"The Past of the Educated Youth" The educated youth from the stockade pouring into the city

2021/06/2720:23:44 history 1775





寨子是傣族社会最重要的基层单位,傣语称“曼”(汉语写成“蛮”“芒”“漫”“茫”等等, that's what it means).

The Dai society has been centered on villages since ancient times. Especially the Dai people in western Yunnan, even if the place where Zhaofa (Tusi) lived in the past was called Chengzi (pronounced "Zhe, Zhe" or "Jing" in Dai language), it is actually still some large stockades, with few deep trenches and high walls. big city. Therefore, the village has a very important position among the Dai people. No one cares very much about how much the whole place is affected by the war, or is unable to manage it. However, the dignity and safety of the village are paid attention to by every villager.

When the boys from outside the village come to play in this village, they should greet the people sitting at the gate of the village politely, not loudly, and not to stomp their feet while walking, otherwise a group of men with big sticks will suddenly emerge and kick you out of the village. Door.

Celebrations of weddings and funerals, housing construction, and festivals are all arranged in a unified manner throughout the village, with a clear division of labor and an orderly manner.

Our stockade is called Nanwen Stockade, which can be translated as "Warm Water Stockade". No one can tell how long the stockade has been built. Many "things in the past" are passed down by word of mouth, such as "Japan came to mess up the place", "The Central Army came ", "The People's Liberation Army is coming", "58 years" these major events will be mentioned, and more stories are about the relationship with the outer villages, especially those men who have outstanding performance in the fights with the outer villages, will be presented as village heroes. Praise.

By the end of the 1960s, there were 40 households and 300 people in the whole village.

Shortly after the Spring Festival in February 1969, the masses of our stockade stood beside the tile field to welcome the arrival of the educated youth.

Part of the educated youth in our stockade

saw a whining truck parked at a fork in the road. We came to our stockade with our luggage. The welcoming team slapped slaps, as if both sides shouted slogans. I don't remember or understand what they were shouting. At that time, I was a naughty 9-year-old boy, just watching the fun.

The most impressive thing is that the members all smile, which is full of curiosity and enthusiasm.

The Dai people love to be lively, and they also like to walk with relatives far away. In those few years, the Dai people in the lower part of Myanmar have not dared to come in. Usually, in the slack season, there will be Dai youths from Tengchong or Yingjiangba who come to the stockade to play with relatives and friends for a few days; There were nearly 20 young people in big cities who spoke unfamiliar Chinese. It can be said that they have never met each other. While greeting each other, they quietly discussed: that one is still very young, similar to someone's half-eldest son; It kind of looks like someone.

and knowing that they are going to take root for a long time, many people must be uneasy.

educated youth leader Zhao Gagong "returned to his hometown to visit relatives", and once chatted with old members about the situation at that time: "You must not welcome us." Are you not welcome? We stood at Wachang and clapped our hands to welcome him."

"That kind of simple language contains the kindness of Dai farmers." Brother Zhao said to me 51 years later with a smile.

By the way, "Zhao Gagong" is a Dai nickname given to him by our stockade. It has no derogatory meaning, and shows the intimacy between them and the Dai villagers.

Zhao Gagong in the front row

In fact, it is not up to the farmers to decide whether to welcome or not. The superiors have notified them that " is the master of ". Members of all ethnic groups must implement it whether they understand it or not. This was the case back then. It is normal that urban and rural people with different living customs can live in harmony for several years, which is determined based on the kindness and conduct of both parties.

Of course, the educated youth from the "other people's stockade" in their hearts to the recognition of "our stockade" must need to run in. Some small stories that happened during this period have become the waves of life that each other misses. There are no magnificent waves, and there are no big storms, just ordinary life. deep memory.

Zhao Gagong is in Zhanxi


They are the literary propaganda team

The heads of our educated youth are Zhao Gagong and Shao Hangli. It means "little beauty" in the Dai language. They are both classmates of Kunming No. 23 Middle School, a monitor and a sports committee member. The two of them were the most active at the time, and they were the only ones who fell in love a few years later. Back to Kunming became a family. The two of them were the first to return to the stockade to visit relatives. Later, they often organized their companions to go back for nostalgia. When people from our stockade came to Kunming, they often came forward to call everyone to gather.

Shao Hangli on the left in the back row

They were all born into military families, one is the national army and the other is the communist army. Zhao's father was a major officer of the Luhan Army of the Yunnan Army. He participated in the uprising and was reorganized into the People's Liberation Army. At that time, they were ordered to be taken to Zhaotong for reorganization. Long San (Long Yun's son Long Shengzeng) rebelled and the entire army was wiped out by the People's Liberation Army. Therefore, Father Zhao escaped the disaster and had a stable home. But when the Cultural Revolution came, this kind of family would naturally be impacted, so Zhao Gagong was not qualified to join the Red Guards and became a free-spirited faction, so he did not participate in the criticism of his teacher's bad behavior. Shao Hangli's father was the advance column of the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guizhou Border Region (referred to as "Bianzong", which was a revolutionary armed force led by the Communist Party of the Yunnan Underground), and soon after liberation was labeled as "terrestrial tyrants armed" and "bandit armed". It was suppressed for a long time, and it was not rehabilitated until the 1980s. During the Cultural Revolution, she was also attacked, so Shao Hangli did not join the Red Guards.

As soon as the “Going to the Mountains and Going to the Countryside Movement” came, they were all dumped to the frontier Dai villages.

