police.

Just like that, Jicheng took advantage of the trust of the Japanese and continued to engage in intelligence work. After several years, he sent out an unknown amount of intelligence.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Until 1944, the Chajianling Intelligence Station was taken over by the Japanese army. As a result, Jicheng's identity was exposed. He had to flee and return to his base to continue fighting the enemy.

At this point, people were surprised to find that Jicheng, who went in and out of the Japanese military intelligence department every day, bowed his eyebrows and bowed his head to please the Japanese, and was reviled by the people around him, turned out to be an agent of the Communist Party!

Under that pretended humble appearance, there is a noble soul hidden.


After the founding of New China, Jicheng went to Laiyuan Asbestos Mine and Lingshan Coal Mine to serve as security section chief and party committee secretary. He died in 1993.

And the story that he transformed into a peanut dealer, infiltrated into the enemy, and eventually killed Abe Norihide has been widely circulated in the local area.

In August 1938, in front of the gate of the Japanese Intelligence Department in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, a young man in his twenties sold peanuts to the Japanese. You have to call him a traitor. - DayDayNews

Who would have thought that , the "flower of famous generals" , would fall into the hands of a little-known person?

Whether it is a street vendor or a high-ranking official, as long as there is a patriotic heart, everyone has the opportunity to become a national hero.

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