After the "Shenlong Revolution", Wu Zetian said something to Li Xian who came to visit her. It was this sentence that not only allowed Wu Zetian to avenge the usurpation of the throne after her death, but also allowed the Wu family to continue to be active in the Tang Dynasty aft

2024/05/2407:01:33 history 1292

After the " Shenlong Revolution ", Wu Zetian said something to Li Xian who came to visit her. It was this sentence that not only allowed Wu Zetian to avenge the usurpation of the throne after her death, but also allowed the Wu family to continue to fight against her. After his death, he continued to be active in the Datang rights core.

After the

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In 690 AD, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, Tang Ruizong Li Dan announced "abdicated the throne in favor of a worthy man" and handed over the throne of the emperor to his mother, 66-year-old Wu He officially ascended the throne, changed the country's name to Tianshou, and moved the capital to Luoyang.

Wu Fu is a relatively superstitious person. What she is most worried about is the issue of her own sacrifice a hundred years later. Chinese people attach great importance to this. No matter how glorious you are in life, no one will worship you after death, and there is no sign of her in the ancestral temple. This is the biggest failure.

Although Wu Fu had just succeeded to the throne this year, she was already 66 years old. The most important thing before her was to establish a throne.

Wu Fu still has two biological sons alive, namely Li Xian and Li Dan. Both of them have been emperors, especially Li Dan, who "abdicated" the throne to Wu Fu, who should be established as the prince. .

But Wu Fu did not do this. Instead, he created an unclear title of "Huang Si", gave his surname to Wu, and also changed Li Dan's surname to "Wulun".

What is the imperial heir? He is the son of the emperor, and has nothing else but this identity. This gives great encouragement to the nephew of the Wu family, who may be able to take the opportunity to ascend to power and usurp the Li family's regime into the Wu family's world.

Among all his nephews, there are two that Wu Fu likes the most, namely Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi. Wu Chengsi was named King of Wei, and Wu Sansi was named King of Liang. These two people They are all backup candidates for the prince.

After the

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In 698 AD, Wu Fu was 74 years old, and the matter of establishing a heir had not yet been decided. Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi were a little anxious. They sent people several times to insinuate Wu Fu and say : " Since ancient times, the emperor has never had an heir with a different surname."

The implication is to tell Wu Fu, your surname is Wu, and our surname is Wu. We are a family. If you want to pass the throne, it should be passed to both of us.

This year, the Turks invaded the border of Tang Dynasty . Wu Fu sent Di Renjie to guard the border. Di Renjie discussed with Wu Fu and said, " I can't recruit enough troops by myself. Can you please Luling?" Wang (Li Xian) came to help? "

At this time, Wu Fu still preferred the nephew of the Wu family. It was a good time to establish prestige, so he asked Wu Sansi to recruit troops. As a result, Wu Sansi waved the flag and shouted for a month. Not even a thousand soldiers and horses were recruited.

Di Renjie found Wu Fu again and said: "We can't delay the military situation. Let's ask the King of Luling to recruit troops first?"

Wu Fu didn't expect Wu Sansi to be so unlucky, so he had to call Li Xian to help, and Li Xian cheered up. With one call, 50,000 soldiers and horses were gathered, and Di Renjie and his men beat the Turks back to their hometown.

Later, Wu Fu approached Di Renjie to discuss the matter of establishing a heir, and Di Renjie said: " I believe that God is favoring Li Tang , and the people's hearts are biased towards Li Tang. The contrast between Wu Sansi and Luling King in recruiting troops is enough to see We have a clue, we should establish the king of Luling."

After the

"I see that the people of the Tang Dynasty are not tired of the Tang Dynasty, and they are more like the Huns. Your majesty asked the king of Liang to think twice about recruiting warriors in the market. After more than a month, the king of Luling replaced him. If you don't take advantage of it, you can easily get 50,000. If you want to inherit the throne now, no one else but the King of Luling can do it."

