Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a

2024/07/0211:22:33 game 1442

Everyone has a rebellious period when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was a rustic, I thought I was a dashing knight. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a member of the army of players. I came into contact with many people from different religions while playing Legend. When I almost impulsively dropped out of school because of a conflict with my family, they persuaded me to come back.

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

In an era when personal computers were not very popular, playing games in Internet cafes was definitely the most atmospheric place. I am a regular customer of a small, unremarkable Internet cafe near my school. Although it's fun to flirt with classmates at school, it's even more exciting to hack legends and explode all the equipment in an Internet cafe. Fortunately, my grades are good and the teacher doesn't catch students playing games after class, so I can enjoy myself freely.

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

As a novice at that time, I just insisted on leveling up every day. At that time, upgrading was all done by hand. I couldn't afford to hire a power leveler, so I just squatted in Centipede Cave every day. After learning the Light of Temptation, the speed of killing monsters has become much faster. In addition to buying medicine, the daily game is to fight monsters, but every time I successfully upgrade, I am very happy.

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

Most of the people in the Internet cafe are also playing Legends, and some lively people will exchange experiences with each other. The atmosphere is still very harmonious. I was shy and did not join, but I feel that they are all talents.

I am the happiest during the holidays. I don’t have any homework to worry about, and I happily roast pig every day. Unfortunately, my parents somehow found out about me going to the Internet cafe to play games, and this sounded the alarm for them. In their imagination, teenagers who go to Internet cafes will lose their minds. If they don't learn well, they will immediately fall into the abyss of degeneration!

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

Despite my strong protests, my parents locked me up at home and ordered me not to go out, not even to the small park. Can I agree? The atmosphere at home was tense throughout the winter vacation. When the Chinese New Year was about to come, my irritable father actually said that I was useless and wanted to cut off relations with me! In anger, I took advantage of them to go back to my hometown to visit relatives, and ran away from home with my piggy piggy bank! And left a note saying that he was going to his grandma’s house in the next city!

Actually, I secretly went to that Internet cafe. The most dangerous place is the safest place. The Legend official also launched a lot of activities during the New Year. I put everything behind me for the time being, and it was New Year's Eve. At that time, there were fewer people in the Internet cafe, and they all went home to celebrate the New Year. However, there are also many netizens who love legends who are still fighting hard.

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

On New Year’s Eve, I was not at home for the first time, and I didn’t know how my parents were doing. Although I had a few coins, I was too anxious to use them more, so I had bucket noodles and a small bottle of Coke for New Year’s Eve dinner! The elder brother next to me saw that I looked like a student, so he started talking to me. I decided to experience the legendary and classic team formation, and sent invitations to a few familiar faces in the Internet cafe to facilitate communication.

Everyone in the Internet cafe on New Year’s Eve was very enthusiastic and joined in one after another. We formed a three-person team, a five-person team, and even successfully formed a nine-person team. Mage, Taoist , and samurai cooperated tacitly. My level rose very quickly. Sure enough, teamwork is very important in the game!

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

After everyone got acquainted, someone paid for two bags of snacks and drinks to eat, and told each other about their situations. I couldn't help it anymore and confessed my story. In fact, I felt a little aggrieved. The more I talked about it later, the more excited I became, and I even said that I would not go to school anymore and would go out to explore! I was still thinking that I might as well go south and see the world!

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

I thought that these people in society would support me, but unexpectedly they became serious. Whether it was the bearded man leading the seat, the artistic young man with long hair, or the spiritual little girl who buried his head in love, they all started to persuade me. It was my first time to experience persuasion on a social level, and I heard a lot about worldly sentiments. A warm and cold story! In the end, I could hardly hold back my tears. Everyone has their own difficulties!

At dawn, my mother came to see me. She was crying and scolding me. I also blamed myself. My father had already driven to the next city! If he went down, he might call the police.Everyone in the Internet cafe persuaded me, and even the boss came to act as peacemaker. I finally reconciled with my mother. She promised that I could continue playing games as long as I completed my homework, and we went home to catch up on the New Year!

After all these years, I still feel lucky when I think back. After that holiday, I still went back to school and got on the right track without impulsively dropping out of school, so now I have many opportunities to choose! I must thank my friends who played Legend together! To this day, I still insist on playing this retro and pure online game. Now an old player like me has chosen "Legendary Dream", which has the best reputation. I was very surprised by the high explosion rate in the new gold-playing version. I formed a team passionately. Level up, hoping to get a magical outfit!

Everyone has their rebellious days when they are young. I used to particularly like to go against my parents. Although I was earthy and had no love, I thought I was a dashing chivalrous person. At that time, there was one of the most popular games called Legend, and I was also a  - DayDayNews

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