There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama "Outside the Building". For a moment, the policeman Zhang Er was confused. The search warrant clearly stated that he wanted to arrest the person named Zhou, but his boss asked him to arrest the person named Lu.

2024/06/2223:13:33 history 1551

"What does the arrest of Zhou Shuren have to do with Lu Xun and me?"

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama " Louwailou ".

On this day, Mr. Lu Xun was invited by a friend to a restaurant for dinner. As soon as he took his seat, people from the Hangzhou Police Department came in an aggressive manner. The policeman led by

shouted loudly, "Who is Lu Xun?" and said that he was here to arrest Lu Xun. At the same time, he directed his minions to surround the dining table.

Mr. Lu Xun responded calmly: "I am Lu Xun. You said you were here to arrest me. Do you have an arrest warrant?"

The policeman snorted coldly and displayed the search warrant in front of Mr. Lu Xun.

Unexpectedly, after reading it, the husband said: "The search warrant clearly mentions the arrest of Zhou Shuren. You want to arrest Zhou Shuren. What does it have to do with me, Lu Xun?"

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

The policeman was also confused for a while. The search warrant clearly stated that He wanted to arrest the person named Zhou, but his boss asked him to arrest the person named Lu. Could it be that he had arrested the wrong person?

Thinking of this, he actually turned around and left the restaurant with the people. Mr. Lu Xun saved the day in this way.

Art comes from life. Although the plot in this film and television drama looks funny and bizarre, similar events did happen in history, and it happened to General Chen Geng.

The founding general of the Republic

When it comes to General Chen Geng, the first thing people often think of is his extraordinary military talent. As a leader among the first batch of graduates of Huangpu Military Academy, he was one of the most valued students of Principal Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang Kai-shek tried to persuade and coerce Chen Geng to join the Kuomintang many times, but he refused because he was a staunch proletarian fighter.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Chen Geng

During the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Geng, who was still just a brigade commander, used extraordinary tactics to ambush the Japanese troops twice in Qigen Village in just three days.

After that, he repeatedly ambushed the Japanese troops in Changshengkou, Xiangtangpu and other places, so much so that the Japanese repeatedly put up slogans "Specially targeting the 386 Brigade " during the "mopping up".

Colonel Carlson, the US military attaché in China, also praised "the 386th Brigade is the best brigade in China" when he inspected southeastern Shanxi..

In the Huaihai Battle , Chen Geng commanded the East Group consisting of the 4th and 9th columns in the middle field to penetrate directly into the enemy's double accumulation core position, defeating and annihilating the enemy Huangwei Army in one fell swoop.

Mr. Chen once praised Chen Geng as one of the "Five Tiger Generals" who is as famous as Mr. Peng, Marshal Lin Biao, Marshal Liu Bocheng, and General Su Yu.

Chen Geng not only performed well on the domestic battlefield, but also performed well on the international battlefield.

In 1950, due to long-term aggression by France, Vietnam Communist Party leader Ho Chi Minh secretly visited China to request assistance.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Ho Chi Minh

In July of the same year, Chairman Mao dispatched the first military advisory group headed by Chen Geng to Vietnam to help the Vietnamese army reorganize and train its troops and fight against the French army.

After arriving in Vietnam, he found that although the Vietnamese army had good combat effectiveness, they were very afraid of the French army and did not dare to face the enemy head-on.

Therefore, Chen Geng suggested that Ho Chi Minh pull out the troops and have a head-on confrontation with the French army to exercise their courage.

Ho Chi Minh was convinced and urgently dispatched the 308th Division of the Vietnamese Army to the front line to confront the French army. In less than two months, the division's mental outlook changed drastically and it became very brave, and later became one of the main forces of the Vietnamese army.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

After Chen Geng carefully analyzed the situation on the battlefield, he made another suggestion: The Vietnamese army does not yet have the ability to attack fortresses, so it should not forcefully attack the French army's large strongholds, but should give priority to attacking Dongxi, a small stronghold located in a strategic location, to force Enemy support and annihilate enemies in mobile warfare.

Hu Mingzhi, who had participated in the revolution in China, was well aware of Chen Geng's abilities and once again adopted his advice.

html On September 16, the Vietnamese army attacked Dongxi with absolute superiority and completely wiped out the French troops stationed in Dongxi. At the same time, the French troops stationed near Dongxi, Sha Dongxi and Leba were already on the way to support.

Chen Geng commanded the Vietnamese army to set up pocket formations in Dongxi to show the enemy's weakness and lure them deeper.Seeing that the Vietnamese army lacked combat effectiveness, the French army fought hard to catch up, and the enemy army stepped into Chen Geng's trap.