At that time, did they actively respond to the great call to and settle in ? It's hard to say, many people in those years were just a grain of sand in the torrent of the times, and they couldn't help themselves where they were washed, but the nature of being at ease was also a lubricant for people to adapt to the environment.

So what should you do, do whatever your superiors tell you to do, "Why is this?" "I hope that" are very dangerous thinking activities, ordinary people dare not, and those who think and talk nonsense will be arrested Woke up.

As students from a big place, they shoulder the mission of disseminating culture to the frontier ethnic minorities.Of course, that year and month mainly focused on propaganda for class struggle. The two programs made a deep impression on me.

The first program was the short play "The Sky Is Full of Stars", in which the landlord forced the renter, broke into the house and arrested his parents, and "I" became an orphan wandering around. This was performed in Xiangpa Village of the Brigade Headquarters. People from the two villages gathered around a threshing field to watch. A large steam lamp was blaring loudly, illuminating the simple and honest smiling faces of the members of the Dai people. We little kids huddled around the backstage. I saw the actors scolding each other in a low voice when they came back from a performance and changed their clothes: "You idiot, you are not careful! The bowl of Zhua is broken!" Friends from other provinces probably don't know "Zhua of Laozi's bowl is broken!" The meaning of this sentence is Kunming dialect , that is: kicked my bowl to pieces.

It turned out that the person who played the landlord's vicious dog-legged act was too violent and broke the prop bowl. We were very excited because we learned a very new Chinese language - "Han Dog X". We all know that a young boy must first learn swearing to learn a language of a certain ethnic group. The Chinese we used to learn was all Tengchong dialect, the pronunciation is soft, and the swearing is a little sloppy, not as energetic as Kunming dialect!

The second drama is about new trends in class struggle, catching "current counter-revolutionaries who spread rumors". What is the name of the show? Even brother Zhao Gagong, one of the protagonists, can't remember.The content is: A bad element spreads rumors everywhere, especially to a military family member: Your son was beaten to death! The old soldier's family was particularly distressed. At this moment, the son of the soldier came back to visit his relatives, and he was very majestic. His father was overjoyed. Class struggle, the class enemy is "burning banana peels and never giving up!"

Zhao Gagong recalled that their performance was very successful, "The evaluation of this play is to lift the lid on the new trend of class struggle in the frontier areas", and he is the most unforgettable The only thing is that the food is very good wherever I go to perform. "In particular, there are several times where stewed pig's feet and is very delicious!" How long will you stay here, do you want to take root? The locals naturally regard them as outsiders, or guests arranged by their superiors. They dare not reject them, nor do they really regard them as members of the stockade. During the running-in process of the two sides, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts, and even conflicts almost broke out.

Two things are more telling.

The educated youth fire incident:

The educated youth was arranged to live in various households, and both parties felt inconvenience after a while, so they separated the house without the Buddha statue into a small single room, which became the home of the educated youth. As for the "occupation of the feudal superstition"; and for the Hufang, a thatched hut was built next to the storage room of the production team, and there was a large heap of grain in the large drying yard next to it. This kind of grain pile is the key protection object of the Quanzhai people, because it is the ration for the coming year.





寨子是傣族社会最重要的基层单位,傣语称“曼”(汉语写成“蛮”“芒”“漫”“茫”等等, that's what it means).

The Dai society has been centered on villages since ancient times. Especially the Dai people in western Yunnan, even if the place where Zhaofa (Tusi) lived in the past was called Chengzi (pronounced "Zhe, Zhe" or "Jing" in Dai language), it is actually still some large stockades, with few deep trenches and high walls. big city. Therefore, the village has a very important position among the Dai people. No one cares very much about how much the whole place is affected by the war, or is unable to manage it. However, the dignity and safety of the village are paid attention to by every villager.

When the boys from outside the village come to play in this village, they should greet the people sitting at the gate of the village politely, not loudly, and not to stomp their feet while walking, otherwise a group of men with big sticks will suddenly emerge and kick you out of the village. Door.

Celebrations of weddings and funerals, housing construction, and festivals are all arranged in a unified manner throughout the village, with a clear division of labor and an orderly manner.

Our stockade is called Nanwen Stockade, which can be translated as "Warm Water Stockade". No one can tell how long the stockade has been built. Many "things in the past" are passed down by word of mouth, such as "Japan came to mess up the place", "The Central Army came ", "The People's Liberation Army is coming", "58 years" these major events will be mentioned, and more stories are about the relationship with the outer villages, especially those men who have outstanding performance in the fights with the outer villages, will be presented as village heroes. Praise.

By the end of the 1960s, there were 40 households in the village,300 people.

Shortly after the Spring Festival in February 1969, the masses of our stockade stood beside the tile field to welcome the arrival of the educated youth.

Part of the educated youth in our stockade

saw a whining truck parked at a fork in the road. We came to our stockade with our luggage. The welcoming team slapped slaps, as if both sides shouted slogans. I don't remember or understand what they were shouting. At that time, I was a naughty 9-year-old boy, just watching the fun.

The most impressive thing is that the members all smile, which is full of curiosity and enthusiasm.

The Dai people love to be lively, and they also like to walk with relatives far away. In those few years, the Dai people in the lower part of Myanmar have not dared to come in. Usually, in the slack season, there will be Dai youths from Tengchong or Yingjiangba who come to the stockade to play with relatives and friends for a few days; There were nearly 20 young people in big cities who spoke unfamiliar Chinese. It can be said that they have never met each other. While greeting each other, they quietly discussed: that one is still very young, similar to someone's half-eldest son; It kind of looks like someone.

and knowing that they are going to take root for a long time, many people must be uneasy.

educated youth leader Zhao Gagong "returned to his hometown to visit relatives", and once chatted with old members about the situation at that time: "You must not welcome us." Are you not welcome? We are standing and clapping our hands in Wachang to welcome you. "

" That kind of simple language,It contains the kindness of Dai farmers. "Brother Zhao said to me with a smile after 51 years.

