Lin Shengbin’s five responses were criticized as scars. The literary team was hyping, and the brother-in-law became the winner.

Lin Shengbin’s five responses aroused public outrage from netizens. He was nicknamed " Scar Literature". What I saw about Mr. Lin, especially his former father-in-law, was the best son-in-law in China, but he was quickly beaten by netizens and said he was p Figure, because the red envelope time will not appear below under normal circumstances. "I'm not that good, but you are really bad." I can only hehe, although the truth has not been revealed yet, Mr. Lin, are you really a live face-slap-spot?

1. never gave up my family and my wife's family.

Although Zhu Xiaozhen and his children have left Mr. Lin forever, Mr. Lin took good care of his parents and often gave red envelopes to express condolences to the two elders. During the festival, he also gave warm greetings to the two elderly people. Even if he remarried, he greeted his elder and elder brother. With a new wife, he was still taking care of the parents of his deceased wife, but in my opinion, he was really good at acting.

The picture comes from the Internet.

is still a familiar performance. It is still not exaggerated and affectionate, and the feelings are open to tears. It turns out that Mr. Lin is so affectionate. Just silently ask why you are in a whirlpool of public opinion, but the two elders don't say a word?

2. I have no property disputes with my former parents-in-law. I gave everything I could give. This is the perfect lie in the world.

I remember that Mr. Lin mentioned the scene of the fire and civil compensation in an interview. In this case, the compensation was as high as 100 million yuan, but in the end it turned into a compensation of 80,000 yuan, and it was emphasized that all the compensation, including the family Porsche luxury car, was given to the ex-in-law’s parents. However, according to the Internet report, Mr. Lin Zhu Xiaozhen came the next day and sold all his wife's company and assets, and re-registered the new company. Furthermore, Zhu brother has clarified that his parents have never received any gift from Mr. Lin.

The picture comes from the Internet

From a worker who washes, cuts and blows to a rich man with assets of over 100 million yuan, it can be said that this is really the most successful phoenix man? Is it really good to raise a mistress with the wallet of his deceased wife? Is it too ugly to eat? If everything is really like Mr. Lin's wailing and screaming for injustice, then what Mr. Lin has done would be suspicious of life?

3. Meeting Xiaole seemed to pull me from the dark into the light, but she met such an ordinary me.

From 2017 to 2019, Xiaole met Mr. Lin, and his sorrowful heart was touched by frequent hushing and warm. The two people cherished each other, and finally got married. How did the seemingly beautiful love feel so messy? But is it wrong? Didn't someone inside the know reveal that they had known each other before 2016? And Xiao Le is still a top student in a prestigious school, Mr. Lin, you are really joking, I'm afraid you see many of your disgusting actions throw up, right?

In 2020, Xiaole was pregnant by accident. Mr. Lin deliberately concealed it. He still set up selling goods on the platform with people who missed his deceased wife. She also said that Xiaole was very kind, and she was kind-hearted using your deceased wife’s personal settings to make money. Your husband and wife are full of water, no wonder the words "wife and child are in heaven, I will marry a second room in the world", Mr. Lin, you can scare people's eyes, and perform so hard, Oscar owes it. You are a little golden man.

The picture comes from the Internet

You throw love to your wife, but your current wife, but let us ask one more question, who is the woman who appeared on the day of your wife’s burial? Tell me about the time at the junction from 2015 to 2020? We are really curious!

4. Say goodbye to the rivers and lakes, and smother a lot of netizens. Are you planning to abscond with the money?

Direct the rumors on the Internet to Brother Zhu, as if he is the exposed person? If it weren’t for the speculation of the public opinion by Zhu’s brother, he would not expose his private life, thus hurting Zhu Xiaozhen’s mother and son, and the bond of family affection became the seed of hatred. Indiscriminately insulting this good man who lost his wife and children. Thanks to Mr. Lin.Because of you bad guys, I can only see you again.

The picture comes from the Internet

—— Suspected Mr. Lin’s circle of friends, I can’t help feeling that Mr. Lin is really sick, and his acting has evolved himself.

Mr. Lin thinks that he is the last victim from beginning to end, and the netizens who denounce him are all perpetrators. Even Zhu Xiaozhen's family has become the people who prevent him from living under the public. His hatred is really extraordinary. Much, where is the foundation in his mouth? What about donations? All hell? It is said that you have no conflict with your ex-in-laws, but this is not the same at all, Mr. Lin, can you give a reasonable explanation!

5. I am not that good, but you guys really think of me badly.

Mr. Lin made the departure of Zhu Xiaozhen’s mother and son an eternal love, but this love has benefits, and this love that has not changed and faded lives with a new wife. He is worthy of himself, so he doesn’t need it. Worthy of anyone, Mr. Lin's departure was just for calm. Please forget this hypocrite, so we can only see you again.

The picture comes from the Internet

The picture comes from the Internet

Mr. Lin wants every word to complain about the grievances in the heart of the complaint, and you can speak sincerely. The crocodile's tears shed, as if the explanation was over, as if nothing was said, a goodbye bye disappeared from the public's sight. This is called the rapid retreat, Mr. Lin is really high, I am afraid that the living Zhuge is not as powerful as you, right? After earning enough netizens' money, I ran away after saying goodbye. Alas, Mr. Lin is really awesome!

Party lawyer once said that Lin Shengbin has a team behind it. How can a primary school graduate have such a literary talent. I didn’t believe it. After reading Mr. Lin’s microblog , I felt it and found it really like what the party lawyer said. Isn’t beautiful like what I wrote? I heard that the party lawyer's Weibo has been blocked and I hope everything goes well.

The picture comes from the Internet

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