Wu Fu was a little unhappy after hearing this. She knew in her heart that what Di Renjie said was right, but she still felt unwilling. If established Li Xian, would she Wu Zhou be dead soon? It would be worse. Where is the Qin Shihuang who died in the second generation!

Seeing Wu Fu's hesitation, Di Renjie said: "Your Majesty, a son is always closer than a nephew. If you establish Wu Sansi, he will definitely sacrifice his parents first. A hundred years later, , Do you want to put your tablet into the Ancestral Temple or not? The King of Luling is different. He is your son. After he succeeds to the throne, it is only natural and right for him to sacrifice to you. There is no doubt about it! "

Your Majesty concealed the artifact and took it for more than ten years, but you still want to think twice about it. Who is the aunt and nephew related to the mother and son? If your Majesty makes Luling King, he will always enjoy the ancestral temple for thousands of years. If you think twice about it, the temple will not be the aunt.

This sentence suddenly struck Wu Fu's heart . At her age, what she was most worried about was that she would have no one to worship her after her death, and she would become a lonely ghost. This is a traditional Chinese plot. Wu Zetian It is not exempt from vulgarity.

After the

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Since then, Wu Fu has already thought about returning the power to the Li family, but the problem is to pave the way for the Wu family. When she was in power, the Wu family The family became famous for a while because of her alone. If she died, there was no guarantee that the Wu family would not be retaliated by the Li family.

Therefore, after Wu Fu made Li Xian the crown prince, he began to vigorously promote the "Li-Wu merger". People from the Li and Wu families got married and tried their best to get them together.

When they met a couple of the right age, they went directly to the church to get married. This resulted in a situation where people from the Li family and the Wu family were already married. It's hard to tell. If it's from the Li family, his mother's surname may be Wu. If it's from the Wu family, her mother's surname is Li, so it's impossible to liquidate.

Not to mention, Wu Zetian also took Li Xian. , Li Dan, Princess Taiping , Wu Sansi and others gathered together and forced them to swear: The Li and Wu families will always live in harmony. Anyone who violates this oath will be punished by heaven and earth.

This oath was engraved in the alchemy book by Wu Zetian.

By 705 AD, Wu Fu was 82 years old and seriously ill in bed. He still clung to the imperial power and had no intention of passing on the throne.

Prime Minister Zhang Jianzhi , Cui Xuanwei Together with ministers Jinghui, Huan Yanfan , Yuan Shuji and others, they found Li Xian and encouraged him to launch a coup and seize power with arms. After a fierce ideological struggle, Li Xian gritted his teeth and agreed to their decision. .

After the

The picture comes from the Internet. On an auspicious day, the gang surrounded Li Xian and rushed into the palace. On the way, they met Wu Fu's most trusted male favorites Zhang Changzong and Zhang Yizhi , and they killed them easily. , rushed all the way to Wu Zetian, and seized the Wu Zhou regime with arms

This revolution was very successful, and Wu Fu was forced to issue an order the next day to abdicate the emperor to the crown prince Li Xian, which was Tang Zhongzong . This year was Shenlong. In the first year of the year, this coup was also called the " Shenlong coup ".

After Wu Fu abdicated, he moved to Shangyang Palace . Li Xian gave him the title " Zetian Great Sage Emperor ". From this time on, Wu Zetian was called Wu Zetian. The name is a symbol of her failure.

Then why wasn’t it called Wu Fu later? Because after Li Xian succeeded to the throne, he abolished all the laws implemented by Wu Fu, and the official positions, clothing, flags, etc. were all changed back to what they were before Li Xian was abolished in AD 684, erasing the influence of the Wu Zhou Dynasty. All traces.

For them, Wu Zhou was like a nightmare. Now they woke up from the dream, everything has become the original appearance . Naturally, the characters created by Wu Zetian should not continue to exist.

After the

Pictures come from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Before abdicating, Wu Zetian was a person who paid great attention to maintenance. The historical record is: She is good at whitewashing herself. Although her descendants are by her side, she does not feel that she is aging. That is to say, even though the family is full of children and grandchildren, it still drives with great vigor and shows no signs of aging.

