The United States has a "Wolf Clause" that closes the door to Sino-U.S. aerospace technology exchanges and resolutely refuses Chinese access to the International Space Station. It even does not allow Chinese scientists to participate in international conferences in this area. How

2024/05/1607:25:33 history 1033

Text | Liu Fufeng Studio Sun Yuliang

Recently, NASA Administrator Nielsen once again spoke nonsense about China. He openly accepted an interview with the German newspaper Bild to hype the "Chinese space threat theory" and said "China wants to occupy the moon." ", "Beware of China occupying the moon", "China steals technology", " The mission of the Chinese space station is to learn how to destroy other people's satellites " and so on. The United States has a "Wulf Clause" that closes the door to Sino-US aerospace technology exchanges and resolutely refuses Chinese access to the International Space Station. It even does not allow Chinese scientists to participate in international conferences in this area. However, the United States With China's aerospace technology strictly blocked, we watched helplessly as China independently built its own space station , and watched helplessly as China's lunar probe landed on the moon. The real version is about to be realized. "Chang'e flew to the moon", so I had no place to vent my extreme envy, jealousy, and hatred, so I had to resort to the usual tricks of spreading rumors, slander, and slander to pour dirty water on the Chinese people.

The United States has a

Regarding this move by the United States, I most want to respond to it with the words Chiang Kai-shek often cursed: Mother is so stupid! Only a colonial mentality would say this.

As we all know, China is an ancient country with a culture of 10,000 years and a civilization of 5,000 years. This land has been the home of the Chinese nation since ancient times. The Chinese people have been pursuing a peaceful and contented life since ancient times. Even traveling in space is for the mentality of " building a community with a shared future for mankind ". They have never thought about monopolizing any planet. The moon is a satellite of the earth. It is a common resource that belongs to all mankind and cannot belong to any country on the earth. The reason why NASA Administrator Nielsen slandered China for wanting to "monopolize" the moon is precisely because the United States has such a "villain mentality." The United States has a history of less than 250 years. Its founding history is a history of colonial aggression against indigenous peoples, full of colonial blood. The United States slanders China and does the same thing, which is a typical example of "taking a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's heart."

The United States has a

It must be said that the United States has the mentality to dominate the moon. The United States is the first country in the world to send astronauts to the moon on the space shuttle , and planted the American flag on the moon. Armstrong, the first American astronaut to land on the moon, said a famous saying that is known around the world: It's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. The United States' Apollo 11 successfully achieved human landing on the moon for the first time, taking the lead in the " space race " between the United States and the Soviet Union. However, due to unknown reasons, the United States interrupted the manned moon landing. But when other countries were formulating manned moon landing plans and intending to implement them, the Americans were anxious again. They were afraid that the moon would become the "property" of other countries, so they were eager to get a share of the "carving up the moon" and wanted to get the biggest share. bowl.

The United States is a country controlled by capital interest groups, and the biggest characteristic of capital is greed. Marx saw this very clearly. Marx said: "When the profit reaches 10%, they will be ready to take action; when the profit reaches 50%, they will take desperate risks; when the profit reaches 100%, they will dare to trample on it." All laws in the world; when the profit reaches 300%, they dare to risk hanging ." Countries like the United States will calculate costs and profits in everything they do. They do not care about trust and friendship, and only have interests in their eyes. Therefore, we must see clearly the essence of the United States and do not talk about brotherhood with this country, Confucian "gentleness, courtesy, thrift, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust", the Buddhist "emptiness" and Taoist "inaction" ideas, Not available in the United States. in the United States is about money and profits. As long as there is profit to be made, it is not a bad idea to develop the moon.

The United States has a

Exploring the moon seems to some people to be scientific exploration, but to others, it is development. The United States is worried that the Chinese will achieve a manned moon landing after a lapse of several decades and seize lunar resources before it does, so it is anxious.Different from the magnanimity and kindness of the Chinese who advocate a "community with a shared future for mankind", the United States has always wanted to "eat alone". The U.S. government defines outer space as a "combat territory." The United States wants to defend itself against China. In fact, The whole world must be on guard against the United States, a country with a strong "colonial mentality". not only wants to be a "world policeman" on the earth, it also wants to be a "space policeman" . First of all, it wants to label the moon with " American brand".

During the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, U.S. President Reagan once provoked a "Star Wars" and brought down the Soviet Union. Now the United States has returned to the Cold War mentality and is repeating its old tricks. We don’t know whether it wants to use this to bring down China. However, our tactics are still "you fight yours and I fight mine" and we should not follow the rhythm of the United States. China develops its own aerospace industry to benefit mankind and meet China's economic, social, technological and security needs. As for the dirty water thrown by the United States, you can just laugh it off and let it go.

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