Hello everyone, this is Captain Dragonfly Zwj. When we talk about Enlightenment Teacher, most people will think of their childhood teachers, and when we talk about Enlightenment stand-alone games, most people will probably think of several works that they came into contact with d

Hello everyone, this is Captain Dragonfly Zwj. When talking about enlightenment teachers, most people will think of their childhood teachers, and when talking about enlightenment stand-alone games, most people will probably think of several works they came into contact with during their childhood. Below, the captain will share his personal experience. Let’s make a stand-alone enlightenment game!

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11

In the era when PS2 game rooms were popular, most players would choose games such as Dynasty Warriors , Grand Theft Auto, and Runaway Bicycle, which can be played quickly and quickly, right? However, the captain was relatively lucky back then, because the captain got a second-hand PS2 from his cousin for free. Therefore, after the captain got tired of playing the games mentioned above, he would naturally go to the mall to buy various cheap pirated discs. "Three Kingdoms 11 Power Enhanced Edition" is the captain's favorite.

The ultimate goal is always to achieve unification in the game. In the process of achieving this ultimate goal, we can not only meet various famous generals who appeared in the Three Kingdoms period, but also use different gameplay to complete the unification. However, the captain at that time did not do much I was exposed to online forums, so I didn’t try too many gameplay methods at that time.

tip: A little earlier, should be the various games in " Little Overlord ", such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the like.

Legend of Sword and Fairy

As one of the hottest IPs in China, the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" series should be the childhood memories of many players, right? In an era where you can be grateful for playing a "free game", everyone's evaluations of the equally free (pirated) Legend of Sword and Fairy are surprisingly unanimous. There are still many players who manage money crazily in the game. Inextricable.

It is worth mentioning that there seemed to be a work of the same name on small game websites such as 4399 back then (can’t remember what it was called), and the captain was also addicted to it for a while.

StarCraft/Red Alert/Warcraft/Age of Empires

In the era when Captain first came into contact with computers, RTS games were still a very, very popular genre. Whether it was StarCraft/Red Alert/Warcraft or Age of Empires, they all had a stable audience. . At that time, most people in the class liked to play StarCraft, but the captain personally liked World of Warcraft. During the extracurricular activity time (computer class) every Thursday after school, the students in the class often held a competition. Although everyone They were all very good at it but they all had fun doing it!

The above games should be the captain’s first stand-alone games. So what are your first games? Do you remember what it was like to play these games? Welcome to leave messages, discuss, and share in the comment area. Remember to press and hold to like and support. #game#