The major server-wide event "Guan Shan Wrath" in "A Dream of Jianghu" is finally online today. In this update, the young heroes can unlock the identity of Guan Shan's colleagues, and can also use the "Flying Lock" and "Body Ling Cliff" light skills. Take in the magnificent scener

2024/06/2912:09:32 game 1457

"One Dream Jianghu" server-wide event "Guan Shan Fury" is finally online today. In this update, the young heroes can unlock the identity of Guan Shan's comrades, and can also use the "Flying Lock" and "Body Ling Cliff" light skills , enjoy the magnificent scenery in the new Great Wall map! At the same time, Mengmeng has also prepared many benefits for all young heroes, don’t miss it ~

The major server-wide event

In the previous revelations, we all know that Guanshan is the first optional dual sect in Jianghu, and all disciples of the nine sects can become fellow disciples of Guanshan. After becoming a comrade, you can switch the Guanshan state with one click, unlock Guanshan skills, and use the sword and hand gun as you like. Guanshan's professional positioning is melee output. When fighting alone, Guanshan can attack and defend with ease, and is especially good at defensive counterattacks. When fighting in a team, Guanshan can disrupt the enemy's formation with his flexible skills, break up the enemy and defeat it in one fell swoop. When the young hero is in danger on the battlefield, switching to Guan Shan's comrades can obtain a short-term strengthening effect, helping the young hero reverse the situation and charge into battle!

The major server-wide event

Guanshan's main weapon, the Zhanma Dao, is long and wide. If you choose the "sword form" of the Shaoxia, you can use part of Guanshan's martial arts to fight when Guan Shan is in the same photo. The downward slash, forward thrust, and sword draw are all Zanma Dao. The moves can be used both offensively and defensively. Use smooth combos to seize the opportunity to pursue the victory and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy! This is also the young hero's exclusive secret to defeating the enemy in battle. It is worth mentioning that young heroes from different sects have exclusive benefits, accumulating advantages and easily turning the situation around. It should be noted that the switching duration of "Knife Form" is 30 seconds. The young hero should seize the time to maximize the use of the horse-killing sword in his hand.

The major server-wide event

The young hero who chooses the "gun form" can unlock the "God Fire Flying Crow" button for the hand gun skill while retaining the original sect skills, and use the hand gun for long-range shooting within 30 seconds. Moreover, at the moment of switching gun form, the young hero can do a backflip and shoot the enemy powerfully to cause a stun effect, so that he can distance himself from the enemy and get out of danger! Used when the battle situation is optimistic, it can also supplement control, expand the advantage of the situation, and be flexible. In addition, the handgun under normal conditions is good at interfering and can apply debuff effects to weaken the enemy's combat power. Therefore, on the ever-changing battlefield, the young heroes must flexibly alternate between using the sword and hand gun according to different battle situations~

The major server-wide event

How to play Guanshan well requires everyone to explore~If the young heroes are moved by Guanshan's passionate feelings , if you want to experience the pride behind Guan Shan and write your own battlefield chapter, then hurry up and experience it~ In addition to the first optional dual-sect Guan Shan, various welfare activities have also been launched today, such as wish fashion, etc. Don’t want to If you miss it, act quickly~

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