Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai

2024/06/3011:11:33 game 1670

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtain it, they need to do so outside the game.

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai - DayDayNews

So based on the current time, players can obviously get this Star Chaser. In addition, Zhao Yun 's hip-hop king has officially opened the voting for posters after the skin has been reworked. Marco Polo 's latest release of Breath of the Deep Sea can be said to be excellent in terms of sales. So, let’s take a brief look at it.

Star Chasing Music is open for redemption

Gongsunli's Star Chasing Star Yuan belongs to the Infinite Star Reward Official. At that time, the official provided a way to purchase tickets for the musical and then give them away. At this stage, the players who purchased tickets can already start redeeming tickets for Star Chase at the corresponding places.

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai - DayDayNews

If those players who are not eligible for redemption want to own this set of star yuan, they will have to wait for a while, because at that time the official clearly mentioned that this set of star yuan will be open to the public in the game. of. As a player, you only need to spend a small amount of points to get it. Because the official has made it clear that Star Chasing can only be purchased with coupons, and does not need to be obtained through gift packages.

Hip Hop King Poster Choose One

Zhao Yun’s Hip Hop King is being reworked. I believe many players should be aware of this. As for this skin, since it is a comprehensive rework of the brave upgrade epic, some official reworks of this skin will be made by players through voting. For this point, you can refer to all the previous reworks. Over-reworked upgraded skins.

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai - DayDayNews

So based on the latest online content, it can be concluded that the official is obviously voting accordingly for the poster of the hip-hop king's reworked skin. As for players, just like most previous voting for redo posters, they can choose one of the two options.

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai - DayDayNews

However, you need to pay attention here. If you like the poster presentation of option one, then you should consider accepting option two. Because the number of votes received by the two options at this stage, option two far exceeds option one. As for this type of voting, based on all the past experience, as long as the candidate is leading in the number of votes on the first day, it will continue to lead until the end. Option 1 has been eliminated in advance. The hip-hop king's redone poster will be presented in Plan 2.

The sales volume of Breath of the Deep Sea is very good

Judging from the current time, Marco Polo's Breath of the Deep Sea new skin has actually been on sale for one day. According to the sales statistics of this skin on the first day of its launch, it can be concluded that in terms of sales, , obviously has exceeded one million.

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai - DayDayNews

The reason why the skin sales are so good is actually very easy to give. Because the production of this skin is really good in all aspects. Although it cannot be said to be the top of the legendary quality, it is at least on the upper side. In this case, players who like Marco Polo a little bit will naturally not miss it. , especially when the skin is still limited.

Gongsunli was officially announced some time ago and released a set of new star elements called Zhuxingzhaile. I believe most players should be aware of this. As for this star element, it can be concluded from the release at that time that if players want to be the first to obtai - DayDayNews

Of course, the main reason is that this skin is the first legend of Marco Polo. In this case, for players who like Marco Polo, this skin is obviously an essential one to buy, especially For those who like Marco later on. Because currently, apart from the companion skin, only the Breath of the Deep Sea is available for Marco. In the end, after combining various factors, the sales volume of Marco's Breath of the Deep Sea will naturally not drop.


Gongsun Li’s Chasing the Stars. From the current point of view, it is obviously much cheaper to obtain the coupons than to obtain the musical, because the star yuan sold by the coupons, even if it is a complete set, under normal circumstances It only costs a few hundred points, but to get a musical, you need to spend several hundred dollars.Zhao Yun, the King of Hip Hop’s reworked poster, there is definitely no problem with option two. It’s only natural that Marco’s Breath of the Deep has good sales, because apart from other factors, Marco’s popularity is among the best among all heroes.

Ok, that’s all the content this time. Are you guys the first batch of players to get Gongsun Li’s Star Chasing Fun? Welcome to leave a message and comment.

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