The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you

2024/06/3022:04:32 game 1087

World of WarcraftTBC Classic Server's Sunwell Highlands is much more difficult than previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you will share the gold together. However, Dragon's Call has a gold group that is very powerful. A gold group has 8 substitutes, and they have the right to share the gold without entering the original CD. Is there such a good thing in the world?

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

This is what happened to the "Still Golden Group" of Dragon's Call. The group was lucky. After 3 hours of hard work, they overthrew Kil'jaeden and produced orange bows and physical flakes. The group sold a total of 35 With 6,000 gold, it stands to reason that the per capita should be allocated 14,240 gold, which is still considered a good income. However, something outrageous happened when the gold was finally divided. In fact, the average per capita was only 9,011 gold, which was 5,200 gold less.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

was devoured such a large amount of gold coins. Of course, the savage players in the group asked the group leader for an explanation. The reason given by the group leader shocked everyone. The group leader said that there were 8 substitute savages who all wanted to share the gold ( Basically no CD), and the group leader is paid 3 wages, which is 10 more people's wages, so 35 people share the money, and the group also has various subsidies for tanks and wet nurses, and more than 40,000 are divided among them. Gold, after this back and forth, the amount of gold allocated to each person changed from 14,000 to just over 9,000 gold, which was less than half of the amount.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

The group leader also thinks that it is normal to give such inexplicable and huge subsidies. He has done a lot of credit for the Orange Bow this time. I hope the players will not care about it. It is just that they did not explain the various subsidies clearly before starting the group.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

Xiaotan will analyze the gameplay of this gold group again. The group has a total of 25 CD-dying members, 14 of whom are regular members, and 11 of them are savages from outside, and the group leader’s tank treatment is basically Naturally, he is the third member of the group, and all kinds of subsidies are fully paid, and then each fixed group member is asked to recruit a trumpet into the group, without CD, and is known as a "substitute", so that the fixed group members earn another In this way, the group leader can get 4 wages, and ordinary fixed group members can get 2~2.5 wages, while the wild players can only swallow it and consider themselves unlucky.

At present, the normal gameplay of the TBC Classic Server gold group is to agree on the rules before starting the group, and only say after the game that there are such subsidies and other subsidies. All gold groups can be regarded as hairy groups. Players who have been hacked only need to fill in the report form "Team Fraud". The report can be successful.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

After this incident became popular, at least 2,000 players entered the guild YY to watch. The players were filled with indignation and condemned this unscrupulous gold group. They even thought that the leader was a new generation of Mao Renfeng.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

In fact, the group has long been famous, and there have been many incidents where 33 people and 38 people shared the gold. There are not a few players who have been cheated on the Dragon's Call server. This kind of operation is considered a routine operation in the group, but This time it was just exposed.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

Faced with the collective condemnation from players and melon-eating people, the leader did not know how to repent. Instead, he believed that his eating habits had been curbed a lot. In the past, when P2 drove to Phoenix, he would get 170,000 gold at a time. Speaking of this incident At that time, the proud expression of the group leader almost jumped off the screen.

The Sunwell Highlands in the TBC Classic Server of World of Warcraft is much more difficult than the previous copies. It is inevitable that there will be substitutions and other situations. Generally speaking, everyone can understand this situation. As long as you get the CD, you - DayDayNews

Well, I will share with you the story of this weird golden group in the Dragon Call server. Players must not swallow their anger if they encounter this situation. The first thing is to report it, and the second thing is to expose it. As long as everyone rises up to resist , there is no room for this kind of hairball to survive, right?

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