On October 8, French commander Leba finally noticed, but it was too late. The Vietnamese army had completed the encirclement of the French army.

On that day, the troops headed by the 308th Division, the main force of the Vietnamese army, launched an all-out attack on the French army.

In less than two days, the Vietnamese army ended the battle. In this battle, more than 8,000 besieged French troops were wiped out, and three French generals and several mid-level officers were captured alive. It was the first major annihilation battle in the Vietnam Anti-French War .

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

The victory in the Battle of Dongxi directly forced the French army to shrink across the board. The border between China and Vietnam was completely opened, which also marked that the Vietnamese army finally took back the initiative in the anti-French war.

In Ho Chi Minh’s letter of thanks to Chairman Mao, he specifically mentioned his gratitude to the Chinese advisory group headed by Comrade Chen Geng.

When the French army commander in Vietnam heard that the Battle of Dongxi was personally commanded by Chen Geng, he exclaimed: "Oh God! Chen Geng stepped in to take command. No wonder the Vietnamese army became like an army overnight."

In 1955, Chen Geng He was awarded the rank of General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and is a well-deserved national general.

In fact, Chen Geng is not only a military wizard, but also an excellent intelligence officer. Even Li Kenong, known as the "King of Red Agents", was once his subordinate.

"Chinese Communist Intelligence Leader"

In April 1927, the Kuomintang reactionaries launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup that shocked China and the world. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deeply felt the importance of intelligence work.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

In order to protect the Party Central Committee, in November 1927, the organization established a political protection agency in Shanghai - the Special Operations Section of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (referred to as the Special Operations Section of the Communist Party of China).

This agency is directly led by Premier Zhou, and consists of four departments: general affairs, intelligence, security, and transportation. They are responsible for arranging venues for secret meetings held by the Party Central Committee, infiltrating enemies to obtain intelligence, punishing revolutionary traitors, and maintaining connections between revolutionary base areas. Waiting for work.

At this time, Chen Geng was recuperating in the hospital because he was shot three times in the leg during the Nanchang Uprising.

However, after receiving the arrangement from the organization, he rushed to Shanghai regardless of his injury and served as the first section chief of the Special Intelligence Section of the CCP to assist Premier Zhou in his work.

Although he was sent by the Party Central Committee to study intelligence work in the Soviet Union, he lacked practical experience. Chen Geng, who had just arrived in Shanghai, could be regarded as a complete intelligence rookie.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Fortunately, he has been passionate about learning, good at thinking, and diligent in summarizing since he was a student. He soon combined the experience he learned in the Soviet Union with the actual situation in Shanghai at that time, and summed up a set of methods of hiding based on family.

In order to hide from others, Chen Geng lived in Shanghai with his wife Wang Genying and his wife's brother and sister-in-law, forming a quite ordinary family.

Soon, Chen Geng's eldest son Chen Zhifei was born, and the family seemed happy. He also took this opportunity to hide himself in Shanghai under the white rule of the Kuomintang.

While Chen Geng was responsible for intelligence work, he handed over the knowledge he had learned and the experience he gained to other comrades in the Intelligence Section without reservation.

When he first took office in the Intelligence Section, he conducted a 29-day special training for them.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

The training content includes adding sugar to gasoline to destroy cars, how to quickly open handcuffs to escape after being arrested, etc.

In addition, Chen Geng also taught gays makeup skills so that gays could easily change their identities and move around Shanghai more conveniently.

Chen Geng himself is an expert in makeup. He speaks many dialects and frequently changed his identity while working in Shanghai. Sometimes he was a dock worker, sometimes an ordinary working-class person, and sometimes a young man from the Qinggang ...

According to the description of Kuomintang general Zhang Kexia , when he first met General Chen Geng, he " was wearing a blue satin trousers jacket with black ribbons on the trouser legs. He looked very much like Xiaokai (the rich second generation) in Shanghai. I asked him about his legs No matter how injured he was, he was jumping wildly for a while, squatting and bending his legs for a while... We were very surprised."

However, the identity that Comrade Chen Geng uses most is that of a wealthy businessman "Wang Yong" who wears suits and polished leather shoes all year round and does business in Shanghai.

With such an image of a wealthy businessman, Chen Geng was able to enter the circle of Shanghai's upper class, and his intelligence work became easier.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

He frequently visited some high-end restaurants and dance halls, and was invited to attend banquets organized by rich people, politicians, and celebrities.

During the period, he deliberately mixed with the police and foreign patrols, and became "good friends" with them. Even some Kuomintang agents and Youth Gang leader Du Yuesheng had contacts with him. They called him "Mr. Wang".

Wang Yong’s identity provided great convenience for General Chen Geng’s subsequent work.