What about after arriving at Shangyang Palace? Wu Zetian suddenly stopped dressing up at all, maybe because she was not in the mood, but more importantly, she was planning this revenge, and at the same time, she wanted the Wu family to continue to be active at the core of Li Tang's power, so she looked old and old Haggard.

Although Li Xian was angry with Wu Zetian, she was Li Xian's mother after all. The so-called parents in the world, so Li Xian still had to visit her often, once every ten days, which became a routine.

On this day, Li Xian came to Shangyang Palace and saw Wu Zetian's appearance. He was stunned and said: "We haven't seen each other for only ten days. How come the mother has become so old?"

After the

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Wu Zetian burst into tears after hearing this, and cried: " I was ready to hand over the world to you, but the five thieves Cui Xuanwei, Zhang Jianzhi, Heng Yanfan, Jinghui and Yuan Shu were greedy for the throne." Gong, you drove me here, so I became like this!

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian Kao Yi·Volume 12": The Queen Mother is good at covering up, even though her descendants are by her side, she doesn't feel that she is getting older. When he is no longer in the Shangyang Palace, he is described as haggard. When he saw it, he was shocked. The Empress Dowager cried and said: "I came from Fangling to welcome you, and I have given you the gift of the world. But the five thieves are greedy for merit, which shocked me so much."

Wu Zetian's words have at least two meanings: One is an attempt to use family affection to influence Li Xian , even if you don't force me to marry you, I am ready to return the world to you. We are mother and son, and mine will eventually be yours. You must treat your Wu cousins ​​well.

The second is to use the agency to trap Cui Xuanwei, Zhang Jianzhi, Heng Yanfan, Jinghui and Yuan Shu, saying that these five old thieves are greedy for the power of the dragon, so that we, mother and son, fight each other and make you fall into disloyalty, filial piety, benevolence and injustice. In this situation, there are bad people among the ministers, so be careful!

Did Wu Zetian’s words work? Quite effective!

After hearing the plop, Li Xian knelt down, kowtowed and cried: "Mom, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have done this. Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of the Wu family for you." "

After the

The picture comes from the Internet, infringement and deletion

At this time, Wu Chengsi was shot to death by Wu Zetian because of his excessive behavior and challenged Wu Zetian's authority, and the Wu family represented by Wu Sansi was reused for this reason.

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian Kao Yi·Volume 12": Weeping uncontrollably, he fell to the ground and bowed to the death penalty, so he thought twice before entering into his plan.

What’s even more ridiculous is that Wu Sansi also hooked up with Li Xian’s wife Queen Wei , and they had a somewhat ambiguous relationship. Wu Sansi went to the palace to play chess with Queen Wei, and Li Xian would give them some chips. It can be considered a strange flower.

After Wu Zetian's death, Li Xian made special arrangements for her funeral, and tried his best to bury her together with Li Zhi against all objections.

Wu Sansi, on the other hand, was very comfortable in the court, and colluded with Queen Wei to "know how to deal with affairs and change the state affairs". With Li Xian's acquiescence, he dealt with Cui Xuanwei, Zhang Jianzhi, Heng Yanfan, Jinghui and Yuan Shu. The five kings launched an all-round suppression.

All five people were demoted to serve in other places and lost their qualifications to discuss politics. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Jianzhi died of illness in Xinzhou, Cui Xuanwei died of illness in Lingnan, and Heng Yanfan and Yuan Shu were killed by envoys sent by Li Xian.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side. Let's talk about Lu Pheasant . From the beginning of 's business, Lu Pheasant and his family followed Liu Bang and to conquer the world. After the success of their business, they occupied a large stake in Dahan Group Company.

There were three forces in the court at that time, Hu Cheng's horns, namely the royal clan represented by Liu Bang, the Lu family represented by Lu Fei, and the group of heroes who followed Liu Bang to conquer the world. In general, It's still relatively stable.

However, when Liu Bang died, the balanced relationship was instantly broken. Lu Pheasant found a counselor to scrutinize his discussions and tried to kill the hero group. Although it was not implemented in the end, the hero group also began to protect itself wisely and temporarily withdrew from the game of Han Dynasty rights. .

