On June 30, the Honor of Kings KPL Summer Season live broadcast by Douyu ushered in the fourth week of the showdown. The Group A match started between XYG and Changsha TES.A. This battle is crucial for both sides. Who will Whoever wins will be the big brother of Group A at this s

6 on 30th, the Honor of Kings KPL Summer Season live broadcast by Douyu ushered in the fourth week of the showdown. The Group A match started between XYG and Changsha TES.A. This battle is crucial for both sides. Who Whoever wins will be the big brother of Group A at this stage. That night, the gold medal coach Gemini also explained the whole game on Douyu. His professional and sharp explanation made the water friends watch with relish.

In the first round, XYG selected Mengtian , Nako Lulu , Shen Mengxi , Marco Polo and Donghuang Taiyi . TES.A was Lu Bu , Yao, Jiang Ziya , Sun Shangxiang and Master Luban . When he first saw this lineup, Gemini was furious and asked why TES.A didn't take and Luban No. 7 . Wouldn't it be an easy win if they did?

The two sides played very stalemate in the early stage, both in terms of kills and economy. The key group occurred at about 21 minutes. TES.A chose to take the lead in opening the dragon, and all XYG members who arrived later chose to go down the river. Rushing up, Gemini noticed something was wrong when he saw this scene. How could anyone start a group from this position?

As expected, XYG, who forced a team to start a team, was instantly defeated. At the same time, the super soldiers on the road reached the base and successfully stole the home. TES.A won the first game. Seeing that XYG's base was stolen, Gemini couldn't sit still and shouted that XYG was messing around. How could the commander lead people to charge from the bottom up? There were people from TES.A in front and the output of the Storm Dragon King behind him. Doesn't this mean we are being attacked from both sides?

In the next game, both sides took turns to score points, and the BO5 was directly filled to the decisive game. Although the life-and-death battle did not break out too many heads, TES.A's operational capabilities were fully maximized, and the three-line army continued to advance to expand its economic advantage, and in Hit the high ground at 18 minutes. Although September, who was guarding Athena , resisted and killed two people, he was unable to clear the line of troops in the end and was ended by a wave of TES.A.

After the game, Gemini bluntly said that XYG was messing around, especially the loss in the first game, which was undeserved. The two teams have met four times, and Changsha TES.A has always won. Is there really such a thing as bloodline suppression? When both teams were in Group S, XYG didn't win. Unexpectedly, it was still the same in Group A.

Xiaodou summary:

As a result, Changsha TES.A has become the current leader of Group A, and XYG is further away from returning to Group S because of this failure. Who do you think the two teams can take the lead in returning to Group S? Woolen cloth?