In 1928, the Party Central Committee was holding an important meeting in a theater in Shanghai, and Chen Geng also attended the meeting.

However, due to a traitor's informant, the meeting location was leaked, and Kuomintang agents and police quickly surrounded the theater.

The participating party members could only mingle with the theater audiences, looking for opportunities to escape.

The spies came well prepared. While they arranged for manpower to guard all exits of the theater, they also sent people to check the audience of the theater one by one, vowing to catch all the Communists in the theater.

If the spies are allowed to continue their investigation, the party members hidden in the audience will be exposed sooner or later, and the consequences will be disastrous. We cannot sit still and wait for death.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Chen Geng had an idea and saw him striding towards an agent. He patted the man on the shoulder and asked, "Brother Liu, what are so many people here for today?"

The agent turned around and saw "Wang Yong", turned around and gave him a slap on the shoulder, and then whispered in his ear: "Mr. Wang, we are here to arrest the Communist Party today."

"There is a Communist Party in this theater!"

"Wang Yong" is pretending. He looked very surprised, and in order to create opportunities for other comrades, he said to Agent Liu: "I hate the Communist Party the most. If brothers can be trusted, how about letting me help?" When the agent heard this, "Mr. Wang" He offered to help and agreed without thinking: "Mr. Wang, the Communist Party is very cunning and may even have a gun. Please don't arrest people with us.

How about this? You can help us guard the southwest exit." "What do you think? If any Communists want to escape, just call us."

Chen Geng agreed while suppressing a smile. As soon as the agents left, he quickly let the comrades escape from the exit he was guarding. After a search by the

agents, naturally they couldn't catch anyone, so they could only hang their heads and retreat.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Before leaving, the spy who was familiar with General Chen Geng kept saying: "Damn it, the Communist Party runs so fast."

However, conducting intelligence work in Shanghai under the white rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries was not the same. An easy thing. Since arriving in Shanghai, Chen Geng's family has been in a nervous state all year round.

In order to hide their identities, they moved frequently, from Zhabei to Wusong, from Pudong to Hongkou... Even though they were so careful, Chen Geng almost exposed his identity many times.

But he never thought that the most dangerous time in Shanghai would be because of his own son.

People are always unprepared for their loved ones, and Chen Geng is no exception. When he returned home late at night, he would often put the gun in his arms under his pillow, then simply wash up and go straight to sleep.

Since there were only his wife and son in the room, he had nothing to hide. Over time, Chen Zhifei knew that his father had a gun. He even stole the gun while his father was sleeping.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

It was another ordinary day. Chen Geng went out to work, his wife Wang Genying was busy with housework, and Chen Zhifei ran to the street to play with the children nearby.

Suddenly a British policeman passed by, and Chen Zhifei saw the gun on the policeman's waist at a glance. He muttered innocently: "This gun is not as good-looking as dad's."

Although the patrolman is British, he can understand some Chinese after living in China for a long time. Chen Zhifei's words instantly caught his attention.

You must know that it is not ordinary people who can own guns. A gun better than his shows that the identity of this child's father is not simple.

In order to find out the truth, the patrolman squatted in front of Chen Zhifei and asked: "Kid, your father has a gun?"

The young Chen Zhifei suddenly felt scared when he saw the patrolman, and did not dare to answer, and started running home without looking back.

The British patrolman felt that something was fishy and followed Chen Zhifei closely to Chen Geng's house.

Wang Genying saw his son running around and was about to scold him, but when he looked up, he saw a blond and blue-eyed foreign policeman standing at the door of his home.

"What can I do for you?" Wang Genying said calmly. She is also a member of the Communist Party, and her husband has a special status. It is definitely not normal for a foreign patrolman to suddenly come to the house.

Although she had a bad feeling, she didn't show any nervousness.

"Ma'am, your son said you have a gun at home, is that true?" the patrol officer said straight to the point.

After hearing this, Wang Genying's whole mind was stunned. The ancients said that disaster comes from the mouth, but this ignorant brat actually caused such a big disaster.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

She knew that she couldn't panic. If something was revealed, something would really happen.

Wang Genying replied calmly: "Yes, the child's father bought him a toy gun in the department store the day before yesterday. Do you want to see it?" As he said this, he made a gesture of saying "gun" It looked like it was being taken out for inspection by the patrolman.

The patrolman saw that Wang Genying looked normal and did not seem to be lying. He shook his head and left directly.

A huge crisis was resolved by Wang Genying's alertness and calmness. When Chen Geng came back in the evening and heard his wife talking about this, he was still frightened.

After experiencing this incident, Chen Geng became more cautious.

