On July 15th, Beijing time, in the first match of the fifth day of the sixth week of the LPL Summer Split, WE, who had suffered a 7-game losing streak, faced JDG! There is a huge gap between the overall strength and recent competitive status of the two teams. JDG's early rhythm i

Beijing time on July 15th, the first match on the fifth day of the sixth week of the LPL summer split was between WE, who had suffered a 7-game losing streak, and JDG! There is a huge gap between the overall strength and recent competitive status of the two teams. JDG's early rhythm in the middle and jungle was suffocated, and finally led the team to defeat WE 2-0!

The first game

WE: Nar , monkey, Lissandra , Aphelios , Titan

JDG: Kenan , Foego, Rockbird , Kalista , Seti

In the beginning, Kanavi's Foego focuses on "military training" in the bot lane. At level 3, grab a wave of bot lane first, help Kalista get Aphelios's first blood, and then wait for his duo to return to the city to refill. The state came again, and the Titan that did not flash had no choice but to die. Foyego turned around and controlled the water dragon to take off~

JDG held the line right in the bottom lane in the early stage. After pushing the lane, he rushed to the canyon pioneer river ahead of WE in the bottom lane. JDG took the lead. Opening the vanguard, WE Nosuke bravely explored the grass. The monkey was taken away by JDG's concentrated fire. WE could only watch as JDG got the vanguard. Foego directly placed the vanguard on the top lane, allowing Kennen to eat the defensive tower plating. WE Suffering from rhythm and misfire everywhere, the only thing that didn't collapse was Biubiu's Gnar. In the 13th minute, JDG Nosuke went on the road, jumped three towers, grabbed one, and killed Gnar. Kenan successfully took the first blood tower alone. Seeing this, Monkey ganked the bottom lane, and WE also organized a wave of tower jumps to catch one of the three. However, the details of the tower swap were very rough, causing Titan and Kalista to swap and fall to the ground without any profit, and JDG pushed WE off the bottom lane instead. A tower.

Before the big dragon was born, WE's second Canyon Herald failed to knock down the first tower on the top lane. JDG let go of the pioneer and "listened" to Wind Dragon Soul, forming a team to put pressure on the first tower in the middle of WE. WE chose to start the team first. Kalista relied on the passive shield of the shield bow to "lock blood" to escape. JDG counterattacked with a 0-for-4 victory, clearing the middle and lower lanes of WE, and leading the economy by 9,000. The 369 Kennen lurked in WE's jungle area when he was soloing in the bottom lane. He used his vision to stun Gnar first, and then used his ultimate move and Rocket Belt to complete the solo kill! JDG decisively broke off the Baron to force the team, and played 1 for 4 to punish the Baron! Although Kenan flashed into the wall when JDG advanced to the high ground in the middle, which was embarrassing and empty, WE's equipment was too far behind and unable to recover. JDG powerfully abused Quan Quan 1-for-5 and destroyed WE in a wave to end the game, winning the first victory 1-0!

The second game

JDG: Gnar, Belvis, Lissandra, Kalista, Titan

WE: Pig Girl, Foego, Rock Bird, Aphelios, Tam

Foye from beishang in the beginning Go reached level 3 and invaded JDG's blue buff jungle area. A team battle broke out between the two sides in the middle and jungle. Although Lissandra got the first blood of Pig Girl, Foego transformed into Belvis and slashed three kills. WE Playing 2 for 3 is not a loss at all~

Kanavi's Belvis was resurrected and the gank succeeded in the middle, helping Lissandra kill the rock bird. Then Foego invaded the upper half of JDG's wild area again, and fought hard to get Demon Marsh Frog. , went to the top and killed Gnar, but JDG's midfielder arrived in time, and Belvis got Foego's 700-yuan finishing bounty. Piggy also fell to the ground, and Belvis got a double kill, which was stable. Overcame the early situation. At 14 minutes, JDG teamed up and pushed down the first blood tower in the middle. WE chose to give up the vanguard and controlled the Tulong instead. JDG directly released the vanguard and knocked down a tower on the top road. After Zhumei got the advantage, WE gave up the pursuit. JDG decisively increased the speed and pushed the tower, and the midfielder demolished another tower in the bottom lane. WE's rhythm gradually stagnated.

Before Dalong was born, JDG's top assistant forcibly demolished the second tower of WE's top lane and took away Zhumei. WE's economy fell behind by 2,000. In the mid-term, WE seized the view of Xiaolong Hedao. Foyego squatted in the jungle of JDG and tried to grab the single first, but was hooked by Missing's Titan. The Titan's ultimate move knocked three people away, and Gnar's "Tathagata Palm" pushed again. The two controlled the scene beautifully, and JDG was able to play 1-for-3 to control the Hex dragon. In the 24th minute, JDG took advantage of the vision advantage of the Dalong Pit to rush away the Baron. The Titans used themselves to cover their teammates to keep the distance. After Yanque blocked the road, JDG counterattacked decisively. Foyego was accidentally melted by the concentrated fire. JDG played 3 for 4 to return the favor. acceptable.WE's middle and lower lane crystals were lost, and the economy fell behind by more than 10,000. In the end, JDG played 0 for 5 groups above the Dalong Pit to destroy WE, giving WE an eighth consecutive defeat with 2-0!