Today in Party History | In 2008, the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft carried out astronaut space outing activities

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Today in Party History | In 2008, the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft carried out astronaut space outing activities - DayDayNews

Important discussion

September 27, 1945

"Xinhua Daily" published Mao Zedong's answer to British Reuters. When talking about whether it is possible to avoid civil war by means of agreement without using force, it was pointed out that it is possible. Because this is in the interests of the Chinese people and also in the interests of the party in power in China. At present, China only needs one policy of peaceful nation-building and no other policy. Therefore, China's civil war must be resolutely avoided. When talking about what kind of concessions the CCP is prepared to make in order to obtain an agreement, the reporter pointed out: Under the conditions of achieving national peace, democracy, and unity, the CCP is preparing to make important concessions, including the reduction of the army in the liberated areas. When talking about what kind of compromise or concession the central government must make to meet the requirements of the CCP, he pointed out: The CCP’s position is found in the recent declaration of the CCP Central Committee, which requires the Kuomintang government to recognize the democratically elected government and the People’s Army in the liberated areas and allow them to participate in the acceptance of Japan. Surrender, severely punish traitors and puppets, reorganize the army fairly and reasonably, protect the people's freedom and rights, and establish a democratic coalition government. When talking about whether the area occupied by the CCP intends to continue to occupy the area after Japan’s surrender, he pointed out: The CCP requires the central government to recognize the democratically elected government and the people’s army in the liberated areas. The political, military, economic, and educational local democratic reforms made during the war were completely in line with the ideals of the Kuomintang creator Mr. Sun Yat-sen. When talking about the extent to which the CCP is prepared to cooperate with Chiang Kai-shek if a coalition government is established, he pointed out: If a coalition government is established, the CCP will do its best to cooperate with Chairman Chiang to build an independent, free, prosperous and powerful new China, and thoroughly implement Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s Three Peoples. Ism.

September 27, 1981

Deng Xiaoping said in a meeting with Togolese President Eyadema: China’s problem first is to resettle 80% of the country’s population. good.Whether China is truly stable depends first on whether the rural areas, which account for 80% of the population, are stable. Our domestic situation is generally good. Our current principles and policies have been supported by the vast majority of people across the country. Our goal is clear and promising, but it is not without difficulties, but with many difficulties.

September 27, 1995

Jiang Zemin emphasized at the convener meeting of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that the leading cadres must be political. He pointed out: Our senior cadres, first of all, the secretary of the provincial party committee, the governor and ministers, the members of the Central Committee and the members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, must be political. The politics I am talking about here includes political orientation, political stance, political views, political discipline, political discernment, and political acumen. On political issues, we must be clear-headed. In our modernization drive, the central task is to develop the economy, but there must be a political guarantee, and it is impossible to not stress politics or political discipline. Part of this speech is titled "Leading Cadres Must Speak Politics" and is included in the first volume of "Selected Works of Jiang Zemin."

September 27, 2015

Xi Jinping attended the Global Women’s Summit and delivered a speech. He put forward four propositions on promoting equality between men and women and the all-round development of women. First, promote the simultaneous development of women and the economy and society. Formulate a scientific and reasonable development strategy to ensure that women share the fruits of development on an equal footing, and promote women's participation in economic and social development. Second, actively protect the rights and interests of women. Incorporate the system to protect women’s rights and interests into laws and regulations, strengthen women’s ability to participate in political and economic activities, ensure women’s basic medical and health services, ensure that all girls can afford and safely go to school, and develop vocational education and lifelong education for women. Third, strive to build a harmonious and inclusive social culture, eliminate all forms of violence against women, and break backward concepts and stereotypes that hinder women's development.Fourth, create an international environment conducive to the development of women. Firmly strengthen the concept of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, actively maintain peace, carry out international development cooperation in the field of women, and narrow the development gap between women in various countries.

