At the same time, "World of Warcraft" designers Morgan Day and Tina Wang have also recently accepted interviews from many domestic media, including 17173, and answered many questions related to "Age of Dragons".

2024/07/0211:28:32 game 1431

[17173 special article, please indicate the source for reprinting]

Thanks to the invitation from Blizzard , 17173 recently participated in the ALPHA test experience of the new expansion pack "Age of Dragons" in " World of Warcraft ". At the same time, "World of Warcraft" designers Morgan Day and Tina Wang have also recently accepted interviews from many domestic media, including 17173, and answered many questions related to "Age of Dragons".

At the same time,

At the same time,

Summary of interviews with Morgan Day and Tina Wang


·The art of controlling a dragon is great, faster and cooler than traditional flying;

·The new profession of summoner performs powerfully in the dungeon;

· The power of the Black Dragon Legion will continue to be gifted Open in the tree;

·The 10.0 version of orange equipment no longer needs to be obtained by climbing the tower;

·The new map Dragon Islands is located between Northrend and the Eastern Kingdom;

·The Dragon Islands have a total of four areas, which will be arranged in a linear manner

will continue to provide support for controllers and add more features;

The following is the content of this interview (with some deletions and adjustments):

Issues related to new races and new professions

Q: Players are in high-intensity situations Frequent movement is required in the dungeon, and the charged attack of the new profession may be difficult to operate when you download the dungeon. What do you think about this?

Morgan Day: We feel that the Evoker should be a very powerful character in rice, because one of its characteristics is that it can cause relatively large burst damage in an instant. Sometimes we don't mean that it has to take a long time to charge up and cast spells. There are also some additional settings in our talent tree that can speed up the process of charging up.

Tina Wang: One of the characteristics of Dragon Hill is that it can glide. They can release some skills during gliding, which is their strongest point. In addition, some charging skills can cause more damage to targets the longer they are charged. So sometimes you may need to make trade-offs and choices, which is a very interesting point.

Q: In Dragon Hill’s skills and descriptions, it is difficult for us to see the black dragon’s abilities at present. Will the black dragon’s abilities be given to Long Hill in the future?

Morgan Day: Each legion corresponds to different specializations. For example, the specializations of destruction are more based on the power of the blue dragon and red dragon legions, and the specializations of protection are more , green dragon, and yellow dragon. Regarding the power of the Black Dragon Legion, we plan to put it into the talent tree in the future. Of course, we will also make some adjustments based on player feedback.

At the same time,

Q: The new flight system is very interesting, but some old mounts collected by many players in the past may no longer be useful here, so are there any other ways to give those old mounts new flying methods in the future?

Morgan Day: We have not yet made a final decision on unlocking traditional flight options. Because the dragon control technique we see now is not its final form. As our levels are unlocked, more skills will appear in our Dragon Control.

For example, in the talent tree of Dragon Control, we can unlock physical recovery and unlock more flying methods. After all content is unlocked, we will take another look at player feedback to see if you really want the return of traditional flying.

Tina Wang: In fact, what excites me the most is that the flying speed of the Dragon Control Technique is much faster than that of traditional flying mounts. For example, traditional epic flying mounts generally have a speed of 310, but if the dragon control skill is unlocked later, it can even reach 900. So flying over the Dragon Islands, using the dragon control technique is a fast and interesting way.

And in our continent of Dragon Islands, many Hearthstone setting points are located on high mountains, which makes it convenient for players to take off from the top of the mountain and quickly fly to where they want to go.

Content about Dragon Legion

Q: How many blue dragons like Sindragosa can be seen who died and were resurrected in version 10.0? Like sober Malygos ?

Morgan Day: The more exciting part of the Age of Dragons version is that we can go back to the memories of the classic version of "World of Warcraft", and we will see the return of many old friends. In fact, the returning Sindragosa is not said to have been resurrected, but an illusion of him. After all, it is a blue dragon, and it can retain its own memory.

Q: In terms of plot, Ysera has arrived in the Shadow Kingdom. I would like to ask who will lead the Green Dragon Army now, and will Ysera have a chance to return to Azeroth ~

Tina Wang: The current Green Dragon Legion does not have a real leader. As the story unfolds, we will learn more about the centaur , the Green Dragon Legion and the shadow elves.

