The summer version, as one of the most important versions of the year, has been online for a short period of time! Although the summer gift pack on the shelves this time is not very good, some of the changes and added activities are still very good. For example, the Majello NPC a


summer version, as one of the most important versions of the year, has been online for a short period of time! Although the summer gift pack on the shelves this time is not very good, some of the changes and added activities are still very good. For example, the Majello NPC added 4 Mythic Jars that can be exchanged for Mythic Fragments, and the team performed dynamic balancing of blood volume. , a two-person team has 17.58 times less HP than the original, team activity milk +1000 reputation, etc., are all very powerful changes and activities.

The purchasing power of the summer gift pack is still very high

Although the summer gift pack is not very good, the fashion replica of the 2017 maritime summer dress and coat of arms have improved 0 compared to last year, and the blood return rate is also low. However, due to the large number of players in the national server, In addition, the anniversary brought many returning players, so there are still many players buying summer gift packs. This can be seen from the prices of gold books and brilliant badges at auctions of over 1,000W. . Seeing that the purchasing power of players is pretty good, the plan is to launch a recharge and krypton fraud activity to allow those hesitant players to get started.

plans to launch the summer Krypton fraud activity

The Krypton fraud activity is called the Summer Gift Pack Supply Station. The activity starts from the summer version and ends on August 12, lasting for a total of 30 days! The gameplay of the activity is very simple. Players can get 1 lucky point for every 1 coupon they recharge. If they reach the specified lucky value, they can get a gift package. The gift package is divided into 3 types, each containing 5 kinds of props . So what are the lucky values ​​and props required for each gift pack?

recharge gift packs are divided into 3 types

First of all, the first gift pack is a cool supply gift pack. The gift pack requires 5000 lucky points to receive, which means you need to recharge 50 yuan. The 5 items included are divided into contract gift bags (1 day ) 3, 2 equipment upgrade gift boxes, 5 adjustment boxes, 1 augmentation book, and 1 lottery ticket. Generally speaking, the rewards of the gift package are relatively average. It is a pure amplification book that is not bad. It is auctioned for 1000W.

The Sun & Midsummer Gift Pack props are generally

The second and third gift packs are named Sunshine Supply Gift Pack and Midsummer Supply Gift Pack respectively. They need to be recharged 200/500 to activate. The props contained in the gift packs are the same, but the quantities are different. , contains a total of 30 adjustment boxes, 15 improvement gift boxes, 3 +7 increase coupons, 3 dress up redemption coupons, 13 drawing coupons, and the 2 gift pack rewards are relatively average, which is worth 29.7R of dress up redemption coupons. good.

Lottery props are divided into 12 types.

The lottery tickets obtained from the gift pack can be drawn under the event. There are 12 types of lottery props in total. In , there are three main props that can be called the best, namely 1390QB, 278QB, and +11 Amplification coupons, but the probability of drawing them is pitifully low. The probability of 1390QB and +11 amplification coupons is 0.001%, which is comparable to the probability of "Dragon Balls" being opened in the "Dragon Box". Only Super European Emperor can draw , and ordinary players can get it if they are lucky. Drawing a few more +7 Amplifier Coupons and pure Amplifier Books would be very good.

[Personal summary]

In general, the recharge activities launched in the summer version are very average and have no highlights. The props obtained are all regular props, and the lottery props are basically minimum living standards. If you plan to use RMB to buy Xia Players in the daily game can just participate in this event and get some extra rewards. It is worth noting that you need to recharge on the event page to get lucky points, and you cannot get it by recharging on other pages.