September 27, 2019

Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the National National Unity and Progress Commendation Conference and emphasized that to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, all ethnic groups need to be hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder. , Work hard together. We must focus on forging the consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation, fully implement the party's national theory and national policy, insist on common unity and struggle for common prosperity and development, take the cause of national unity and progress as a basic cause, and promote all ethnic groups to be like pomegranate seeds. Embracing each other tightly, we will push the Chinese nation toward a community with a shared future that is more inclusive and cohesive, and build a better home and a better future.

He pointed out that our great motherland has a vast territory and a long civilization. A history of China is the history of the integration of various ethnic groups into a pluralistic and unified Chinese nation, and the history of the great motherland created, developed, and consolidated by all ethnic groups. Our vast territory was developed by all ethnic groups. Our long history was written by all ethnic groups. Our splendid culture was created by all ethnic groups. Our great spirit was cultivated by all ethnic groups. The pluralism of the Chinese nation is a rich legacy left to us by our ancestors, and it is also a huge advantage for our country's development.

He emphasized that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the Chinese nation has ushered in the best period of development in history. At the same time, in the face of complex domestic and foreign situations, we must unite and gather strength. We must uphold the party's leadership, unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups to firmly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The people of all ethnic groups’ yearning for a better life should be the goal of our struggle to ensure that ethnic minorities and ethnic regions work with the whole country to achieve an all-round well-off and modernization. Guided by the core values ​​of socialism, we must build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups. We must hold high the banner of great unity of the Chinese nation,Promote exchanges and integration of all ethnic groups. Ethnic affairs must be governed in accordance with the law to ensure that citizens of all ethnic groups are equal before the law.

Looking back on the party history


The first new peasant meeting organized by the Chinese Communist Party in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang, was held on September 27th. Was declared established. In July 1922, Peng Pai established the first secret peasant association in Haifeng, Guangdong. By May 1923, farmers' associations had been established in many places in the three counties of Haifeng, Lufeng, and Huiyang, with more than 200,000 members; in September, farmers in the Ginkgo area of ​​Hengshan, Hunan established the Yuebei Agricultural Union.


On September 27, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee convened a meeting of the Standing Committee in Tongwei Bangluo Town, and decided to change the decision of the Russian Conference on approaching the Soviet Union to establish a central base. The foothold of the Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment is in northern Shaanxi, defending and expanding the Soviet area in northern Shaanxi, and using the northern Shaanxi Soviet area to lead the national revolution. Earlier, when the Shaanxi-Gansu detachment was in Hadapu, Mao Zedong learned from the Kuomintang newspaper that there was a considerable Soviet area and a considerable number of Red Army in northern Shaanxi.


On September 27, according to the resolution adopted by the 22nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China granted the rank of Marshal of the People’s Liberation Army to the officers of the People’s Liberation Army. And the ceremony for awarding meritorious personnel was grandly held in Beijing.


On September 27, the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft carried out an astronaut space exit activity. my country has become the third country in the world that has independently mastered space exit technology.


September 27 The State Council issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the "Separation of Licenses and Licenses" Reform in the Country." In May 2021, the "Notice on Deepening the Reform of "Separation of Licenses and Licenses" to Further Stimulate the Development of Market Entities" was issued, and it was deployed to implement the management of a full-coverage list of business license matters related to enterprises across the country.


In his speech at the National Unity and Progress Commendation Conference on September 27, Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to build the Chinese national community consciousness as the main line and fully implement the party’s national theory National policy, adhere to the common unity and struggle, common prosperity and development, and grasp the cause of national unity and progress as a basic cause, promote all ethnic groups to embrace each other like pomegranate seeds, and promote the Chinese nation to become more inclusive and cohesive Community with a shared future.

historical moments

Today in Party History | In 2008, the Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft carried out astronaut space outing activities - DayDayNews

Bangluo Town, Tongwei County, Gansu. September 27, 1935,The Politburo of the CPC Central Committee decided here to place the Red Army’s long march in northern Shaanxi.

Source: Communist Party Member

Arrangement: Rosie

Responsible editor: Feng Yu


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