"The blue sea is surging with the tide, and the dragon's shadow appears, and the stone shore is falling with a long song." Hello everyone! I am an old person who loves games and "Soul Knight". There is not much time left until the 2022 summer vacation version of "Soul Knight" is

"The blue sea is rising with the tide, and the dragon's shadow appears, and the stone shore is falling with a long song." Hello everyone! I am an old person who loves games and " Vitality Knight ".

There is not much time left until the 2022 summer vacation version of "Soul Knight" is officially updated. At this time, the trailer and the content that will be online have already been revealed, and the rest is estimated to be only brand new skins and unknown seasons. pattern. Although "mecha skins" are all the rage at this time, Laozhai's focus is not on them, because no matter how gorgeous and cool the skin effects are, they cannot bring any substance to players. Sexual gain, and expensive. Therefore, in comparison, Laozhai is more concerned about the upcoming professional "Demon Warlock" and whether its upper limit of strength can win the "son of the version" of the 4.2 series.

Is the career positioning repeated?

Speaking of "Demon Warlock", Lao Zhai's first impression of her was not in the active skill "Amy's Burning Body" , because of this large-scale AOE flame magic, although from the demonstration video It seems powerful, but players who understand the professional mechanism of "Soul Knight" know that no matter how strong the initial power of a skill that is not buffed by weapons is, its upper limit is not enough to qualify for promotion to the powerful version. Therefore, compared with this active skill, its setting of summoning the "little devil" is even more exciting.

But at this time, many players also discovered the special feature, that is: "Demon Warlock" doesn't have the same positioning as " Necromancer "?

The confusing appearance

In order to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the two, Laozhai decided to use this as the theme to analyze with everyone, to see who is stronger and weaker between the Necromancer and the Demon Warlock, and to see the newly launched " Can the "cute girl" defeat the senior "royal sister" and become the first sister in the version of "Soul Knight"?

First of all, in terms of appearance , it is somewhat difficult to find the appearance from pixel games, but if you browse the major forums, the topic about the demon warlock's expression is also quite popular.

Perhaps it is because the "Porgy" expression became popular some time ago, so it is not difficult to find the similarities between the two on the face of the demon warlock. But everyone seems to have forgotten one thing, and that is how hot it was at the beginning, and how much players dislike it after it "cools". Therefore, in terms of appearance, the Demon Warlock is obviously not as good as the Necromancer with his own " career line ". Sure enough, cuteness is not worth mentioning in front of the figure.

In terms of strength,

, since the similarity between the Demon Warlock and the Necromancer only exists in the passive skills, the old house does not compare bug-level skills such as "Resurrection of the Boss", but the Necromancer's 1 skill " "Nightmare Mark" as the theme to analyze to see if there is any comparability between the two.

The advantage of the Necromancer's first skill is "infinite summoning". If the target is defeated or the cumulative damage is 50 points, the "Ghost Hand" can be summoned to assist in the attack. Although theoretically unlimited refreshes are possible, each ghost hand has a built-in CD, so there is still an upper limit on the number.

Exclusive Advantages

In addition, the power of the Necromancer is also inseparable from the gain of the "Pet Dynamax" factor. This factor can not only strengthen the accompanying pets, but also greatly improve the basic attributes of "Ghost Hand", so "getting it will make you invincible" is not just a boast for the Necromancer.

As for whether the Demon Warlock's "imp" can enjoy this gain, we can only wait for the actual battle before testing.

Summoned Beast Strength Competition

The Necromancer's "Ghost Hand" initial damage is 8 points, and the attack method is melee. The Demon Warlock's "Imp" is a long-range damage, but it can only cause 2 points each time. Therefore, without calculating the strengthening effect, the Demon Warlock can be said to be completely defeated.

As for the full talents of the two, although the Demon Warlock's "Imp" has lower basic damage, it can be buffed by multiple talents. Its attack speed increase and critical hit increase can bring considerable gains to long-range damage.

But when it is the turn of the Necromancer's "Ghost Hand", its effect is slightly insufficient.

Although the Necromancer's "Ghost Hand" is for melee combat, it does not enjoy the enhancement of the "melee rebound" talent. Therefore, judging from the actual combat effect, it can at most have a slight gain for the "pet follower talent".


Evaluated based on actual combat power, Necromancers with defense reduction and summoning abilities are significantly more powerful than Demon Warlocks. In addition to the higher basic damage of "Ghost Hands", the advantage of "Blocking Bullet Rain" in melee combat, It is also not comparable to remote followers. Therefore, the old man believes that demon warlocks are far inferior to necromancers.

Okay, the above is for this issue: In "Soul Knight", do the demon warlocks dare to "touch porcelain" with the necromancer? Don't be ridiculous, she's not qualified at all. If you like it, please feel free to give Laozhai a like (press and hold the like for 3 seconds to get a surprise). If there is anything wrong in the article, please leave a message to let me know. After all, listening to the suggestions of friends is also the creation of Laozhai. source of. So let’s stop talking about this in this issue, and see you in the next issue, young heroes.