Balsam pear is original, no reproduction will be investigated! "Bitter Melon E-Sports" - allows you to experience a different e-Sports anchor circle!

2024/07/0222:49:32 game 1577

Balsam pear is original, any copycat will be investigated!

"Bitter Melon E-Sports" - allows you to experience a different e-Sports anchor circle!

Balsam pear is original, no reproduction will be investigated!

LPL exciting events are still in full swing. This time it is a duel between RNG and LNG. I have to sigh that the current LPL is indeed worthy of the title of the first division. After all, the competition is too fierce, especially in the second tier. That is really You can't slack off even a little bit. If you're not careful, you may lose your qualifications for the playoffs. This is no joke. No, after LNG lost to RNG, the situation became very dangerous. FPX put a lot of pressure on it. You know, among the top ten teams, only LNG is currently experiencing a losing streak. FPX is on a winning streak. , maybe we will finally make it to the playoffs. I think at the beginning of the season, Doinb was still comforting LWX and cheering for LWX, but now it’s better and I have to cheer for myself.

Balsam pear is original, no reproduction will be investigated!

Yes, LNG’s performance was too poor. You know, if RNG hadn’t played scientific research in the second game, LNG would have been taken away without a seal. As for what scientific research RNG played in the second game, it was clear after seeing it, Xiao Ming’s Ice The support came. Anyway, Miller was dumbfounded at the time. He even said bluntly, is this the gameplay of Super Smash Bros. used in the game?

saw the hero Ashe , and I guess Rita had a deep impression on her. Fortunately, the hero Nanny is rarely seen in the competition nowadays.

Balsam pear is original, no reproduction will be investigated!

In fact, LNG really wants to win. After all, they have replaced Ah Le. For this new top order, LNG still hopes to achieve results, at least better than Ah Le, otherwise the substitution will be in vain. But maybe I was too nervous. It was also my first show. My performance was indeed unsatisfactory. I didn’t win any kills. RNG was too harsh. Is this helping Ale?

As for why the second player got the ice assist, RNG player Wei also said the reason after the game. It was mainly because the effect was pretty good during the training games. In addition, he also revealed an unexpected surprise to netizens. According to Wei, in fact, if the previous rhythm is not wrong, the ice assist can be effective. In other words, there is a high probability that you will see Xiaoming Hanbing assisting you in the future to continue scientific research.

In fact, Miller also bluntly said that Xiao Ming's Hanbing is proficient, and it must be very effective in training matches, and his ultimate move is very accurate. If the rhythm does not collapse, it might really have a miraculous effect.

Balsam pear is original, no reproduction will be investigated!

Anyway, Director Zhang is the most excited to see scientific research operations in the LPL professional arena. As a popular anchor of Huya LOL, everyone knows Zhang Jiawen’s name. You must know that the male gun in the middle is actually one of the scientific researches. In fact, the era of male guns in the middle is long gone, but for Director Zhang, the male gun is The gun is your own son and you must keep it steady. No matter how the version changes, the male gun mid laner is his signature.

Not to mention, Director Zhang is indeed worthy of his former Korean server king's strength. At least in the master level, Director Zhang's male mid laner still has two brushes.

Balsam pear is original, no reproduction will be investigated!

There is a lot of scientific research in LPL now, and I don’t know if Director Zhang can learn a few tricks from him. The male gun mid laner, I’m really tired of watching it.

I am a bitter melon, I bring salt for myself! (without oil)

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