Chen Geng captured Chen Geng

but he often walked along the river without getting his shoes wet. In 1931, due to the betrayal of Gu Shunzhang, one of the leaders of the CCP's Special Section, Chen Geng's revolutionary activities in Shanghai were known to the Kuomintang's reactionary spy chief Dai Li.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Dai Li

He immediately ordered the military special agents in Shanghai to join the central unified agents, police, lease patrols and gangsters from the Youth Gang to arrest the CCP intelligence chief Chen Geng.

As a result, the day after Dai Li issued the order, General Chen Geng received a call from the British patrol: "Mr. Wang, we need your help."

Chen Geng, whose pseudonym was Wang Yong, had now become a well-known know-it-all and intelligence dealer in Shanghai. .

Because of his wide network, he knows everything from political changes in the Shanghai government to trivial matters such as whose house the gangsters from the Qing Gang are going to cause trouble today, so many people like to buy information from him.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

He would also disclose some less important information to patrolmen and policemen for free from time to time, so he was very familiar with these people.

"Hey, the dignified British Empire patrol also wants my help?" Chen Geng joked: "Tell me, what is the reason for today?"

"Mr. Wang, we have received information that the CCP intelligence leader Chen Geng We are in Shanghai now. We were ordered by Shangfeng to help the Kuomintang capture Chen Geng. We will be paid a lot of money. Do you have any news? "

" I was exposed!" Chen Geng wanted to hang up and run away, but he calmed down immediately. , if you run away directly, you will only make yourself more dangerous, and you will also lose Wang Yong's identity as a convenient source of information.

"Chen Geng? Is it Chen Geng, the Communist Party member who organized the Nanchang 'riot'? Has he arrived in Shanghai?" Chen Geng asked pretending to be curious.

"Yes, that's Chen Geng. Shangfeng said that the Kuomintang offered a reward of tens of thousands to catch him. Is Mr. Wang interested in joining us?"

Only after hearing this did Chen Geng realize that "Communist Chen Geng" had been exposed. But the "rich businessman Wang Yong" had not yet, so he decisively accepted the invitation of the British patrol and arrested Chen Geng with them.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

As soon as he hung up the phone, General Chen Geng burst into laughter. It seemed that his disguise was quite successful!

In this way, a good show of "Chen Geng catching Chen Geng" was staged in Shanghai. Not surprisingly, with the great help of "Mr. Wang", the Kuomintang agents and patrols failed to catch Chen Geng for several months.During the

period, the British patrol even vouched for the identity of General Chen Geng, which really made people laugh.


In fact, on the thorny road of establishing New China, there are many underground workers like General Chen Geng who hide their names for the party and the country.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some underground workers came to the forefront from behind the scenes. For example, Li Kenong, one of the "Three Heroes of Longtan", was awarded the title of Lieutenant General of the Founding of the People's Republic of China because of his outstanding achievements.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

But there are more underground workers. They were just ordinary members of the 400 million Chinese people. They were willing to fall into the trap for the birth of New China, but they disappeared from the market again after the victory of the revolution.

There were many underground workers who fell on the eve of the birth of New China and became a candle to dispel the feudal darkness.

Some of them were even mistaken for traitors and traitors because of their underground work, and they were still stigmatized until their death.

They are Zhang Luping, Qian Zhuangfei, Hu Di, they are Yan Youwen, Li Shiyu, Pan Hannian, and they are the "Yu Zecheng" whose names are still unknown to thousands of people in the world.

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

It is true that the establishment of New China cannot be separated from the desperate fighting of frontline soldiers, the strategizing of Marshal Liu Bocheng and other famous generals in the world, and the wise decision-making of Chairman Mao, but it is also inseparable from the thousands of underground people. The workers risked their lives to obtain pieces of intelligence from the enemy and instigated generals to rebel.

Unlike the soldiers on the front line, the underground workers who have been in contact with enemy spies and senior officials all year round can be said to be tempted by the enemy all the time.

If they choose to join the Kuomintang like Gu Shunzhang, they will no longer have to live a life of fear, and may even be given high-ranking officials and generous salaries. But have they obeyed, wavered, or surrendered? No!

There was such an interesting scene in the film and television drama

Some of them are the young owners of gold shops, some are born into official families, and some are landlords. They could have closed their eyes and pretended not to see the injustice of the world and enjoyed a good life, but they didn't!

They traveled around for the revolution, hiding their names, and were always worried about being arrested by the spies because their identities were exposed. Many of them could not even get a good night's sleep for several years.

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "With a bit of heat and a bit of light, I am like a firefly. I can also shine a little in the dark without waiting for the torch. If there is no torch in the future, I will be the only light."

These underground workers were the light that illuminated China in that dark era. Let us pay tribute to all the martyrs who fought, bled, and sacrificed for the establishment of New China!

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