Foreword: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a girl who is brave enough to move forward, welcome to "Dragon Million Exploring the Original God". In this issue, we will share interesting news on the continent of Teyvat. Finally, there is a plot for Xin Yan

2024/07/0217:42:32 game 1392

Preface: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, a brave girl with a heart of courage. Welcome to "Dragon Million Exploring the Original God". In this issue, we will share interesting news on the continent of Teyvat.

finally has a plot for Xin Yan.

Foreword: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a girl who is brave enough to move forward, welcome to

A Genshin Impact player said, “Oh, I didn’t expect that and MiHoYo would actually start adding scenes to Xin Yan. This is the first time I’ve seen someone related to Xin Yan. "The plot, can Missang be unable to withstand the pressure from abroad?"

Games are just games, and we try to avoid worldly pride and prejudice. In the latest plot of Genshin Impact, Xin Yan makes a brilliant appearance. One thing to say, Xin Yan's facial features are very attractive. The only thing I want to complain about is her hairstyle. Of course, this is my personal aesthetic description and does not represent other people's. Another friendly reminder: It may be the first time for some players to see Xin Yan appear in the plot, but this is not Xin Yan’s first appearance. Xin Yan has also appeared in previous Yin Yang Liao activities.

MiHoYo secretly updated 8.65M

at 2 o'clock in the morning. Even for a major update like Genshin Impact version 2.8, MiHoYo did not let employees work overtime to update in the middle of the night, so that too many players poured in at the same time during the day, causing the game to crash. But at 2 a.m. on July 15th, when Long Wanwan entered the game, he discovered that MiHoYo had asked employees to work overtime and secretly updated 8.65M. What exactly happened? Let's take a look together.

Foreword: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a girl who is brave enough to move forward, welcome to

It turns out~ MiHoYo actually changed the posture of the mirror girl overnight! The mirror girl caught a cold at night, so she kept holding her stomach. Her original posture is as shown in the picture above. However, some Genshin Impact players do not respect Mirror Girl and make many indescribable screenshots.

Foreword: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a girl who is brave enough to move forward, welcome to

MiHoYo is very sensitive to this kind of thing, so it asked its employees to modify the posture of Mirror Girl overnight. The modified posture is as shown in the picture above. This speed amazed many players, and some said, "Wow~ Genshin Impact players are in pain again." "I lost an internet celebrity check-in point", some said "MiHoYo changes his posture faster than he makes money", some said "MiHoYo's consciousness is getting higher and higher" and so on. The above is the ins and outs of this matter, so if you have the picture, please save it quickly, because it will be out of print in the future.

Xumi's new animal - Mao Niu

Although Xumi is still several versions away from Xumi, the secrets of Xumi have been revealed. Some SF players even "sneaked" to Xumi in advance. Judging from previous revelations, many new animals have been added to Xumi, such as wild boars with mushrooms on their butts, rabbits, big red birds, etc. Next, Long Baanwan will bring you a "fresh" Sumeru animal - the hairy cow.

Foreword: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a girl who is brave enough to move forward, welcome to

Foreword: A gladiator who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a girl who is brave enough to move forward, welcome to

As shown in the picture above, this environmental creature has two horns on its head. Its body shape looks like a yak, but it also looks a bit like Ruotuo Dragon King. Could it be a descendant of Ruotuo Dragon King? Hahaha, just kidding. Because the whole body is covered with hair, it is temporarily called a hairy cow. Long Baiwan watched the video of the Mao Niu. It would keep chasing the travelers "top to bottom". The output was quite high, but it looked really cute. Here, Long Baiwan once again calls on MiHoYo to open the function of catching wild animals, which allows players to catch animals and raise them in the Chenge pot. I really want to catch a few cows and put them in the pot~~~.

Well, the above is the entire content of "Dragon Million Exploring Genshin Impact". After that, Long Million will continue to bring some cutting-edge news in Genshin Impact games. Interested travelers remember to pay attention.

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