Morgan Day: The Dragon Islands are divided into four areas. Each area is for a branch of our Dragon Legion. For example, in the second area, which is the plain area, there will be a lot of green dragon content. The third area will mainly talk about the blue dragon.

Regarding group content

Q: In version 9.0, players who only like group content will be forced to spend a lot of energy on non-group content to upgrade the equipment required for the group content. For example, the orange equipment required for the group version was placed in the climbing tower. Will the design of 10.0 still maintain this idea? Or is it more similar to the ancient times, such as TBC and WLK, where group players only need to focus on group gameplay and do not need to spend energy on other gameplays?

Morgan Day: In the Dragon Legion version, we have not designed a system to obtain orange equipment such as climbing towers and covenants, so players do not need to do these homework to enter the group as before.

Of course, when we design the group book, we still have to consider its appropriate item level, but this time we don’t need players to be forced to participate in other content in order to play the group book better.

Q: Version 9.25 added a destiny group version. Is it possible to continue to add this setting in future versions?

Morgan Day: The destiny team is an attempt we made in the fourth season of Shadowlands that may be a little outside the fixed thinking. It can be regarded as an attempt and preparation for some future features and future possibilities.

Q: Will a new affix design be added to the Great Secret Realm in 10.0?

Morgan Day: We will provide season affixes in the Age of Dragons. At the same time, we will also add or change, or even redesign some previous affixes . In fact, we also made such modifications in Shadow Kingdom, and we will continue to do so in the future.

Q: Bronze Dragon is back, so will Cave of Time open other interesting plot copies?

Morgan Day: We all know that when a bronze dragon is involved, there will usually be very interesting content. In the alpha test, we will see a brand new copy, which can take us to understand many stories about the Dragon Islands, and to answer what kind of force brought us to the Dragon Islands. In addition, we may encounter the forces of the Eternal Dragon. These are some interesting contents brought by the Bronze Dragon.

At the same time,

Dragon Islands exploration related

Q: Where is the Dragon Islands on the map?

Tina Wang: It is roughly an area between Northrend and the Eastern Kingdoms. If you have seen World of Warcraft Chronicles , the Dragon Islands are located on the map where there is a dragon icon.

Q: In 10.0, does our exploration process need to be carried out in a fixed order, or can we start the adventure from any area like 9.0?

Morgan Day: In the Dragon Islands, it is a relatively linear exploration process. There are 4 areas in total. After the exploration is completed, you will enter the final area and encounter new races.

Q: In the alpha test, I saw that the very iconic blue dragon buildings are very similar to the Nexus area in Wrath of the Lich King. Will there be rich iconic dragon areas in 10.0?

Tina Wang: In this land, we can see the different style areas presented by each branch of the Dragon Legion. For example, the blue dragon area you mentioned is more like magic hub , and the red dragon area is more like Awakening Beach. Indeed, some of the plants and color styles in this area are somewhat similar, but the types of plants are not the same as in Northrend.

At the same time,

In addition, we can also see many Titan-related buildings in Azeroth in the Dragon Islands. For example, in the CG promotional video, the stone statue lights up the beacon to summon the dragon to return. I hope that when you enter this area, you can pay attention to some small details inside. You will find a lot of ancient Titan machinery there, which also shows the relationship between Titans and dragons in some aspects. Our designers have put a lot of thought into it, and I hope you can take a look at it when the time comes.

Q: In terms of art design, in addition to mainly focusing on dragons and elements, what are the other sources of inspiration for 10.0?

Tina Wang: When we built the Dragon Islands, we put a lot of thought into it. Because this is an ancient area that no one has visited for a long time, its overall environment and the creatures that live in it need to be considered.

For example, there is the magma giant based on elemental elements. He has strong fire resistance and is a relatively strong opponent for the dragon people. There are also races that are rooted in the history of World of Warcraft but have not appeared for a long time, such as centaurs. They simply appeared when World of Warcraft was first released. Now, we can see centaurs with different shapes and cultures.

At the same time,

At the same time, players’ favorite Walrus Man will also appear. They originally existed in Northrend, but since Northrend's geographical location is far away from the Dragon Islands, and the walrus people can sail, it is reasonable for them to appear in the Dragon Islands.

At the same time,

Q: Will the official version 10.0 continue to provide support for controllers?

Morgan Day: We did make some auxiliary functions in Shadow Kingdom before, such as providing soft support for the controller. In this regard, we will continue to do more work and add more features.

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