By the way, "Zhao Gagong" is a Dai nickname given to him by our stockade. In the middle of the row, Zhao Gagong

In fact, it is not up to the farmers to decide whether to welcome or not. The superiors have notified them that " is the master of ". Members of all ethnic groups must implement it whether they understand it or not. This was the norm of the year. It is based on the kindness and conduct of both sides that urban and rural people with different living customs can live in harmony for several years. Some small stories that happened during this period have become waves of life that we miss each other. There are no magnificent waves, and there are no big storms. They are just profound memories in ordinary life. The head is Zhao Gagong and Shao Hangli. "Shao Hangli" is not Shao, her surname is Zhang, which is also the nickname given to her by our stockade, which means "little beauty" in Dai language. They are all classmates from Kunming 23 Middle School. A squad leader and a sports committee member, the two of them were the most active at the time, and they were the only ones who fell in love a few years later, and they were the last ones to leave. They had been exercising in the countryside for nearly 7 years. After returning to Kunming , they became a family, The two of them were also the first to return to the stockade to visit relatives, and later they often organized their companions to go back to nostalgia. Our stockade people came to Kunming,They are often the ones who come out and call everyone to get together.

Shao Hangli on the left in the back row

They were all born into military families, one is the national army and the other is the communist army. Zhao's father was a major officer of the Luhan Army of the Yunnan Army. He participated in the uprising and was reorganized into the People's Liberation Army. At that time, they were ordered to be taken to Zhaotong for reorganization. Long San (Long Yun's son Long Shengzeng) rebelled and the entire army was wiped out by the People's Liberation Army. Therefore, Father Zhao escaped the disaster and had a stable home. But when the Cultural Revolution came, this kind of family would naturally be impacted, so Zhao Gagong was not qualified to join the Red Guards and became a free-spirited faction, so he did not participate in the criticism of his teacher's bad behavior. Shao Hangli's father was the advance column of the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guizhou Border Region (referred to as "Bianzong", which was a revolutionary armed force led by the Communist Party of the Yunnan Underground), and soon after liberation was labeled as "terrestrial tyrants armed" and "bandit armed". It was suppressed for a long time, and it was not rehabilitated until the 1980s. During the Cultural Revolution, she was also attacked, so Shao Hangli did not join the Red Guards.

As soon as the “Going to the Mountains and Going to the Countryside Movement” came, they were all dumped to the frontier Dai villages.

At that time, did they actively respond to the great call to and settle in ? It's hard to say, many people in those years were just a grain of sand in the torrent of the times, and they couldn't help themselves where they were washed, but the nature of being at ease was also a lubricant for people to adapt to the environment.

So what should you do, do whatever your superiors tell you to do, "Why is this?" "I hope that" are very dangerous thinking activities, ordinary people dare not, and those who think and talk nonsense will be arrested Woke up.

as a student from a big place,They shouldered the mission of disseminating culture to the frontier minorities. Of course, that year and month mainly focused on propaganda for class struggle. The two programs made a deep impression on me.

The first program was the short play "The Sky Is Full of Stars", in which the landlord forced the renter, broke into the house and arrested his parents, and "I" became an orphan wandering around. This was performed in Xiangpa Village of the Brigade Headquarters. People from the two villages gathered around a threshing field to watch. A large steam lamp was blaring loudly, illuminating the simple and honest smiling faces of the members of the Dai people. We little kids huddled around the backstage. I saw the actors scolding each other in a low voice when they came back from a performance and changed their clothes: "You idiot, you are not careful! The bowl of Zhua is broken!" Friends from other provinces probably don't know "Zhua of Laozi's bowl is broken!" The meaning of this sentence is Kunming dialect , that is: kicked my bowl to pieces.

It turned out that the person who played the landlord's vicious dog-legged act was too violent and broke the prop bowl. We were very excited because we learned a very new Chinese language - "Han Dog X". We all know that a young boy must first learn swearing to learn a language of a certain ethnic group. The Chinese we used to learn was all Tengchong dialect, the pronunciation is soft, and the swearing is a little sloppy, not as energetic as Kunming dialect!

The second drama is about new trends in class struggle, catching "current counter-revolutionaries who spread rumors". What is the name of the show? Even brother Zhao Gagong, one of the protagonists, can't remember. The content is: A bad element spreads rumors everywhere, especially to a military family member: Your son was beaten to death! The old soldier's family was particularly distressed. At this moment, the son of the soldier came back to visit his relatives, and he was very majestic. His father was overjoyed. Class struggle,The class enemy is "burning banana peels and never giving up!"

Zhao Gagong recalled that their performance was very successful. "The evaluation of this play is that it has lifted the lid on the new trend of class struggle in the frontier areas." The food is very good everywhere. "There are a few times where stewed pig's feet and is very delicious!" , is it to take root? The locals naturally regard them as outsiders, or guests arranged by their superiors. They dare not reject them, nor do they really regard them as members of the stockade. During the running-in process of the two sides, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts, and even conflicts almost broke out.

Two things are more telling.