After that, Lu Pheasant began a happy time of being domineering. Less than eight years after he came to the throne, his son Liu Ying died of depression under her power. Lu Pheasant also had a grandson Liu Gong As the emperor, he calls himself before the court and exercises the emperor's powers.

After the

The picture comes from the Internet. In order to show their loyalty, the hero group appointed Lu Tai, Lu Chan , and Lu Lu as generals to command the northern and southern armies, allowing the Lu family to hold power in the court.

Lu Pheasant took over the power and broke Liu Bang's treaty of " White Horse Alliance : If the Liu family is not the king, the world will attack him together." He successively gave the Lu family's children more than a dozen princely titles, making the Lu family noble. For a while.

So far, Lu Pheasant's operations are very similar to Wu Zetian's, and there are no problems. However, her subsequent decisions in two aspects laid the foundation for the destruction of the Lu family.

1. In the choice of successor, Lu Pheasant failed very much.

There are two problems with the heir chosen by Lu Pheasant. First, he has no strength and is a pure puppet. The second is that they are not of the same mind as her and only have resentment towards her. For example, when his grandson Liu Gong was still a fledgling, he made some dissatisfying remarks about his grandmother Lu Pheasant, so he was imprisoned by Lu Pheasant until his death.

Although Wu Zetian was forced into the palace, the heir was her biological son after all. Broken bones were connected to tendons. No matter how angry the son was, he could not kill his mother. Moreover, Wu Zetian, through the influence of family affection, let Li Xian follow him. All the barriers between her were eliminated, and she took the initiative to protect the Wu family.

The emperor demanded to keep his cousins. Who among the remaining ministers dared to propose liquidating the Wu family?

On the contrary, after Lu Zhi died, the legal heir she supported was deposed by the minister, and she announced that Liu Ying was infertile, and killed all Liu Ying's other sons, who were directly related to Lu Pheasant. There are no descendants left, who has the heart to stand up and support the Lu family?

"The young emperor, the kings of Liang, Huaiyang, and Changshan were all not true filial piety and Hui's son. Empress Lu deceived her into naming his son, killed his mother, raised him in the harem, ordered him to be filial piety and Hui's son, and established him as his queen. King, to strengthen the Lu family. "--- Zhou Bo

Second, the Lu family has no successor.

Lu Pheasant killed a large number of heroes like Han Xin in her early years, and the people she appointed were all members of the Lu family. Is there any capable person from the Lu family?

Unfortunately, no. Before Lu Pheasant died, appointed his nephew King Zhao Lu Lu to lead the Northern Army, and Lu Chan to lead the Southern Army, asking them to firmly control the army in the hands of the Lu family.

Before he died, he called his two nephews and told him: "The ministers have been dissatisfied with our Lu family for a long time. I am still able to suppress them while I am alive. After my death, you should not go out of the palace to bury me. You must hold on tightly." Soldier talisman to avoid a mutiny, otherwise the Lu family will be in catastrophe!"

But what did these two people do?

After the death of Lu Pheasant, Lu Lu summoned the Lu clan to try to rebel, but his son-in-law Zhu Xuhou Liu Zhang reported the secret. Then Chen Ping and Zhou Bo tricked him into handing over his military power. In the end, this guy really believed it, obediently. Handed over military power to them.

Chen Ping led the Northern Army led by Lu Lu and killed Lu Chan before he could react. Then he turned around and killed Lu Lu, who had no military power.

Once Lu Lu and Lu Chan died, Lu Pheasant's backhand was completely destroyed. Zhou Bo ordered the entire Lu family to be slaughtered, regardless of gender, age or child. The Lu family was wiped out in the long river of history.

On the other hand, Wu Sansi, after Wu Zetian's death, not only was he not implicated, but he was also able to bring trouble to the palace, allowing Li Xian to watch him having an affair with his two women, Shangguan Wan'er and Queen Wei. The difference was huge. .

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