On June 13, 1999, after the author Zhao Jie sent Marshal Lin's tiles to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Xueliang burst into tears. After some advice from insiders, I heard that this involved Marshal Lin Jianxiu and Zhang Xueliang's heartstrings at that time.

2024/05/1605:39:33 history 1360

Zhao Jie (pseudonym Liao Qing)

On June 13, 1999, after the author Zhao Jie sent Marshal Lin's tiles to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Xueliang burst into tears. After some advice from insiders, I heard that this involved Marshal Lin Jianxiu and Zhang Xueliang's heartstrings at that time. - DayDayNews

On June 13, 1999, after the author Zhao Jie sent Marshal Lin's tiles to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Xueliang burst into tears. Wa Ming is: "Marshal Zhang Lin Cemetery Liuwa Produced in the 18th Year of the Republic of China"

After Zhang Zuolin was bombed, in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances, The Marshal's Mansion kept the secret of mourning

Only after being prompted by an insider did I hear that this involved Marshal Lin Jianxiu struck Zhang Xueliang's heartstrings at that time.

On June 4, 1928, Zhang Zuolin was only 53 years old. In the past two days, he also yelled loudly: "Japan is not a friend enough, but it strangles others' necks to get benefits when they are in crisis."

"I, Zhang Zuolin, hate this kind of behavior the most! I am from Northeast China, and Northeast China is my hometown." , where the tombs of my ancestors and parents are located, I can't betray the Northeast, lest future generations call me a traitor. I'm not afraid of anything. I have no intention of asking for it." After scolding him, he took the bus from to Peiping in the early morning of the next day. Empress Dowager Cixi's float was traveling to and from Fengtian . When it arrived at the old intersection of Huanggutun Station near Fengtian, the explosives were set off by the premeditated Japanese Kwantung Army. When he was carried to the headquarters of the Marshal's Mansion, he was already dying. He repeatedly called his eldest son Zhang Xueliang's nickname: "Xiao Liuzi, Xiao Liuzi..." and then passed away.

When Zhang Zuolin passed away, his mistress was not around. Zhang Xueliang was the commander of the Third Front Army at the time and was supervising the army at Handan Beilin Station.

After Zhang Zuolin was bombed, in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances, the commander-in-chief kept the funeral secret, provided drinking water, and the medical officer refused to visit, waiting for Zhang Xueliang's return. When Zhang Xueliang learned that his father was calling his name, he cut off his hair and wore plain clothes, suppressed his grief, disguised himself as a soldier, and hid in a tanker truck. Half a month later, he sneaked into the Fengtian Commander's Mansion and announced that his father had been killed in the bombing. After the funeral, the coffin was temporarily placed in the Marshal's Mansion to be buried. He was only 27 years old when he inherited his father's responsibility and took charge of the Northeast.

In the autumn of 1928, the survey and design of Marshal Lin began. Construction started in May 1929 and was scheduled to be completed in three years. On June 21 (the date of Zhang Zuolin’s public announcement), an anniversary ceremony was held in Fengtian.

Marshal Lin is located in a village called Gaoliyingzi, which has old traces of Tang Taizong's Eastern Expedition more than 1,300 years ago. There is a small hill to the south, protruding from north to south, which is called Laolongtou.

The Hun River surrounds it on its three sides, southeast and west, facing the Tiebei Mountain with vertical cliffs across the water. Nurhachi built Jiefan City here and lived there for more than a year.

The Marshal Forest Project is grand in scale. The entire cemetery faces south and is composed of three parts: a square city, a round city, and a tomb chamber. It was built according to the situation of the site. There are also turrets built at the four corners. The front gate of Fangcheng reaches directly to the north bank of the Hun River. It imitates the architecture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and has a three-hole green glazed tile roof. There is a 100-meter corridor leading directly from the front gate to the middle gate. Stone carvings are arranged on both sides. The architecture of the middle gate is the same as that of the front gate. Entering the middle gate, there is a hall for setting up spiritual tablets and ancestor worship utensils. After passing the hall, you arrive at the foot of the hill, where the terrain gradually becomes higher and there are 120 bluestone steps (steps). In front of the bluestone steps, square cone-shaped Chinese watches stand on both sides. Two stone lions squat in front of the steps. The shrine is divided into the main path and the left and right side paths. There is a stone fence between the two roads. Climbing up the steps, four stone statues of civil servants and generals are greeted on the top platform. After that is the main entrance of the round city.

In 1954, due to the construction of Dahuofang Reservoir, the lower part of Marshal Lin Mountain was located in a flooded area. The sacrificial halls at the front and middle gates of Fangcheng have been submerged in the water, and the guardrails and stone steps of the approach have also been demolished.

Fortunately, before the dam was closed, all the stone carvings beside the corridor were moved to the mountain, and they are still the main body of the stone carvings. After the "Gang of Four" was crushed, the relevant provincial and municipal departments not only allocated special funds for repairs and surveying, but also established the Marshal Forest Cultural Relics and Stone Carvings Management Office to protect it.