The educated youth fire incident:

The educated youth was arranged to live in various households, and both parties felt inconvenience after a while, so they separated the house without the Buddha statue into a small single room, which became the home of the educated youth. As for the "occupation of the feudal superstition"; and for the Hufang, a thatched hut was built next to the storage room of the production team, and there was a large heap of grain in the large drying yard next to it. This kind of grain pile is the key protection object of the Quanzhai people, because it is the ration for the coming year. Unexpectedly, one day the educated youths accidentally burned the kitchen while cooking. Although they were quickly put out, they "almost burned the grain piles", which aroused the indignation of the whole village, and they crowded around to scold them. He even scolded the extreme language of "pull it out and chop it off!" In the past, burning the grain heap was indeed a capital offense.

After verbally reviewing this matter with the educated youth, it is over.After all, there was no big loss. Educated youths also know that in getting along with the Dai villagers, some rules need to be followed. For example, and are more important than preventing class enemies.

"The hooligan incident". Before the Cultural Revolution, young men and women of the Dai nationality who were in love could put their arms and shoulders together in public, as long as they did not break through two bottom lines. One was to avoid the elderly, and the other was to not touch any part below the waist casually. After the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution, of course, it belonged to the four olds that were criticized, but in the movie theater, young men and women occasionally did these actions and no one interfered.

But there is a young man in our stockade, A Jun, who has provoked the head of the educated youth. There is a female educated youth in the stockade, Miss Wang, who is very active in labor, reaching the strength of ordinary female members, and is praised by everyone. One day, several female educated youths lined up to pass through the gate of the village. Pigs and cattle could not walk out of the gate at will during rainy days, so as not to spoil the crops, so the gate was closed with movable bamboo railings. At that time, a few young men were sitting idle chatting, and when they saw the female educated youth came, they smiled and saluted. The girls filed in, and A Jun, who was sitting next to him, casually touched the shoulder of Miss Wang who was walking at the end. Should be ready to hug.

Miss Wang was startled, and in response, she slapped A Jun's face with a round arm, and A Jun ducked for a while: "What are you doing?" stand up. Everyone present was stunned. After a lot of talk and comfort, the female educated youth first took the crying girl back to the dormitory .

Several educated youths who came with Miss Wang were outraged and demanded to report to the top, and deal with it according to "playing hooligans, sabotaging the movement to the mountains and going to the countryside, and pulling them to the brigade to criticize and fight."This is a challenge to the dignity of the stockade. All the young men present insisted that A Jun "should open the railings to let them walk, and accidentally touched them, not being a hooligan!" The female educated youths present were all walking in front, not seeing the situation at the time, and hearing the movement. When she turned around, Miss Wang was already crying. The incident happened suddenly, and no one could testify. Both

froze like this.

At this moment, the attitude of most educated youths led by Zhao Gagong played a key role. They adopted a policy of neutrality, neither supporting the criticism of the army nor speaking out for the stockade. If they firmly support the arrest of the Azerbaijani army and make a big noise, the commune and the brigade will definitely take action. After all, no one can afford the crime of "destroying the mountains and the countryside". destroyed. The entire stockade will also secretly regard the educated youth as the opposite, and the apparent balance between the two sides will be broken invisibly.

The silence of the majority of the educated youth gave room for this big and small conflict to turn around. In the end, it was the production team cadres who came forward to comfort Miss Wang, hoping that she would calm down. Let Ah Jun review a few words at the Benzhai Conference, and the matter is over.

Afterwards, the stockade still felt a little wronged by this "good labor" Miss Wang. When the new batch of recruitment places came, they all recommended Miss Wang unanimously, and the matter was over.


They are always guests

Some articles describing the story of the educated youth inevitably mention the educated youth fighting, stealing chickens and petting dogs, using class struggle methods to fight against bad farmers, and so on. But our educated youth in the stockade have not done anything with the people in the stockade.Brother Zhao Gagong, who will know martial arts many years later, chatted with me and affirmed: "We have never fought with people in the stockade, and there are martial arts competitions." Zhaili is amazing!"

His comment was influenced by the people of the Zhaili. At that time, many people often said to the educated youth: "Our Zhaizizhai has a strong pulse, and we are not afraid of things and do not admit defeat. We dare to face any big Zhaili! "And they also witnessed several conflicts between us and the outer villages. Although there were no real fights, the educated youths saw the unity and fighting spirit of the young men and women in the whole village. What is interesting about

is that every time there is a conflict, a few educated youths actively ask for battle, but the stockades politely refuse and try not to let them participate. Because this is "our stockade's business". It is inappropriate for outsiders to come in.

Around the end of 1971 and the beginning of 1972, we naughty children and the children from the neighboring Jingxingzhai fought a battle for half a year. Every day we came back from school to fight together. All the stones, broken tiles and slingshots went into battle. We didn't care whether we won or lost. We vented on the youthful vitality. energy. The adults in the stockade are too lazy to take care of it, and see it as a joke.

The educated youths Zhao Gagong and Xiao Fang Xu are still childlike, or they also have the urge to "fight" in their hearts. They ran to the scene several times to command us to fight, and shouted in Kunming accent: "We will conquer a few here, and ambush a few over there." To imitate this kind of fight, don't rush forward stupidly!

We didn't listen to their orders, we were still rushing forward like wild boars fighting, and we couldn't stand it and retreated. Seeing that they were angry and funny, they were too embarrassed to participate in it themselves.

is approaching the spring ploughing season, the adults of the two sides finally came forward to hold "truce negotiations", very serious but the negotiators are not high in specifications.An adult with better eloquence came out to talk in the conflicting Tianba. The two sides agreed: From the next day, whichever village's child will take the initiative to challenge, the other village's adult can fight, and this side must not interfere!

