Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as "frequent upsets". Many "lower wins" results have repeatedly appeared, such as JDG losing to FPX and BLG losing. To TT, EDG unfortunately lost

2024/05/2615:22:33 game 1955

Preface: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered the fifth week of competition. It must be said that this summer split can be described as "frequent upsets". Many "underperforming" results have repeatedly appeared. For example, JDG lost to FPX, BLG They lost to TT and EDG unfortunately lost to OMG. These were unpredictable results before the game. Many teams seem to be weak, or their historical record is not impressive, or their core members failed to start, which led to them not being optimistic before the game. However, they performed brilliantly and completely shattered the doubts. These teams were also regarded by the LPL audience. They are called "pseudo-weak teams", and as of July 5, three pseudo-weak teams have been recognized by the LPL audience. Their records are 6-0, 3-3, and 3-4.

Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as

Three major pseudo-weak teams were born in the LPL Summer Split. They shattered the doubts about

. The first was 3-4 OMG. This team was not optimistic before the start of the Summer Split, but this team was very daring to play and dared to show off in the game. The new routines and playing style are very entertaining to watch. Their losses to RNG and JDG in this summer split were not crushed. They both won one round, and they also defeated LNG and EDG, both of which were "bottom defeating top" duels. Especially the victory over EDG on the 4th was the first time the team defeated EDG after 1,936 days. OMG's top, midfield and junglers are very good, and they have made progress again in the summer.

Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as

Hot-blooded team AL, its strength should not be underestimated

The second recognized pseudo-weak team is the AL with a current record of 3-3. This team is the previous RW. Although it is backed by AG Super League, it is in the LPL The presence is not very strong, but this team has a very distinctive feature, that is, although it is not strong on paper, it can always play upset games and is full of passion for the game. I believe everyone still remembers the AL monster before. In Ji Toujia's game, the players cheered and celebrated after the game. They felt like winning a small game was like winning the championship. This season AL not only defeated BLG, but also defeated V5 in a small round. After the game, the players were still extremely excited, which infected many LPL viewers. In addition, this team rarely performs poorly when the wind is against them. The players are almost always thinking about how to come back. This is also what makes them fans.

Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as

was not favored due to ROOKIE's absence, but V5 has not lost a single defeat.

As for the strongest pseudo-weak team this season, it has to be V5. Due to the absence of ROOKIE and the rotation of XLB and Karsa, everyone did not have much hope for V5 in the summer split at first, thinking that V5 would most likely be at the level of the semi-finals of the regular season. The unexpected result is that V5 not only did not fall behind, but also did not lose a game, and even defeated the powerful RNG.

Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as

Newcomer mid laner Xiao Xiu Shen’s performance is eye-catching. Regardless of the details of the operation or the overall situation, he seems to have the strength of the LPL first-line mid laner. When UZI was analyzing the Summer Split, he bluntly stated that he was optimistic about V5 getting tickets to the World Championship. In addition, there are many teams in the Summer Split that can always surprise everyone. It is difficult to predict the results of many games based on historical records alone. Some weak teams have improved. It's so fast. Now that I look at UZI, it has been completely fulfilled.

Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as

personal analysis summary

Before the start of the summer split, everyone mostly predicted the pattern of the summer split through the results of the spring split and the revelations of some anchors. For example, DOINB broke the news that the BLG training match had no solution. Everyone agreed that BLG would soar after BIN joined. As a result, BLG's record in the summer split was at the bottom, and it was likely to become the Four Dark Kings. Not to mention the World Championship seats, even getting a playoff seat became extremely difficult. However, teams such as OMG, AL, and V5, which were not optimistic at the beginning, performed brilliantly and became the "pseudo-weak teams" of the summer split, changing the pattern of the summer split. So here comes the final question, which team is the most surprising team in the summer split in the eyes of the viewers?

Foreword: The League of Legends LPL Summer Split has entered its fifth week. It has to be said that this summer split can be described as

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