On June 13, 1999, after the author Zhao Jie sent Marshal Lin's tiles to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Xueliang burst into tears. After some advice from insiders, I heard that this involved Marshal Lin Jianxiu and Zhang Xueliang's heartstrings at that time. - DayDayNews

Original photo of Marshal Lin Baoding (taken in June 1934).

Zhang Zuolin’s burial had to be shelved because of the "September 18th" incident

In 1987, General Zhang Xueliang's brother, Mr. Zhang Xuewen, came back to pay a visit. He once said to me: After the "September 18th" incident, the commander of the Japanese Kwantung Army We call Zhang Xueming . All the property of the Shuai Mansion and his father's mausoleum are properly protected. If someone is sent to claim it, they will be returned in full. To this end, Zhang Xueliang convened his family members at Prince Shuncheng's residence in Peking to discuss the matter. Zhang Xueliang said angrily: "The country has fallen, so why do we need those rags (referring to the Zhang family's belongings)! It's just that my father's spirit needs to be buried."

Zhang Zuolin's burial had to be put on hold because of the September 18th Incident. Where was he later buried?

In May 1986, I was transferred to the CPPCC of Liaoning Province to engage in cultural and historical work. In October, the eldest daughter of Zhang Xueliang's fifth brother Zhang Xuesen Zhang Luheng came to Shenyang from Hong Kong. One of the main purposes of her trip was to go to Yimafang. Sacrifice sweep. I accompanied the whole process that day. She once wondered why Yimafang became Zhang Zuolin's cemetery.

Luan Guitian, Zhang Zuolin's original military director, once recorded: After Zhang Zuolin was killed by the Japanese Kwantung Army, his coffin was placed in Dongguan Zhulin Temple in Tianjin for burial, and a mausoleum was built in Fushun. Before it was completed, the Japanese invaded Fengtian and destroyed the mausoleum under construction. .

According to Liaoning Provincial People's Government Jing Youyan, the late counselor in the Counselor's Office and Zhang Xueliang's former subordinate, witnessed that after Zhang Zuolin was killed in the bombing, the coffin was stopped at the Marshal's Mansion because the construction of Marshal Lin had not been completed. After the "September 18th" Incident, Jing Youyan and Zhang Xueliang went to Peiping to make money. When they left, they saw the coffin in the Marshal's Mansion. Later, under the arrangements of Zhang Jinghui and Zhang Haipeng , Zhang Zuolin's coffin was moved to Yimafang, Jin County.

Zhang Zuolin Yimafang Cemetery is not far from the hometown of Zhang Zuolin's biological mother, Mrs. Wang Tai, in Heishan. It now belongs to Linghai City . The cemetery is located at the foot of the remaining stone mountain of Yiwulu Mountain, one of the three most famous scenic mountains in Northeast China.

Shishan Mountain was called Thirteen Mountains in ancient times. It was named after it has thirteen peaks. In fact, this should not be the place where Zhang Zuolin rests. At first, it was built purely for Mrs. Wang. Hire a well-respected Feng Shui master in surveying and surveying to assess the terrain and Feng Shui, hoping that your descendants will have a prominent career and a long life in the future. Later, Mrs. Zhao, Zhang Zuolin's wife and Zhang Xueliang's biological mother, died and was buried here. Later, nine years after Zhang Zuolin's death, he was buried here, and this cemetery became Zhang Zuolin's cemetery. He rises from the grass and sleeps in the grass.

On June 13, 1999, after the author Zhao Jie sent Marshal Lin's tiles to Zhang Xueliang, Zhang Xueliang burst into tears. After some advice from insiders, I heard that this involved Marshal Lin Jianxiu and Zhang Xueliang's heartstrings at that time. - DayDayNews

In October 1986, Zhang Xueliang’s niece Zhang Luheng (second from left), nephew Zhang Tongguang (first from right) and his wife (first from right) went to Zhang Zuolin’s Yimafang Cemetery to visit the grave. The author Zhao Jie (first from left) accompanied him throughout the process.

Appendix: About the author

Zhao Jie (pseudonym Liao Qing) was born in October 1948. He once served as deputy director of Fushun City Cultural Bureau and editor-in-chief of "Story Newspaper". He serves as the counselor of the Liaoning Provincial Government and the consultant of the Provincial CPPCC Literature, History and Learning Promotion Committee. He has been engaged in collecting, sorting, researching, editing and publishing CPPCC cultural and historical materials for a long time. The historical circles call him a scholar-type official. He has presided over the collection, editing and publication of dozens of CPPCC cultural and historical materials on Zhang Xueliang and "918", with a word count of nearly 10 million.

’s research on Zhang Xueliang has collected, mastered and organized a large number of precious first-hand historical materials. He also had frequent contacts with Zhang Xueliang’s family members at home and abroad, and interviewed Zhang Xueliang twice. He once led a delegation to Hawaii to celebrate Zhang Xueliang's 100th birthday. He is the author of long historical documentaries " After Zhang Xueliang went to Taiwan", "Colorful Life of Zhang Xueliang", "Keeping Zhang Xueliang - Interview Record in the United States", "Zhang Xueliang - Reputation and Reputation by Others", "Zhang Xueliang", " Zhang Xueliang in the United States" "The Last Years of ", the 18-episode TV documentary "Zhang Xueliang", etc.

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