I remember very clearly that Zhao Gagong took the initiative to go to the negotiation site and sternly said to the representative of Jingxingzhai: I tell you, it was the children of your village who came to provoke the children of our village!

The man clearly understood, but rolled his eyes at him and said loudly in Dai dialect, "I don't understand your Chinese!" Looking at Zhao Gagong and smiling.

From the next day, he stopped fighting and made peace, and my teenage memory added Zhao Gakong's behavior at the negotiation scene. I feel that "this Kunming Han people are good to our stockade".


In the turbulent torrent

Personal performance is still optional Experienced without waves, without any ups and downs, the beautiful youth disappeared silently in the dense forest and green rice fields, and returned to their hometown with unspeakable emotions, reunited with their parents and relatives, and began to belong to them. Living in the city, looking for a job, getting married and having children, trying to make up for the lost time. For our stockade, these young people in the city are just some foreigners who have been guests for a few years. They leave as soon as they leave. Except for occasionally talking about their various things as a small story, not many people think about it. They have an intersection,Although they may have left a mailing address, after a few letters to each other there is nothing to talk about. In those years, Kunming and a Dai village in Zhanxi on the border were indeed two different worlds.

However, the development of society has brought the two closer together. In the 1990s, the transportation was relatively developed. The long distance from Kunming to Zhanxin used to take more than a week to travel, but it can be reached in a day or two at this time. Life and work are stable, and some middle-aged educated youths have begun a nostalgic journey back to the queue-cutting point.

But whether the educated youth are willing to jump back in the queue to see, it still varies from person to person, and it is worth discussing.

If you have stayed in one place for a long time, you are very humble, and you are even wronged and hurt, then you are definitely not willing to look back. Our peasants swear "You will not even pee towards that ghost until you die." The place."

Although I was not hurt, I felt useless when I remembered those days, and I couldn't tell the awkwardness. I also tried my best not to face that experience again. Who would cherish their old clothes that were covered with lice. Repeatedly fiddling? This is human nature.

There are still a few people who have bad behavior in the queue-cutting place. Whether it is guilt or fear of revenge, it is the best choice not to go back and watch.

The educated youth who are willing to go back and watch generally have a good impression of the local area, have a certain relationship with the local people, at least feel that their performance in the past year is worthy of the experience and the people in that place.

I was 9 years old when the educated youth arrived in our stockade. When the last batch of them left, I was in the second year of junior high school. I didn't have much direct communication with them. My memory of them was mainly impressions. After 46 years of meeting them again, I have reached the age of and ,When talking with each other, there are naturally many emotions and various thoughts based on their own opinions.

The related things that Brother Zhao talked about in the small talk also shocked me. "When we participated in the political frontier defense movement, a person in Manyazhai scolded him because he couldn't eat enough. I can understand the content. If you take it seriously, it was considered a crime of vicious attack at the time. It was a current counter-revolutionary speech. If you report it, you will definitely be arrested. I think his family is really poor, and he is a poor peasant for three generations. He said to the PLA soldier who led our group: He didn't mean to scold him, it was just a habit of colloquial Dai dialect. That soldier knew it well, I only criticized the commune member a few words, but did not report it to the top. According to the report in the stockade, your family is classified as an upper-middle peasant. I saw that this was closer to a rich peasant, so I seriously discussed your family's situation with the soldier. Tan, especially the performance of the whole family in the production team, was finally confirmed as middle peasant . I still think that the soldier is a very upright soldier. It’s a pity that I forgot his name. I don't have the habit of making friends."

The reason for the absurdity of the Cultural Revolution was that there were too few people who "respected the benevolence of one thought". Back then, if Zhao Gagong and that PLA soldier reported to them according to their habitual thinking at that time, it would be just a routine task for them, and it would be an unbearable burden for our two families.

I remember that when I was a child, every time I "rechecked the ingredients", my father was tough on the surface and painful on the inside. He often said: At this time, I would dream that I was trapped in a long and narrow black hole, and I could only breathe out after breaking free and crawling out. Because my family is one of the "alternative rich peasant" families in the stockade, those "political activists" from good background want to classify my family as a rich peasant from time to time.to highlight their achievements. Fortunately, my father was shrewd and kind, and what he did on the eve of liberation just made my family get rid of the index of rich peasant . The last review component was the political frontier defense movement. This time, the army was the mainstay, so after I was confirmed as a middle peasant, my father often said: the PLA is the most fair.

"Political border defense" is also a movement that has hurt many people. The official has denied it, and it seems to be on Lin Biao's head. My family was able to escape the catastrophe again because I met a kind-hearted soldier like the upright soldier and brother Zhao Gagong, who always cherished his benevolence.

There are many stories about Brother Zhao Gagong and Shao Hangli in our stockade, but it should belong to their own memories. I will not write it for the time being from the point of view of a Dai youth at the time. Experience, but also in our stockade.

This is also the performance of the vast majority of educated youth, and objectively speaking, it is also the basis for some educated youth to propose "youth without regrets". Regarding this point, I specifically asked the educated youth in our stockade, and their answer was: It was caused by the times, and it was not our initiative to choose, where can we talk about regret?

I think this is the most pertinent answer! Yes, you have to go wherever the giants of the times drive you. "Youth without regrets", is the tiny screw qualified to say?

