This article is reproduced from Gong Zhonghao [Dafeng Life Exchange], pay attention to get more legendary game information, buoyancy, and gift packages. Dark Light Year Attack Speed ​​Edition is a retro legendary mobile game with the theme of Journey to the West. The game has cla

2024/07/0211:29:33 game 1356

This article is reproduced from Gong Zhonghao [Dafeng Life Exchange], pay attention to get more legendary game information, buoyancy, and gift packages.

Dark Light Year Attack Speed ​​Edition is a retro legendary mobile game with the theme of Journey to the West. The game has classic elements of Journey to the West such as Princess Iron Fan, Bull Demon King, and Banana Fan. Today the editor is going to introduce the Dark Light Year attack speed version of the strategy for Returning to the Clan with Ten Thousand Swords.

This article is reproduced from Gong Zhonghao [Dafeng Life Exchange], pay attention to get more legendary game information, buoyancy, and gift packages. Dark Light Year Attack Speed ​​Edition is a retro legendary mobile game with the theme of Journey to the West. The game has cla - DayDayNews

In the Dark Light Year Attack Speed ​​Legend game, go to the lower right corner of to synthesize - skills - magical skills, and you can see the synthesis page of the super magical skill Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect. It is an active release of burst range long-range attack skills. According to The damage is calculated as a percentage of the character's own attack power. The higher the attack, the higher the damage.

This article is reproduced from Gong Zhonghao [Dafeng Life Exchange], pay attention to get more legendary game information, buoyancy, and gift packages. Dark Light Year Attack Speed ​​Edition is a retro legendary mobile game with the theme of Journey to the West. The game has cla - DayDayNews

The super magical skill Wanjian Guizong can not only actively release skills, but also increase the player's own attack power bonus and health value bonus. The permanent increase of 20% attack power bonus and 20% health value bonus has been greatly increased. The player's attack power and health.

This article is reproduced from Gong Zhonghao [Dafeng Life Exchange], pay attention to get more legendary game information, buoyancy, and gift packages. Dark Light Year Attack Speed ​​Edition is a retro legendary mobile game with the theme of Journey to the West. The game has cla - DayDayNews

The synthesis of super magic skill Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan requires: Supreme Gems*20. Supreme Gems can be accumulated for 15 days every day, and two can be obtained in 27 days. They can also be obtained through the mall, weekend activities, mid-month activities, and end-of-month activities. , use talismans to exchange for server merging activities.

The above are all the strategies for Dark Light Year attack speed version Wanjian Guizong. See you in the next issue~

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