Do you know what the Metaverse is? Thiel, the star of the well-known metaverse movie "Ready Player One", and its director Spielberg also participated in the establishment of a metaverse company, Wonder Dynamic, and completed a Series A financing of US$9 million. Why are so many b

Do you know what metaverse is? Thiel, the star of the well-known metaverse movie " Ready Player One ", and its director Spielberg also participated in the establishment of a metaverse company, Wonder Dynamic, and completed a Series A financing of US$9 million. Why are so many big names joining the Metaverse? Is the Metaverse just a Metaverse game? What is the difference between the Metaverse game and the online games we usually play? Moreover, some friends complained that the game modeling of the Metaverse was crude and the production was rough. In fact, there is a big difference.

1. Metaverse games are not limited.

Traditional online games are actually set by game companies. Players can only follow the plots and routines set by the game companies, but Metaverse games are different. Everyone is A new creator, to put it more bluntly, is like the difference between starting your own business and working in a company. Even if an asset is in the metaverse game, it is still your real asset; even if you add money to the game, it is still your real asset. It is also controlled by the game company, and the possibilities are endless in the metaverse.

2. Server data will not be lost or tampered with.

The Metaverse game is based on the blockchain technology , which means that this game archive greatly reduces the risk and will not be limited to one server. The data will not There is a possibility of loss, but traditional online games are different. If the online game company's server data is gone, then it is really gone. Online game companies can also tamper with data and strangle you. The incident No. 3 of a certain game that caused a lot of uproar before could not happen in a Metaverse game.

This article was originally published on the "MetaFarm" public platform. Please stay tuned for more in-depth interpretations of the metaverse.