Their various performances at the line-cutting point have nothing to do with education in schools, because teachers have been criticized, and has been stepped into the mud as a teacher. How does everyone behave,It can only be the result of home education .

is taught by parents.


That mountain spring-like friendship

There is a spring in the mountain of our stockade. The water is always flowing all year round, and the winter is mild. The name of the stockade is suspected from this. The mountain spring is clear and sweet, with no waves and no waves, just like the character of the Dai people. The relationship between the educated youth and the villagers is similar to this.

In 1993, educated youths from our village, Zhao Gagong and Shao Hangli, brought their daughter from junior high school back to Zhanxi to visit relatives. They walked down one stop at the same time, and arrived at Nanwen Village a week later, and went directly to his good friend. The apprentice "Guo Lao Er", when he learned that he had passed away a few years ago, stood in front of the Zangfang with a sense of loss. When their daughter saw that the dilapidated and cramped earthen hut was her parents' former dormitory, she was shocked and couldn't describe herself.

At this time, the old man sitting idle suddenly recognized Shao Hangli and called her by her nickname "Is this Laoying?" corner. People crowded around excitedly and enthusiastically. The feeling of reuniting relatives after a long absence left a good memory for each other.

This is Shao Hangli in Dai clothes

In the following years, Zhao Gagong and his wife, Xiao Fang Zhiqing, Xiao Li Zhiqing, Xiao Liu Zhiqing and others "go back to visit relatives" from time to time. After the rise of tourism, they drove to Zhanxi Turning around has become the norm.

In 2009, the official also held the educated youth going to the countryside 30 anniversary event,Many educated youths participated.

There is a saying among the Dai people that "the garden is not often entered into thatched grass, and relatives become strangers if they do not communicate with each other."

The frequent exchanges between friends must be in a calm attitude to get along for a long time. My second brother, as a retired teacher , has a little money in his spare time, and he also adheres to his father's habit of "opening the door wide". He is naturally more enthusiastic and proactive than others when the educated youth arrives. For the 30th anniversary event, the educated youth in the neighboring village was not received, so he invited him to our village for food and lodging. In fact, under the conditions at that time, the educated youth could go to hostels in towns and streets, but he remembered this feeling after receiving them. So the educated youth often invited him to travel to Kunming. He only went to Zhao Gagong's house once, because he was a treasure in his hometown. In May of this year, I went to Kunming for an operation, and I said something to the educated youth at random. Brother Zhao came to visit several times, and invited us to their new home as a guest, and called other educated youths from our stockade to come together.

I am a person who has traveled to some places. I am used to changing cups today and forgetting each other tomorrow. There are not many friends who can often care about. I'm not sure how deep the friendship between the educated youth and my brother is.

The next thing moved me. The hospital where my brother was admitted is the largest hospital in the province, and it gathers patients from all over the state. China is a human society. My nephews and sons have used their various relationships, so I don't have to wait too long, but after all, resources are too tight, so it is inevitable to wait.

Brother Zhao came again this day, asked about the situation, and immediately called others. Brother Li immediately replied that they had a way.As a result of the coordination, the two of them took us to a key person in the relevant department of the hospital that night, and the treatment plan and time were finalized on the spot. Afterwards, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Baoxiu, contacted my nephew and son in detail and gave instructions on what to do.

is now an era of openness to dazzling eyes. It is the norm that you treat me with a meal among friends, and you invite me back, and it is normal to owe each other no love. And to treat your safety as a family matter is to really treat you as one of your own. These people my brother handed over were "people from our stockade", and they were educated youths.

Of course, this relationship has nothing to do with the status of the educated youth, has nothing to do with the greatness of the going to the mountains and the countryside , has nothing to do with the Han nationality the Dai nationality, it is a common and pure friendship between people based on upbringing and mutual recognition. Just like mountain spring water is pure and long-lasting.

On May 11, 2021, Zhao's house in Kunming met

Author: Qu Zaixiang

Source: Corps comrades

After a lot of talk and comfort, the female educated youth first took the crying girl back to the dormitory .

Several educated youths who came with Miss Wang were outraged and demanded to report to the top, and deal with it according to "playing hooligans, sabotaging the movement to the mountains and going to the countryside, and pulling them to the brigade to criticize and fight." This is a challenge to the dignity of the stockade. All the young men present insisted that A Jun "should open the railings to let them walk, and accidentally touched them, not being a hooligan!" The female educated youths present were all walking in front, not seeing the situation at the time, and hearing the movement. When she turned around, Miss Wang was already crying. The incident happened suddenly, and no one could testify. Both

froze like this.

At this moment, the attitude of most educated youths led by Zhao Gagong played a key role. They adopted a policy of neutrality, neither supporting the criticism of the army nor speaking out for the stockade. If they firmly support the arrest of the Azerbaijani army and make a big noise, the commune and the brigade will definitely take action. After all, no one can afford the crime of "destroying the mountains and the countryside". destroyed. The entire stockade will also secretly regard the educated youth as the opposite, and the apparent balance between the two sides will be broken invisibly.

The silence of the majority of the educated youth gave room for this big and small conflict to turn around. In the end, it was the production team cadres who came forward to comfort Miss Wang, hoping that she would calm down. Let Ah Jun review a few words at the Benzhai Conference, and the matter is over.

Afterwards, the stockade still felt a little wronged by this "good labor" Miss Wang. When the new batch of recruitment places came, they all recommended Miss Wang unanimously, and the matter was over.


They are always guests

Some articles describing the story of the educated youth inevitably mention the educated youth fighting, stealing chickens and petting dogs, using class struggle methods to fight against bad farmers, and so on. However, our educated youth from the stockade did not fight with the people in the stockade. Brother Zhao Gagong, who knew martial arts many years later, chatted with me and affirmed: "We have never fought with the people in the stockade, and there are martial arts competitions. "

"Although our stockade is not big, we are not afraid of going anywhere. It's amazing!" Don’t be afraid of things, don’t admit defeat, and dare to fight against any big stockade!” And they also witnessed several conflicts between us and the outer villages. Although there was no real fight, the educated youths saw the solidarity and fighting spirit of the young and middle-aged men in the village. . What is interesting about

is that every time there is a conflict, a few educated youths actively ask for battle, but the stockades politely refuse and try not to let them participate. Because this is "our stockade's business". It is inappropriate for outsiders to come in.

Around the end of 1971 and the beginning of 1972, we naughty children and the children from the neighboring Jingxingzhai fought a battle for half a year. Every day we came back from school to fight together. All the stones, broken tiles and slingshots went into battle. We didn't care whether we won or lost. We vented on the youthful vitality. energy. The adults in the stockade are too lazy to take care of it, and see it as a joke.

The educated youths Zhao Gagong and Xiao Fang Xu are still childlike, or they also have the urge to "fight" in their hearts. They ran to the scene several times to command us to fight, and shouted in Kunming accent: "We will conquer a few here, and ambush a few over there."To imitate this kind of fight, don't rush forward stupidly!

We didn't listen to their orders, we were still rushing forward like wild boars fighting, and we couldn't stand it and retreated. Seeing that they were angry and funny, they were too embarrassed to participate in it themselves.

As spring ploughing season approaching, adults from both sides finally came forward to hold "truce negotiation". They were very serious, but the negotiators were not of high standard. Each had an adult with better eloquence to come to the conflicting Tianba to talk. The two sides agreed. : From the next day, if a child from a stockade takes the initiative to challenge, an adult from the other stockade can fight, and we must not interfere here!

I remember very clearly that Zhao Gagong took the initiative to go to the negotiation site and sternly said to the representative of Jingxingzhai: I tell you, it was the children of your village who came to provoke the children of our village!

The man clearly understood, but rolled his eyes at him and said loudly in Dai dialect, "I don't understand your Chinese!" Looking at Zhao Gagong and smiling.

From the next day, he stopped fighting and made peace, and my teenage memory added Zhao Gakong's behavior at the negotiation scene. I feel that "this Kunming Han people are good to our stockade".


In the turbulent torrent

Personal performance is still optional Experienced without waves, without any ups and downs, the beautiful youth disappeared silently in the dense forest and green rice fields, and returned to their hometown with unspeakable emotions, reunited with their parents and relatives, and began to belong to them. Living in the city, looking for a job, getting married and having children, trying to make up for the lost time. For our stockade, these young people in the city are just some foreigners who have been guests for a few years. They leave as soon as they leave. Except for occasionally talking about their various things as a small story, not many people think about it. They met, although they may have left a correspondence address, and after writing a few letters to each other there was nothing to talk about. In those years, Kunming and a Dai village in Zhanxi on the border were indeed two different worlds.

However, the development of society has brought the two closer together. In the 1990s, the transportation was relatively developed. The long distance from Kunming to Zhanxin used to take more than a week to travel, but it can be reached in a day or two at this time. Life and work are stable, and some middle-aged educated youths have begun a nostalgic journey back to the queue-cutting point.

But whether the educated youth are willing to jump back in the queue to see, it still varies from person to person, and it is worth discussing.

If you have stayed in one place for a long time, you are very humble, and you are even wronged and hurt, then you are definitely not willing to look back. Our peasants swear "You will not even pee towards that ghost until you die." place."

Although I wasn't hurt, I felt useless when I remembered those days, and I couldn't tell the awkwardness. I also tried my best not to face that experience. Who would cherish the old clothes that were covered with lice and repeat them over and over again. Flip it? , I have a certain relationship with the local people, at least I feel that my performance in the past year is worthy of the experience and the people in that place.

When the educated youth arrived in our stockade, I was 9 years old. The memory of them is mostly impressions. It has been 46 years since I met them again, and I have reached the age of and . When we talk to each other, we naturally have a lot of emotions and various thoughts based on our own opinions. The related things that I talked about also shook my heart. "When we participated in the political border defense movement, a person in Manyazhai scolded a lot because he couldn't eat enough. I can understand the content. It is the current counter-revolutionary speech, and if you report it, you will definitely be arrested. I saw that his family was really poor, and he was a poor peasant for three generations, so he said to the PLA soldier who led our group: He didn't mean to scold him, it was just a habit of colloquial Dai dialect. The soldier knew it well, and only criticized the member, but did not report it to the top. The composition of your family was reported in the stockade to be classified as upper-middle peasant. I saw that this was closer to the rich peasants, so I seriously talked to the soldier about your family’s situation, especially the performance of the whole family in the production team. , and finally confirmed as middle peasant .I still think that soldier is a very honest soldier. It's a pity that I forgot what his name was. At that time, it was better to have less than one thing, and I didn't have the habit of making friends. "

The reason for the absurdity of the Cultural Revolution is that there were too few people with "one thought of benevolence". People used to step on others, and harming others would not necessarily benefit oneself, but it would not harm oneself. If Zhao Gagong and that PLA soldier had followed their habits back then Thinking up and reporting is just a routine task for them, but it is an unbearable burden for our two families.

I remember that when I was a child, every time I "rechecked the ingredients", my father was strong on the surface and painful on the inside. He often said: At this time, I would dream of being trapped in a long and narrow black hole, and I would not breathe until I broke free and crawled out. Because my family is one of the "reserve rich peasant" families in the stockade, those well-born "political activists" "From time to time, I want to classify my family as a rich peasant to highlight their achievements. Fortunately, my father was a shrewd and kind man. What he did on the eve of liberation just made my family get rid of the index of rich peasant . The last re-examination component is politics. The frontier defense movement this time is dominated by the army, so after being identified as a middle peasant, my father often said: the People's Liberation Army is the most just.

"Political frontier defense" is also a movement that has hurt many people. On the head. My family was able to escape the catastrophe again, because I met a kind-hearted man like the upright soldier and brother Zhao Gagong who always cherish benevolence.

There are many stories about brother Zhao Gagong and Shao Hangli in our stockade, but It should belong to their own memories. I will not write it for the time being from the perspective of a Dai youth at the time. In short, they have nothing to do with their youthful experience, nor do they have any responsibility for our stockade.

This is also the performance of the vast majority of educated youth, and objectively speaking, it is also the basis for some educated youth to propose "youth without regrets". Regarding this point, I specifically asked the educated youth in our stockade, and their answer was: It was caused by the times, and it was not our initiative to choose, where can we talk about regret?

I think this is the most pertinent answer! Yes, you have to go wherever the giants of the times drive you. "Youth without regrets", is the tiny screw qualified to say?

Their various performances at the line-cutting point have nothing to do with education in schools, because teachers have been criticized, and has been stepped into the mud as a teacher. How each person behaves can only be the result of family education .

is taught by parents.


That mountain spring-like friendship

There is a spring in the mountain of our stockade. The water is always flowing all year round, and the winter is mild. The name of the stockade is suspected from this. The mountain spring is clear and sweet, with no waves and no waves, just like the character of the Dai people. The relationship between the educated youth and the villagers is similar to this.

In 1993, educated youths from our village, Zhao Gagong and Shao Hangli, brought their daughter from junior high school back to Zhanxi to visit relatives. They walked down one stop at the same time, and arrived at Nanwen Village a week later, and went directly to his good friend. The apprentice "Guo Lao Er", when he learned that he had passed away a few years ago, stood in front of the Zangfang with a sense of loss. When their daughter saw that the dilapidated and cramped earthen hut was her parents' former dormitory, she was shocked and couldn't describe herself.

At this time, the old man sitting idle suddenly recognized Shao Hangli and called her by her nickname "Is this Laoying?" corner. People crowded around excitedly and enthusiastically. The feeling of reuniting relatives after a long absence left a good memory for each other.

This is Shao Hangli in Dai clothes

In the following years, Zhao Gagong and his wife, Xiao Fang Zhiqing, Xiao Li Zhiqing, Xiao Liu Zhiqing and others "go back to visit relatives" from time to time. After the rise of tourism, they drove to Zhanxi Turning around has become the norm.

In 2009, the official also held the educated youth going to the countryside 30 anniversary event, and many educated youth participated.

There is a saying among the Dai people that "the garden is not often entered into thatched grass, and relatives become strangers if they do not communicate with each other."

The frequent exchanges between friends must be in a calm attitude to get along for a long time. My second brother, as a retired teacher , has a little money in his spare time, and he also adheres to his father's habit of "opening the door wide". He is naturally more enthusiastic and proactive than others when the educated youth arrives. For the 30th anniversary event, the educated youth in the neighboring village was not received, so he invited him to our village for food and lodging. In fact, under the conditions at that time, the educated youth could go to hostels in towns and streets, but he remembered this feeling after receiving them. So the educated youth often invited him to travel to Kunming. He only went to Zhao Gagong's house once, because he was a treasure in his hometown. In May of this year, I went to Kunming for an operation, and I said something to the educated youth at random. Brother Zhao came to visit several times, and invited us to their new home as a guest, and called other educated youths from our stockade to come together.

I am a person who has traveled to some places. I am used to changing cups today and forgetting each other tomorrow. There are not many friends who can often care about. I'm not sure how deep the friendship between the educated youth and my brother is.

The next thing moved me. The hospital where my brother was admitted is the largest hospital in the province, and it gathers patients from all over the state. China is a human society. My nephews and sons have used their various relationships, so I don't have to wait too long, but after all, resources are too tight, so it is inevitable to wait.

This day, Brother Zhao came again, asked about the situation, and immediately called others. Brother Li immediately replied that they had a solution. The result of the coordination was that the two of them took us to visit a key person in the relevant department of the hospital. The treatment plan and time have been finalized. Afterwards, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Baoxiu, contacted my nephew and son in detail and gave instructions on what to do.

is now an era of openness to dazzling eyes. It is the norm that you treat me with a meal among friends, and you invite me back, and it is normal to owe each other no love. And to treat your safety as a family matter is to really treat you as one of your own. These people my brother handed over were "people from our stockade", and they were educated youths.

Of course, this relationship has nothing to do with the status of the educated youth, has nothing to do with the greatness of the going to the mountains and the countryside , has nothing to do with the Han nationality the Dai nationality, it is a common and pure friendship between people based on upbringing and mutual recognition. Just like mountain spring water is pure and long-lasting.

On May 11, 2021, Zhao's house in Kunming met

Author: Qu Zaixiang

Source: Corps comrades

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